Telehealth Nursing Practice Essentials is a comprehensive resource that details the necessary information for safe, competent practice of telehealth nursing. It includes a culmination of topics essential for nurses new to telehealth practice, experienced in telehealth and for those interested in expanding their knowledge base. Key information is presented including the nursing process, focus, roles, legal, communication, customer service, technology, clinical decision tools, documentation and clinical information for the nurse to have an-depth understanding of the telehealth nursing scope of practice. This text book is ideal for understanding practice issues related to telehealth nursing and developing the skills necessary for successful telehealth practice. You can also use the Telehealth Nursing Practice Essentials to prepare for the ambulatory care nursing certification exam, which has been enhanced with telehealth content.
A timely, practical, and concise resource for advanced practice registered nursing (APRN) students, faculty, and providers, Telehealth Essentials for Advanced Practice Nursing provides readers with an understanding of and tools to embrace the emerging field of telehealth and optimize its application in clinical practice. Telehealth offers a unique solution to many health-care challenges, such as provider shortages, chronic disease management, an aging population, protection from infectious disease, and limited access to care. As telehealth is being incorporated into health care and health care delivery at an ever-increasing rate, APRNs that can navigate the telehealth arena are uniquely positioned to serve as leaders in the health care of the future. Using Telehealth Essentials for Advanced Practice Nursing, readers will learn how to utilize telehealth to provide new and innovative methods of care. Authors Patty A. Schweickert and Carolyn M. Rutledge present a multi-modal approach to telehealth education that layers telehealth onto nurses’ existing knowledge of nursing practice. The text begins with the history and basics of telehealth before moving on to critical content that a provider must understand to maximize its use in the health care arena, covering topics including: Technology used in the early response to infectious diseases such as COVID-19 The process of integrating telehealth in practice Laws, policies, and regulations governing telehealth practice Barriers to implementation and strategies for overcoming them Telehealth etiquette and ethics Using telehealth for effective interprofessional collaboration Each chapter includes group exercises, prompts for reflection, questions for discussion, and case studies. Included with the text are online supplemental materials for faculty use in the classroom. With Telehealth Essentials for Advanced Practice Nursing, APRN students, faculty, and practicing providers will learn to advocate for telehealth implementation, establish telehealth programs, and utilize telehealth to overcome barriers to care in order to optimize access and quality of care.
A timely, practical, and concise resource for advanced practice registered nursing (APRN) students, faculty, and providers, Telehealth Essentials for Advanced Practice Nursing provides readers with an understanding of and tools to embrace the emerging field of telehealth and optimize its application in clinical practice. Telehealth offers a unique solution to many health-care challenges, such as provider shortages, chronic disease management, an aging population, protection from infectious disease, and limited access to care. As telehealth is being incorporated into health care and health care delivery at an ever-increasing rate, APRNs that can navigate the telehealth arena are uniquely positioned to serve as leaders in the health care of the future. Using Telehealth Essentials for Advanced Practice Nursing, readers will learn how to utilize telehealth to provide new and innovative methods of care. Authors Patty A. Schweickert and Carolyn M. Rutledge present a multi-modal approach to telehealth education that layers telehealth onto nurses' existing knowledge of nursing practice. The text begins with the history and basics of telehealth before moving on to critical content that a provider must understand to maximize its use in the health care arena, covering topics including: Technology used in the early response to infectious diseases such as COVID-19 The process of integrating telehealth in practice Laws, policies, and regulations governing telehealth practice Barriers to implementation and strategies for overcoming them Telehealth etiquette and ethics Using telehealth for effective interprofessional collaboration Each chapter includes group exercises, prompts for reflection, questions for discussion, and case studies. Instructors in educational settings can visit for an instructor's manual and guide to telehealth resources. With Telehealth Essentials for Advanced Practice Nursing, APRN students, faculty, and practicing providers will learn to advocate for telehealth implementation, establish telehealth programs, and utilize telehealth to overcome barriers to care in order to optimize access and quality of care.
A timely, practical, and concise resource for advanced practice registered nursing (APRN) students, faculty, and providers, Telehealth Essentials for Advanced Practice Nursing provides readers with an understanding of and tools to embrace the emerging field of telehealth and optimize its application in clinical practice.
