Esta novela es una escuela del alma, porque desnuda la realidad humana desde su infancia hasta su vejez. La coloca frente al espejo de su consciencia y se examina por dentro y por fuera sin escrúpulos, ni prejuicios. Cada capítulo desafía al ser humano a observarse con más cuidado y atrevimiento hasta las fibras más internas de su ser. La historia envuelve un sinnúmero de personajes que se entrelazan a través del tiempo, formando un tejido de realidad que toca lo trascendente en medio del inevitable drama humano de cada carácter. La vida que acá se desarrolla, es una común y de naturaleza en principio provincial y campesina en su esencia, pero a través de los eventos que envuelven todas estas vidas entrelazadas entre sí, se llega a una dimensión universal en donde se identifican todos los caminos de vida. Esta novela es una escuela donde la calificación final queda en manos del lector, pues termina exponiendo su propia vida y queda en sus manos su conclusión. Es en verdad una novela fascinante y de extraordinaria picardía literal.
The Art of Living Consciously Is an Operating Manual for Our Basic Tool of Survival In The Art of Living Consciously, Dr. Nathaniel Branden, our foremost authority on self-esteem, takes us into new territory, exploring the actions of our minds when they are operating as our life and well-being require -- and also when they are not. No other book illuminates so clearly what true mindfulness means: * In the workplace * In the arena of romantic love * In child-rearing * In the pursuit of personal development Today we are exposed to an unprecedented amount of information and an unprecedented number of opinions about every conceivable aspect of life. We are thrown on our own resources as never before -- and we have nothing to protect us but the clarity of our thinking. In The Art of Living Consciously, Branden gives us the tools with which to draw out the best within us.
Make Bob Proctor YOUR personal mentor! The Art of Living presents transcripts from legendary business speaker and mentor Bob Proctor’s most popular workshop—Matrixx—and brings this wisdom to a wider audience. With this book, readers will become a student of Bob Proctor’s as he teaches lessons and presents jewels of wisdom on living an extraordinary life. Readers will marvel at Proctor’s miraculous way of disseminating his decades of business wisdom into easy-to-understand parables and learn lessons on what our creative faculties are and how to use them, why we need to unlearn most of the false beliefs we’ve been indoctrinated with our whole lives, and how our intellects have the ability not only to put us ahead in life, but also to be our biggest detriment. Among many other invaluable lessons contained herein, as a new student of Bob’s, readers will learn: -How to obtain whatever it is that’s desired in life -How to erase negative thought patterns and retrain the brain for success -How to arrange work for maximum effectiveness
This wide ranging and challenging book explores the relationship between subjectivity and mortality as it is understood by a number of twentieth-century French philosophers including Sartre, Lacan, Levinas and Derrida. Making intricate and sometimes unexpected connections, Christina Howells draws together the work of prominent thinkers from the fields of phenomenology and existentialism, religious thought, psychoanalysis, and deconstruction, focussing in particular on the relations between body and soul, love and death, desire and passion. From Aristotle through to contemporary analytic philosophy and neuroscience the relationship between mind and body (psyche and soma, consciousness and brain) has been persistently recalcitrant to analysis, and emotion (or passion) is the locus where the explanatory gap is most keenly identified. This problematic forms the broad backdrop to the work’s primary focus on contemporary French philosophy and its attempts to understand the intimate relationship between subjectivity and mortality, in the light not only of the ‘death’ of the classical subject but also of the very real frailty of the subject as it lives on, finite, desiring, embodied, open to alterity and always incomplete. Ultimately Howells identifies this vulnerability and finitude as the paradoxical strength of the mortal subject and as what permits its transcendence. Subtle, beautifully written, and cogently argued, this book will be invaluable for students and scholars interested in contemporary theories of subjectivity, as well as for readers intrigued by the perennial connections between love and death.
