Présente par ordre chronologique des portraits de 9 théologiens originaires d'Afrique : V. Mulago, E. Mveng, T. Tshibangu, A. Ngindu Mushete, S. Semporé, O. Bimwenyi, etc. Avec pour chaque auteur une biographie, une bibliographie sélective et une analyse des grands thèmes de leur oeuvre.
The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to African Religions brings together a team of international scholars to create a single-volume resource on the religious beliefs and practices of the peoples in Africa. Offers broad coverage of issues relating to African religions, considering experiences in indigenous, Christian, and Islamic traditions across the continent Contributors are from a variety of fields, ensuring the volume offers multidisciplinary perspectives Explores methodological approaches to religion from anthropological, philosophical, and historical perspectives Provides insights into the historical developments in African religions, as well as contemporary issues such as the development of African-initiated churches, neo traditional religions, and Pentecostalism Discusses important topics at the intersection of culture and religion in Africa, including the arts, health, politics, globalization, gender relations, and the economy
The Holy Spirit provides access to relationship with and reflection on the Triune God. In West Africa, Christians approach the Triune God in a way that challenges the Jewish-Christian memory. Deeply rooted in their ancestral memory, where living is relationality, they embrace the Trinitarian faith, the economy of the relational God-Christ-Spirit, by expanding and reinventing their indigenous experience of God, deities, spirits, and ancestors. Christian faith-practice is marked by the spectacular dominance of the Holy Spirit, whose charisms reflect the operations of deities. African Initiated Churches (AICs), Protestant and Catholic charismatic movements, experience God-Spirit's liberating and healing hand for the enhancement and realization of communal and individual destiny (what one expects from a concerned providential deity). This book argues that the emergent West African Trinitarian imagination is in harmony with Hebrew insight into the One and Only Yahweh of the patriarchs that assumed the dimensions of Elohim, God--experienced as a sound of sheer silence by Elijah, and proposed in utter weakness as the Only God by Deutero-Isaiah--the God that Jesus called Abba, Father. As Spirit and Life, the Holy Spirit, which is the source of all charisms (Origen), is our link to the Trinity.
Top-notch biblical scholars from around the world and from various Christian traditions offer a fulsome yet readable introduction to the Bible and its interpretation. The book concisely introduces the Old and New Testaments and related topics and examines a wide variety of historical and contemporary interpretive approaches, including African, African-American, Asian, and Latino streams. Contributors include N. T. Wright, M. Daniel Carroll R., Stephen Fowl, Joel Green, Michael Holmes, Edith Humphrey, Christopher Rowland, and K. K. Yeo, among others. Questions for reflection and discussion, an annotated bibliography, and a glossary are included.
Analecta Bruxellensia has been since 1996 the annual review of the Protestant Faculties of Theology and Religious Studies (FUTP (French) and FPTR (Dutch)) in Brussels. Analecta 21 is a varied number. Three themes are developed covering exegetical, historical, sociological, theological and philosophical fields. The first explores hermeneutics related to the understanding and assimilation of the biblical text; the second addresses the weight of ideology in the construction of narratives invoked in the representation of the Other; the third pursues this theme of encounter and otherness in various historical perspectives. From a queer exegesis of the narrative of Acts 8 to the question of the extent of Christ's salvation in the hypothesis of inhabited worlds in science fiction literature, the eclecticism of these academic contributions, as well as their relevance to contemporary debates, promise the reader multiple changes of scenery and genuinely new thinking. This issue also includes a previously unpublished contribution by Paul Ricur, a restitution of a three-speaker conference given in January 2000 on the theme of justice between ethics and law.
"Les contributions rassemblées dans ce volume, en mémoire au père jésuite Ludwig Bertsch (1929-2006), font le point sur quelques défis actuels de la théologie africaine. Ludwig Bertsch s. j. était un grand ami du Congo, pays qu’il a visité plusieurs fois. Il y a assuré des cours et a participé aux colloques scientifiques qui y ont été organisés. Pendant de longues années, il a été membre du Conseil administratif des Facultés catholiques de Kinshasa, aujourd’hui Université Catholique du Congo. Au sein de la communauté ecclésiale vivante de base Boyambi (paroisse Notre-Dame de Lingwala à Kinshasa), il a pu vivre de l’intérieur les retombées pratiques des initiatives pastorales déployées dans le diocèse de Kinshasa. Cette expérience sur le terrain lui a permis de publier en 1990 un ouvrage remarqué sur les dirigeants laïcs de communautés. L’expérience qu’il a poursuivie au gré de ses voyages et de ses nombreux contacts avec les agents pastoraux et les théologiens a nourri ses contributions scientifiques sur les communautés ecclésiales vivantes de base, les ministères laïcs, la liturgie et les tâches pastorales d’une Église congolaise authentique et inculturée, œuvrant dans une société en crise. Les contributions rassemblées dans ces Mélanges mettent en évidence le dynamisme de l’Église congolaise dont le père L. Bertsch se sentait un membre actif. En rapport avec sa riche personnalité, cet ouvrage présente des perspectives nouvelles qui éclairent l’articulation entre foi et culture dans la recherche d’une théologie en contexte africain."--Quatrième de couverture