Essentials of Nursing Practice introduces the core topics and essential information that nursing students, in all four fields, will need to master during the first year of a nursing degree. It expertly brings together insight from over fifty experienced lecturers, nurses and healthcare professionals, along with contributions from student nurses, to deliver the most complete guide to successfully becoming a registered nurse. Key features: A clear, full-colour, effective learning design aimed to help students understand the core theory, skills and knowledge, and how this can be applied in practice through holistic, person-centred nursing. Covers professional issues such as ethics, law, accountability, core academic skills like writing and completing assignments, and fundamental clinical skills such as pain management and medicines administration. Includes interactive activities such as critical thinking, reflection and ‘what’s the evidence’ boxes. Real-life ‘voices’ and experiences from patients, students and practitioners are integrated throughout. Addresses the transition to the new NMC Standards of Proficiency with a new tool developed for educators mapping the content of the book to both the existing and new standards. Readers get free 24/7 access to videos, case studies, journal articles, quizzes and multiple choice questions at the click of a button, by downloading the interactive eBook version of the text. (Redemption code and instructions inside the book)
This is the first book to explore this emergent role of the nursing profession. It examines the unique legal, regulatory and professional issues this neoteric mode of nursing practice presents. Telenursing as a subset of telehealth is defined and a review of its history, present status, and future in the U.S. health care system is discussed. Concomitant legal accountability and risk for malpractice liability are examined. Risk management strategies and survival tactics in the event of a lawsuit are presented—particularly the legal significance of, and essential need for, defensive nursing documentation. A brief overview of malpractice law is provided and the essentials of requisite malpractice insurance for the telenurse practitioner are outlined. The book also addresses a number of other professional, regulatory, and licensure issues, particularly the contentious issue of multistate licensing and the various models to facilitate it that are being offered, and rejected, by nursing organizations and associations. The anticipated changes in our health care delivery system that will be engendered by breakthroughs in science and technology are described. The implications of such changes for patients as consumers of health care are analyzed—particularly the privacy and confidentiality of electronic medical records.
The newly revised Third Edition of The Doctor of Nursing Practice Essentials: A New Model for Advanced Practice Nursing is the first text of its kind and is modeled after the eight DNP Essentials as outlined by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). Important Notice: the digital edition of this book is missing some of the images or content found in the physical edition.
Written by experts from around the globe (USA, Europe, Australia and Asia) this book explains technical issues, digital information processing and collective experiences from practitioners in different parts of the world practicing a wide range of telenursing applications including telenursing research by professionals in the field. This book lays the foundations for the globalisation of telenursing procedures, making it possible to know that a nursing service could perform on a patient anywhere in the world.
Advanced Practice Nursing: Essential Knowledge for the Profession, Fifth Edition is a core advanced practice text used in both Master's Level and DNP programs. Along with original chapters, this bestselling text is a thoughtfully crafted compilation of existing chapters from a variety of advanced practice nursing textbooks from Jones & Bartlett Learning. The strength of this approach is that each chapter was written by experts in each of the content areas, creating a comprehensive and well-rounded resource for the advanced practice nursing student. The Fifth Edition is framed around the new Domains from the AACN Essentials for advanced practice education as well as the Essentials for Doctoral Education featuring the most up-to-date content on each set of Essentials. Thoroughly updated, the authors address current and emerging trends, including emergency preparedness, financing health care, the impact of big data on healthcare outcomes, ethical leadership, and more timely topics.
Including all of the information necessary for safe, competent practice, this is a practical, hands-on educational and training resource for nurses working in telephonic health care settings. It delivers the requisite tools and instruction for optimizing patient communication, performing assessments, and providing effective care of chronic conditions. Moving step-by-step from simple to complex information, the resource de-mystifies the process of telephonic nursing care and describes numerous tools such as learning outcomes, algorithms, exercises to reinforce learning, case studies, and critical thinking questions that help readers develop and hone telehealth nursing skills. The text instructs nurses on how to actively listen to the patient "between the lines" in the absence of an in-person examination and discern the right questions to ask and tone to adopt. Chapters provide enhanced communication techniques to perform comprehensive health assessments with only the sense of hearing and resources available through the telephone. Clinical pearls are scattered throughout the text from those who have been “in the trenches” and cared for a wide variety of patients using the telehealth nursing techniques illustrated in this book. Key Features: Helps nurses understand the keys to successful telehealth nursing Teaches enhanced, specialized communication techniques including "active listening" Guides nurses in assessing patients using only sense of hearing/active listening Includes case studies, algorithms, patient teaching resources and more Reviews body systems and disease processes with application exercises