Relationship Between Professional Development Expenditures and Student Achievement

Relationship Between Professional Development Expenditures and Student Achievement

Author: Elizabeth A. Dalton


Published: 2010

Total Pages: 140



This study was based on convergence of two educational theories: 1) that professional development improves teacher quality and instructional practices and therefore positively affects student achievement and 2) allocation of school resources positively affects student achievement. It is a common educational belief that professional development activities influence teacher quality through increased content knowledge and instructional skills. It is assumed that once teachers incorporate new teaching skills, students will be more engaged in learning, and student achievement will increase. Recent research on professional development effectiveness provided little empirical evidence of professional development effectiveness (Guskey & Yoon, 2009). This study extended professional development effectiveness and resource allocation theories to professional development expenditures and student achievement. The research question was: What is the relationship between professional development expenditures and student achievement? This study collected and analyzed professional development expenditures and student achievement data for 2007 for middle and high schools (N=426, N=1234 respectively) in Texas. A partial correlation, controlling for socioeconomic status and English proficiency, revealed that there is no relationship between professional development expenditures and 8th grade student achievement in language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science. High school results revealed small, but negative relationships between professional development expenditures and student achievement in English, mathematics, and science. Consequently, the study concluded that expenditures for professional development are not yielding positive returns in the student achievement domain.

A Longitudinal Study of the Relationship Between at Risk Student Achievement and Per Student Expenditure in Technology, Instructional Resources, and Professional Development

A Longitudinal Study of the Relationship Between at Risk Student Achievement and Per Student Expenditure in Technology, Instructional Resources, and Professional Development

Author: Leanne Dorhout


Published: 2011

Total Pages: 250



The purpose of this study was to determine if a relationship exists between expenditure for technology, instructional resource, and professional development and positively impacts at risk student achievement. The problem addressed was: Over three years, do variations in expenditures for technology, instructional resources, and curriculum and professional development relate to educational achievement for at risk students? Previous studies in the area of at risk student achievement and the relationship of technology have produced mixed results. The four research questions asked if per student technology, instructional resources, and curriculum and staff development expenditures relate to English Language Arts, mathematics, science, and social studies at risk student achievement as measured by state accountability test. The population studied was Texas public school districts with high schools serving grades 9–12 who had three years of at risk student data in the state's academic excellence indicator system (AEIS) reports for the 2007–2008, 2008–2009, and 2009–2010 school years. The units of analysis for the study were data aggregated at the district level. The percentage of at risk students passing the state-mandated standardized exit level, eleventh grade, tests for English Language Arts, mathematics, science, and social studies served as dependent variables. Independent variables consisted of per student expenditures for technology, instructional resources including media services and curriculum and professional development. A hierarchal regression model tested the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variables, while controlling for the percentage of White Non-Hispanic students. Results showed that for each subject area and year of the study, the hierarchical regression model showed no relationship between per student expenditure and at risk student achievement on the state mandated eleventh grade test. This led to the conclusion that when the percent of White Non-Hispanic students is controlled, there is no relationship between at risk student achievement and per student expenditure in the area of technology access, implementation, and instructional integration.

Transforming Professional Development Into Student Results

Transforming Professional Development Into Student Results

Author: Douglas B. Reeves

Publisher: ASCD

Published: 2010

Total Pages: 171

ISBN-13: 1416609490


If you're tired of professional development that takes up too much time and delivers too little, then you'll appreciate this guide to effective and sustainable practices that help educators make a measurable difference for their schools and their students.

