Selecting a college can be a daunting task. The sheer number of colleges and degree programs out there makes searching for the right program a time consuming activity. This guide will help you narrow your search by exploring undergraduate and graduate degree programs, minors, certificates, and online degrees at all of Rhode Island's regionally accredited colleges and universities. It includes a college by college listing of all study option, making it easy for you to find programs of interest. Busy professionals interested in furthering their education will also benefit from a wealth of online degree program listings. Many Rhode Island colleges and universities offer online degrees ranging from Bachelors to graduate degrees, in addition to a wide range of undergraduate and graduate certificates.
Beer and Circus presents a no-holds-barred examination of the troubled relationship between college sports and higher education from a leading authority on the subject. Murray Sperber turns common perceptions about big-time college athletics inside out. He shows, for instance, that contrary to popular belief the money coming in to universities from sports programs never makes it to academic departments and rarely even covers the expense of maintaining athletic programs. The bigger and more prominent the sports program, the more money it siphons away from academics. Sperber chronicles the growth of the university system, the development of undergraduate subcultures, and the rising importance of sports. He reveals television's ever more blatant corporate sponsorship conflicts and describes a peculiar phenomenon he calls the "Flutie Factor"--the surge in enrollments that always follows a school's appearance on national television, a response that has little to do with academic concerns. Sperber's profound re-evaluation of college sports comes straight out of today's headlines and opens our eyes to a generation of students caught in a web of greed and corruption, deprived of the education they deserve. Sperber presents a devastating critique, not only of higher education but of national culture and values. Beer and Circus is a must-read for all students and parents, educators and policy makers.
The new standard for public relations in CanadaThe most current coverage of social and new media strategiesPublic Relations in the Digital Age presents a clear, engaging, and contemporary picture of public relations principles while seamlessly integrating technical and cultural shifts. Examining classical foundations and the modern landscape, this Canadian edition approaches basic PR knowledge in a waythat reflects today's participatory communication environment.
The Foremost Authorities on Student Affairs Address Issues Facing The Field Today The Handbook of Student Affairs Administration is a comprehensive and thoughtful resource for the field, with expert insight on the issues facing student affairs. This fourth edition has been fully updated to reflect the most current and effective practices in student affairs administration. New chapters address persistence, retention, and completion; teaching and learning; working with athletics and recreation; leadership; purpose and civic engagement; spirituality; and fundraising. Emerging populations are discussed throughout, featuring specific advice for working with veterans and dual-enrolling high school students. New material includes the role of student affairs in study abroad programs, student use of technology and using social media to serve students, working with student athletes, and more. Professionals at all levels of student affairs administration need practical, timely, and applied information on the myriad issues that fall under the student affairs umbrella. This NASPA-sponsored guide collects the latest information, methods, and advice from the field's leading authorities to bring you up to date on the latest solutions and best practices. Learn about the dominant organization and administration models in student affairs Stay up to date on core competencies and professional development models Examine the latest literature, and consider both the newest and lasting issues facing student affairs Instructor resources available As both the student population and the college experience grow more diverse, student affairs professionals need to update their toolset to face the broader scope of the field and the new challenges that arise every day. The Handbook of Student Affairs Administration provides invaluable guidance to graduate students and professionals alike, and is the one resource you should not be without.