The development of electronic commerce and other applications on the Internet is held up by concerns about security. Cryptography - the science of codes and ciphers - will be a significant part of the solution, but one of the problems is enabling users to find out which cryptographic keys belong to whom.
With about 200,000 entries, StarBriefs Plus represents the most comprehensive and accurately validated collection of abbreviations, acronyms, contractions and symbols within astronomy, related space sciences and other related fields. As such, this invaluable reference source (and its companion volume, StarGuides Plus) should be on the reference shelf of every library, organization or individual with any interest in these areas. Besides astronomy and associated space sciences, related fields such as aeronautics, aeronomy, astronautics, atmospheric sciences, chemistry, communications, computer sciences, data processing, education, electronics, engineering, energetics, environment, geodesy, geophysics, information handling, management, mathematics, meteorology, optics, physics, remote sensing, and so on, are also covered when justified. Terms in common use and/or of general interest have also been included where appropriate.
With each passing day, more and more people depend on the Internet for more and more services. This makes Internet security more important than ever. This important guide provides the technical, managerial, and philosophical framework needed to understand and utilize Internet security.
Each volume separately titled: v. 1, Acronyms, initialisms & abbreviations dictionary; v. 2, New acronyms, initialisms & abbreviations (formerly issued independently as New acronyms and initialisms); v. 3, Reverse acronyms, initialisms & abbreviations dictionary (formerly issued independently as Reverse acronyms and initialisms dictionary).
Understanding an organization's reliance on information systems and how to mitigate the vulnerabilities of these systems can be an intimidating challenge--especially when considering less well-known weaknesses or even unknown vulnerabilities that have not yet been exploited. The authors introduce the Vulnerability Assessment and Mitigation methodology, a six-step process that uses a top-down approach to protect against future threats and system failures while mitigating current and past threats and weaknesses.