What does it mean to live dangerously? This is not just a philosophical question or an ethical call to reflect upon our own individual recklessness. It is a deeply political issue, fundamental to the new doctrine of ‘resilience’ that is becoming a key term of art for governing planetary life in the 21st Century. No longer should we think in terms of evading the possibility of traumatic experiences. Catastrophic events, we are told, are not just inevitable but learning experiences from which we have to grow and prosper, collectively and individually. Vulnerability to threat, injury and loss has to be accepted as a reality of human existence. In this original and compelling text, Brad Evans and Julian Reid explore the political and philosophical stakes of the resilience turn in security and governmental thinking. Resilience, they argue, is a neo-liberal deceit that works by disempowering endangered populations of autonomous agency. Its consequences represent a profound assault on the human subject whose meaning and sole purpose is reduced to survivability. Not only does this reveal the nihilistic qualities of a liberal project that is coming to terms with its political demise. All life now enters into lasting crises that are catastrophic unto the end.
Humanidad, es tiempo de reflexionar, nadie en este planeta sera eterno, ayudemonos unos a otros, hay que evitar el calentamiento global, el tratado de Kioto, hasta el 2020, sera demaciado tarde, en este libro doy varias opciones de como se lograria, pero, debe ser resultado de una causa, no actuar por un efecto, el egoismo del hombre para con el mismo hombre, porque si pensaran en realidad en los principios de la vida, las dimensiones de los atomos, y por alguna razon, miles de millones de ellos estan ordenados sabiamente, para crear cada parte de nuestro cuerpo, y un cerebro que nos permite pensar en cada cosa que querramos pensar, nadie se detiene a pensar, todas las condiciones que nos rodean en este planeta para que exista vida, no es al azar, si las galaxias estan separadas medidas por la velocidad de la luz, tampoco es al azar, no dejemos el futuro al azar...hay que actuar...!
El Arte de Resurgir te ayudará a convertir los fracasos en victorias, resurgir exitosamente en los negocios, resurgir de relaciones fracasadas y crear nuevas relaciones armoniosas, recuperarte de enfermedades, y convertir una vida trágica en una vida mágica. Este libro cambiará tu vida; en el encontrarás la inspiración para emprender el proceso de transformación personal que te llevará a vivir con plenitud y a conquistar tus más remotos sueños. Si alguna vez te has encontrado en el callejón del fracaso y crees que nunca encontrarás la salida, aquí verás que esto es sólo temporal y que puedes aprender a convertir los malos tiempos en mejores y los fracasos en triunfos. Este libro te guiará para encontrar la salida. Lo importante es reprogramar tu mente para darle la bienvenida a los errores y aceptarlos como tus mentores, aprendiendo de ellos y utilizándolos de trampolín para saltar hacia el éxito en todos los aspectos de tu vida. Tú tienes el poder de cambiar tu vida en el momento que tú quieras. Toma control de tu vida, tomando el control de tus pensamientos. Estás en el momento propicio, toma la decisión de lanzarte a la aventura maravillosa de abrir nuevos horizontes y encontrar ¡la verdadera felicidad!
This book studies picaresque narratives from 1690 to 2013, examining how this literary form serves as a reflection on the material conditions necessary for writing literature in Mexico. In The Picaresque and the Writing Life in Mexico, Jorge Téllez argues that Mexican writers have drawn on the picaresque as a device for pondering what they regard as the perils of intellectual and creative labor. Surveying ten narratives from 1690 to 2013, Téllez shows how, by and large, all of them are iterations of the same basic structure: pícaro meets writer; pícaro tells life story; writer eagerly writes it down. This written mediation (sometimes fictional but other times completely factual) is presented as part of a transaction in which it is rarely clear who is exploiting whom. Highlighting this ambiguity, Téllez’s study brings into focus the role that the picaresque has played in the presentation of writers as disenfranchised and vulnerable subjects. But as Téllez demonstrates, these narratives embody a discourse of precarity that goes beyond pícaros, and applies to all subjects who engage in the production and circulation of literature. In this way, Téllez shows that the literary form of the picaresque is, above all, a reflection on the value of literature, as well as on the place and role of writing in Mexican society more broadly. The Picaresque and the Writing Life in Mexico is a unique work that suggests new paths for studying the reiteration of literary forms across centuries. Looking at the picaresque in particular, Téllez offers a new interpretation of this genre within its national context and suggests ways in which this genre remains relevant for reflecting on literature in contemporary society. It will be of interest to students and scholars of Latin American studies, Mexican cultures and literatures, and comparative literature.