Katharina Grosse - Atoms Outside Eggs

Katharina Grosse - Atoms Outside Eggs

Author: Katharina Grosse

Publisher: Conran Octopus

Published: 2007

Total Pages: 136



Large scale colourful airbrush painting on flat and 3 dimensional surfaces. Includes an interview between the artist and curator, Painting on three dimensional supports.

Fiction in the Portuguese-speaking World

Fiction in the Portuguese-speaking World

Author: Charles M. Kelley


Published: 2000

Total Pages: 288



This collection of 14 essays provides a fascinating and wide-ranging survey of major writers of fiction from Portugal, Brazil and Lusophone Africa.

Branca dias: o martírio

Branca dias: o martírio


Publisher: Consultor


Total Pages: 118

ISBN-13: 8574340804


Arnaldo Niskier aborda o martírio de Branca Dias, transcendendo os limites da lenda ou da realidade, centrando-se no tempo e no modo de uma época em que predominava o fanatismo religioso.

Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Media Fandom

Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Media Fandom

Author: Dunn, Robert Andrew

Publisher: IGI Global

Published: 2020-05-08

Total Pages: 433

ISBN-13: 1799833259


Leisure time today is driven by fandom. Once viewed as a social pariah, the fan and associated fandom as a whole has transformed into a popularized social construct researchers are still attempting to understand. Popular culture in the modern era is defined and dominated by the fan, and the basis of fandom has established its own identity across several platforms of media. As some forms of fandom have remained constant, including sports and cinema, other structures of fandom are emerging as the mass following of video games and cosplay are becoming increasingly prominent. Fandom has been established as an important facet in today’s society, and necessary research is required for understanding how fandom is shaping society as a whole. Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Media Fandom is a pivotal reference source that provides vital research that reviews some of the most exigent facets of today’s fandom and highlights understudied cultures of fandom as well as emerging intricacies of established fandom. While promoting topics such as esports, influencer culture, and marketing trends, this publication explores both qualitative and quantitative approaches as well as the methods of social science and critical perspectives. This book is ideally designed for marketers, media strategists, brand managers, consumer behavior analysts, researchers, academics, and students.

A História dos Sapatos e Seu Significado na Moda: Uma Jornada Através do Tempo

A História dos Sapatos e Seu Significado na Moda: Uma Jornada Através do Tempo


Publisher: Max Editorial

Published: 2024-04-17

Total Pages: 53

ISBN-13: 1779712693


Os sapatos, muito mais do que simples protetores dos pés, representam uma fascinante jornada através da história da humanidade. Desde as primeiras peles amarradas como proteção até os designs inovadores e tecnológicos da atualidade, os calçados sempre estiveram presentes, moldando a moda, expressando a identidade e refletindo as mudanças sociais e culturais de cada época. Aprenda Muito Mais...