The Publishers' Trade List Annual
Published: 1979
Total Pages: 1790
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Published: 1979
Total Pages: 1790
DOWNLOAD EBOOKAuthor: Stewart Clegg
Publisher: Routledge
Published: 2017-10-02
Total Pages: 143
ISBN-13: 1317373510
DOWNLOAD EBOOKThere is no bigger challenge for organizational change management in the contemporary world than achieving greater sustainability. The challenges associated with sustainable development are multifaceted, including criteria pertaining to the delivery of environmental, social, ethical and economic results. Creating sustainable value requires companies to address issues that relate to pollution and waste, created by industrialization; to respond in a transparent manner to the challenges increasingly raised by the civil society, namely NGOs; to invest in emerging technologies that provide innovative solutions to many of today’s environmental problems; and to effectively respond to the challenges of increased poverty and inequality around the globe. On the other hand, to create shareholder value, managers must focus not only on cost reduction and risk control, but also on fostering innovation, enhancing corporate reputation within external stakeholders, and establishing a credible growth path for the future. The current global financial crisis has left few untouched: unprecedented unemployment figures, public deficits, bankruptcies, redundancies, austerity regimes, and governments bailing out banks all over the globe. World confidence is at a record low. How can management scholars encounter solutions for the dilemmas created by this scenario of change in which they can manage to change sustainably? This book provides some answers to these pressing questions. This book was originally published as a special issue of the Journal of Change Management.
Author: Anna Quindlen
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Published: 1998-08-25
Total Pages: 98
ISBN-13: 0345422783
DOWNLOAD EBOOKNATIONAL BESTSELLER • Anna Quindlen presents a “swift and compelling paean to the joys of books” (Booklist). “Like the columns she used to write for the New York Times, [How Reading Changed My Life] is tart, smart, full of quirky insights, lapidary, and a pleasure to read.”—Publishers Weekly “Reading has always been my home, my sustenance, my great invincible companion. . . . Yet of all the many things in which we recognize universal comfort—God, sex, food, family, friends—reading seems to be the one in which the comfort is most undersung, at least publicly, although it was really all I thought of, or felt, when I was eating up book after book, running away from home while sitting in a chair, traveling around the world and yet never leaving the room. . . . I read because I loved it more than any activity on earth.”—from How Reading Changed My Life
Author: George Bernard Shaw
Publisher: Good Press
Published: 2023-11-27
Total Pages: 4461
DOWNLOAD EBOOKThis carefully edited collection has been designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) was an Irish playwright, essayist, novelist and short story writer and wrote more than 60 plays. He is the only person to have been awarded both a Nobel Prize in Literature (1925) and an Academy Award (1938), for his contributions to literature and for his work on the film Pygmalion (an adaptation of his own play) Content: Novels: Cashel Byron's Profession An Unsocial Socialist Love Among The Artists The Irrational Knot Plays: Widowers' Houses The Philanderer Mrs. Warren's Profession The Man Of Destiny Arms And The Man Candida You Never Can Tell The Devil's Disciple Captain Brassbound's Conversion Caesar And Cleopatra The Gadfly or The Son of the Cardinal The Admirable Bashville Man And Superman John Bull's Other Island How He Lied To Her Husband Major Barbara Passion, Poison, And Petrifaction The Doctor's Dilemma The Interlude At The Playhouse Getting Married The Shewing-Up Of Blanco Posnet Press Cuttings Misalliance The Dark Lady Of The Sonnets Fanny's First Play Androcles And The Lion Overruled Pygmalion Great Catherine The Music Cure O'Flaherty, V. C. Macbeth Skit Glastonbury Skit The Inca Of Perusalem Augustus Does His Bit Skit For The Tiptaft Revue Annajanska, The Bolshevik Empress Heartbreak House Back To Methuselah War Indemnities What do Men of Letters Say? On Socialism The Miraculous Revenge Quintessence Of Ibsenism Basis of Socialism The Transition to Social Democracy The Impossibilities Of Anarchism The Perfect Wagnerite Letter to Beatrice Webb The New Theology Memories of Oscar Wilde The Revolutionist's Handbook And Pocket Companion Maxims For Revolutionists The New Theology How to Write A Popular Play Memories of Oscar Wilde George Bernard Shaw The Quintessence of Shaw Old and New Masters...
Author: Terry Sturm
Publisher: Auckland University Press
Published: 2013-11-01
Total Pages: 479
ISBN-13: 1775580164
DOWNLOAD EBOOKA critical biography of the popular 1920s novelist G. B. Lancaster (the pen name of Edith Lyttleton), this book tells the moving story of her life and work. Sturm paints a fascinating picture of the harsh experience of a woman writer in the first half of the 20th century whose economic circumstances shaped much of her output but who struggled nonetheless to move beyond the limits of potboilers toward more serious and original work.
Author: Roger Slee
Publisher: Routledge
Published: 2020-04-03
Total Pages: 252
ISBN-13: 1317957954
DOWNLOAD EBOOKBehaviour problems" in our schools occupy a considerable part of the education agenda and media attention. The major thrust of the literature has been on the provision of "new classroom management approaches". Too often these "packages" are inappropriate to the specific context of the school and its pupils. There are no "quick-fix" solutions. In this book, Slee proposes a critical re-examination of the school discipline issue. In doing so, he provides an overview of policy change; an examination of the major schools of thought on student discipline; a reconsideration of the context in which young people, teachers and schools now find themselves; and practical responses for addressing all levels of discipline policy making.
Author: Patrick Robertson
Publisher: Sterling Publishing (NY)
Published: 1980
Total Pages: 320
DOWNLOAD EBOOKAuthor: Patrick Robertson
Published: 1988
Total Pages: 256