Resource Allocation and Individual Student Achievement Over Time

Resource Allocation and Individual Student Achievement Over Time

Author: Celia Avant Drews


Published: 2007

Total Pages: 300



With increasing public school accountability and inevitable legislation in the future of the school finance system, educational productivity is of paramount concern in 2006 and beyond. This study of educational productivity adds to the field of research by examining the relationship between resource allocation in a school district and student performance. PURPOSE: This study examined the relationship between allocation of resources and individual student achievement as measured by state-mandated assessments over a four year period. Four research questions guided the inquiry: 1) What is the relationship between expenditures on district leadership and student achievement for K-12 public school districts in Texas as measured by the Reading and Mathematics Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) at grades 3, 4, 5, and 6 over four academic years, 2002-2003 through 2005-2006? 2) What is the relationship between expenditures on campus leadership and student achievement for K-12 public school districts in Texas as measured by the Reading and Mathematics TAKS at grades 3, 4, 5, and 6 over four academic years, 2002-2003 through 2005-2006? 3) What is the relationship between expenditures on instruction and student achievement for K-12 public school districts in Texas as measured by the Reading and Mathematics TAKS at grades 3, 4, 5, and 6 over four academic years, 2002-2003 through 2005-2006? 4) What is the relationship between expenditures on professional development and student achiement for K-12 public school districts in Texas as measured by the Reading and Mathematics TAKS at grades 3, 4, 5, and 6 over four academic years, 2002-2003 through 2005-2006? METHODS: Data from 8,120 students within 43 districts across the state of Texas who participated in TAKS math and reading in grades three, four, five, and six for school years 2002-2003 through 2005-2006 were used in the analyses. Data was obtained from each of the 43 participating districts. Financial data for school years 2002-2003 through 2005-2006 was obtained online from the Texas Education Agency (TEA). Descriptive statistics and One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were used to examine the relationships between expenditures and reading and math achievement. A multilevel growth model was calculated to explain the amount of variation at the campus or student level as well as the district level. FINDINGS: Results of this study support the mixed findings of previous research in that some expenditures impact achievement and some do not. By categorizing percent of a district budget expended on each fund area into low, median, and high, results revealed that there is a difference between how much districts spent for district leadership and both reading and math achievement over the time period of this study, 2002-2003 through 2005-2006. Results of the multilevel growth modeling revealed that students who were coded low socioeconomic status (SES) started lower for both math and reading achievement. Additionally, low SES students' scores for math and reading achievement actually declined three to five points for each year of the study. Expenditures on district leadership had no effect on reading or math achievement over the time of this study. Results for expenditures on campus leadership revealed that districts who spent more on campus leadership started slightly lower on reading achievement but there was no effect on growth over time. For math achievement, districts who spent more on campus leadership began 62 points higher, but declined about 48 points for each year of the study. In regard to expenditures on instruction, there was no effect for math achievement. However, for reading achievement, districts who spent more on instruction started slightly higher, but there was no effect over the time of the study. Districts who expended higher percentages of the budget on professional development had higher starting points for grade three TAKS reading. However, those same districts started slightly lower for grade three TAKS math. While expenditures examined in this study had some effect on student achievement, expenditures at the district level are too far removed to reveal the true effects on individual student achievement.

The Relationship Between Student Achievement and Professional Development

The Relationship Between Student Achievement and Professional Development

Author: Laura Hoefling


Published: 2015

Total Pages: 23



Professional development for educators is a yearly process that is created by districts in an effort to improve student achievement. This a comparative study that examines faculty member's opinions on the effectiveness of professional development and how that impacts student data. The study compares data of a northwestern school district between the years of 2009-2013 to analyze how student performance progressed while researched based professional development was being implemented. The findings of this study suggest that this Northwest Missouri school district is working to create high quality professional development that relates to School Improvement plans and helps both students and teachers be successful. Future research should focus on the impact of specific professional development and find what programs have the greatest impact on student learning and instructional strategies.

Exploring the Relationship Between Professional Development and Student Achievement

Exploring the Relationship Between Professional Development and Student Achievement

Author: Tamora LaShawn Jackson


Published: 2014

Total Pages:



Abstract The purpose of this research was to explore the relationship between professional development and student achievement by addressing three major standards of professional learning: content, process, and context. This study included 276 teachers from 28 middle schools. Data from this study was gathered using the Standards Assessment Inventory (SAI) survey instrument designed by the Southwest Educational Development Laboratory (SEDL) and publicly available achievement data from the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP), a criterion-referenced achievement test. The Standards Assessment Inventory (SAI) was used to examine teachers' perceptions of professional development at the school level. The overall purpose of this study was to collect, analyze, and use existing data to answer the following research question: Based on the National Staff Development Council (NSDC) professional learning standards, is there a positive correlation between teachers' perception of professional development at a school-based level and student achievement? The following sub-questions guided this research: (1) Is there a relationship between the "context" of school-level professional development based on the NSDC standards and student achievement in mathematics and reading/language, as measured by TCAP scores? (2) Is there a relationship between the "process" of school-level professional development based on the NSDC standards and student achievement in mathematics and reading/language, as measured by TCAP scores? (3) Is there a relationship between the "content" of school-level professional development based on the NSDC standards and student achievement in mathematics and reading/language, as measured by TCAP scores?Data for this research was analyzed using statistical computational methods. The results from the data analysis determined that there were several positive significant relationships between the National Staff Development Council standards of professional learning and student achievement.

Reallocating Resources

Reallocating Resources

Author: Allan Odden

Publisher: Corwin Press

Published: 2001

Total Pages: 124

ISBN-13: 9780761976530


Chapter 1, "Step 1: The Change Process," focuses on the change process and describes why and how schools engage in program restructuring and resource allocation. Chapter 2, "Step 2: Defining a New Educational Strategy," discusses decisions that must be made about the regular education program and how the various schools adopted, adapted or created curriculum and instructional strategies. Chapter 3, "Step 3: Organizing and Staffing the School to Support the New Educational Strategy," shows how core educational strategy decisions determine the cost structure of schools. It addresses such issues as student grouping, class size, planning and preparation time, and professional development. Chapter 4, "Step 4: Deciding How to Serve Students Who Need Extra Help," describes the resource requirements of choices for serving special needs students, including expensive new strategies funded through resource allocation. Chapter 5, "Step 5: Paying for the Changes," reviews the resource allocation strategies to pay for expensive new educational programs by such staff categories as regular classroom teachers, regular education specialists, remedial specialists, pupil support specialists, instructional aides, and other staff. Chapter 6, "Step 6: Effects of Resource Reallocation and District Roles to Support Such Change," examines how reallocation and restructuring strategies at two schools helped increase student achievement. (Contains 87 references.) (TEJ)