Before the Beginning and after the End: An Educational Journey to the Reality of God frames an enduring set of questions about Gods nature with the authors memoir of his undergraduate and graduate journey through studies in biology. By pairing his accounts of study and query, Floyd Ernest Bell Jr., PhD, presents a work that is both personal and universal. Despite the great deposit of wisdom that he encountered in numerous classes, the author continued to carry with him questions that reached out to touch the unknown. Readers of Before the Beginning and after the End may find themselves asking these same questions: Where does matter come from in the first place? Was there a beginning? If so, what happened the day before? How do finite minds comprehend infinity? All matter occupies space and has mass, but when an organism dies, no space or mass is lost. Thus life is not matter. So, what is life? Would it be defined as the spirit? What is the conscience? Did it emerge through evolution? Do nonhuman species have consciences? What is the DNA code for a conscience? Before the Beginning and after the End invites you to step out with the author and to share his educational journey leading to the reality of God. In the course of this exploration, you will find yourself confronted with the questions that push against the boundaries of knowledge and experience and lead to a life-changing encounter with the truth of God
The author, a computer science professor diagnosed with terminal cancer, explores his life, the lessons that he has learned, how he has worked to achieve his childhood dreams, and the effect of his diagnosis on him and his family.
person to prepare illustration copy at a pre-professional level-copy that is, however, often usable for routine purposes-and/or to communicate better with graphics spe cialists who will prepare the final illustrations. The skills necessary to take the final step of producing finished camera-ready illustrations are, unfortunately, based very much on actual hands-on experience and are thus beyond the ability of this or any other book to instill satisfactory competence in. Illustrations should also prove to be a highly useful reference work for professional illustrators. The wide variety of train ing and work experiences by which they have acquired their skills may not have provided full acquaintance with all of the exceptionally diverse kinds of information to be found here. There are, moreover, few disciplines whose practition ers cannot profit from an invigorating refresher course. After nearly seven years of work, then, I am pleased to put forward a book with many answers pertaining to the proper selection and preparation of informational illustrations. All such questions and their actual solutions, however, must re main up to you, the inquiring and attentive reader.