Published in collaboration with the ONS, this Study Guide is a must-have for those who are taking the certification exam. The chapters parallel those presented in the Core Curriculum for Oncology Nursing, 4e. The number of questions in each chapter will correspond with the percentage of questions on that particular topic included in the certification exam. Answers and rationales for correct and incorrect responses are listed at the end of each chapter. The book also includes an updated bibliography for each subject.
Published in collaboration with the ONS, this text is the definitive source for concepts and practices in oncology nursing and can be used for orientation of nurses to oncology, inservice and continuing education programs for practicing nurses, a basis for curriculum development in graduate programs, and as a review tool for certification. Based on the blueprint of the certification examination by the ONCC (Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation), the book is in outline format to help readers focus on the most important information. Instructor resources available; contact your sales representative for details. Covers the entire scope of the specialty ensuring comprehensive coverage Outline format helps the reader focus on the most important information Effective guide for teaching and learning for in-service, continuing education, and academic programs Powerful study tool for the ONCC certification exam Tables and figures illustrate complex concepts * Entirely revised, updated, and expanded to reflect the current state of oncology nursing practice. * Expanded pain management content. * New content on nonpharmacologic interventions (e.g. heat massage, imagery). * New content on alternative therapies.
***Includes Practice Test Questions*** OCN Exam Secrets helps you ace the ONCC Oncology Certified Nurse Exam, without weeks and months of endless studying. Our comprehensive OCN Exam Secrets study guide is written by our exam experts, who painstakingly researched every topic and concept that you need to know to ace your test. Our original research reveals specific weaknesses that you can exploit to increase your exam score more than you've ever imagined. OCN Exam Secrets includes: The 5 Secret Keys to ONCC Exam Success: Time is Your Greatest Enemy, Guessing is Not Guesswork, Practice Smarter, Not Harder, Prepare, Don't Procrastinate, Test Yourself; A comprehensive General Strategy review including: Make Predictions, Answer the Question, Benchmark, Valid Information, Avoid Fact Traps, Milk the Question, The Trap of Familiarity, Eliminate Answers, Tough Questions, Brainstorm, Read Carefully, Face Value, Prefixes, Hedge Phrases, Switchback Words, New Information, Time Management, Contextual Clues, Don't Panic, Pace Yourself, Answer Selection, Check Your Work, Beware of Directly Quoted Answers, Slang, Extreme Statements, Answer Choice Families; Comprehensive sections including: Growth and Development, Family Systems Theory, Nursing Assessment and Intervention in Children, Psychosocial Dimensions of Care, Psychosocial Adaptation, Spiritual Beliefs/Rituals, Social Relationships, Parenting, Cultural Diversity, Common Fears and Coping Strategies, Hospitalization, Epidemiology, Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL), Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia (JMML), Pathophysiology of Leukemia, Hematologic Changes, Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, CNS Tumors, Neuroblastoma, Renal Tumors, Carcinogenesis, Chemotherapy, Biotherapy & Gene Therapy, Radiation Therapy, Surgery, Supportive Care Measures, Clinical Trials in Pediatric Oncology, Informed Consent, Treatment Protocols, Hodgkin Disease (HD), Retinoblastoma, Symptom Management, and much more...
Prepare for your OCN® Exam with the only study guide endorsed by ONS! Based on the latest test blueprint for the OCN Exam, this is the only question-and-answer review developed in collaboration with the Oncology Nursing Society. Practice questions match the format and makeup of the OCN Exam and reflect important changes in cancer treatment and nursing care. A companion to Core Curriculum for Oncology Nursing, 6th Edition, this definitive resource maximizes your study and review for OCN certification. UNIQUE! The only Q&A review book developed in collaboration with and endorsed by the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS), the parent company of the Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation (ONCC), which administers the OCN Examination. UNIQUE! In-depth review matches the ONS Core Curriculum for Oncology Nursing and reflects the full continuum of cancer care, the scientific basis for practice, palliation of symptoms, oncologic emergencies, and professional performance. UNIQUE! Questions keyed to QSEN (Quality and Safety Education for Nurses) competencies focus on reducing errors and increasing patient safety. Expert contributors include authors who developed the ONS Core Curriculum for Oncology Nursing, other cancer experts, and other practicing oncology nurses. Answer Key includes detailed rationales for correct and incorrect responses. NEW! UPDATED content matches the latest OCN® Examination test blueprint and The Core Curriculum for Oncology Nursing, 6th Edition. UPDATED coverage of cancer treatment and related nursing care includes all important changes, preparing you for the OCN® Exam and for expert clinical practice. UPDATED coverage of the latest research evidence.
Prepare for success on the OCN® Exam with the definitive Q&A review from the Oncology Nursing Society! Based on the latest test blueprint for the OCN® Exam, this study guide is the only question-and-answer review developed in collaboration with the Oncology Nursing Society. Chapters correspond to the chapters in the Core Curriculum for Oncology Nursing, 7th Edition, and practice questions match the format and Test Plan for the OCN® Exam. Detailed rationales are provided for both correct and incorrect answers, reinforcing your understanding of oncology nursing. A new companion Evolve website includes all of the Study Guide content in a fully interactive quizzing engine that simulates an actual OCN® Exam in either Study Mode (with immediate question feedback) or Exam Mode (with feedback only at the end of the simulated exam). Choose the definitive Q&A study resource for OCN® certification! UNIQUE! The only Q&A review book developed in collaboration with and endorsed by the Oncology Nursing Society. UNIQUE! In-depth Q&A review reflects the latest OCN® Test Plan and essential content from the Core Curriculum for Oncology Nursing, including the full continuum of cancer care, the scientific basis for practice, palliation of symptoms, oncologic emergencies, and professional performance. More than 1,000 review questions are written by OCN®-certified experts to ensure high quality and consistency with the ONS Core Curriculum and OCN® Exam, with a strong emphasis on patient safety and quality care. Answer Key includes detailed rationales for correct and incorrect responses. NEW! Updated content reflects the exam blueprint for the 2022 OCN® Examination, along with the latest research evidence and important changes in cancer treatment and related nursing care. NEW! Fully interactive quizzing engine on a new Evolve website includes all of the Study Guide content, simulating an actual OCN® Exam in either Study Mode (with immediate question feedback) or Exam Mode (with feedback only at the end of the simulated exam).
This comprehensive book and CD-ROM learning package is designed for the oncology nurse preparing for certification and/or recertification. The text is organized according to the eight areas tested on the Oncology Certification Exam. The Fourth Edition is completely updated with new questions and revised to reflect changes that have been made to the OCN exam. The companion CD-ROM includes practice questions that can be rearranged and customized to create a new exam over and over.
Prepare for your OCN® Exam with the only study guide endorsed by ONS! Based on the latest test blueprint for the OCN Exam, this is the only question-and-answer review developed in collaboration with the Oncology Nursing Society. Practice questions match the format and makeup of the OCN Exam and reflect important changes in cancer treatment and nursing care. A companion to Core Curriculum for Oncology Nursing, 6th Edition, this definitive resource maximizes your study and review for OCN certification. UNIQUE! The only Q&A review book developed in collaboration with and endorsed by the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS), the parent company of the Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation (ONCC), which administers the OCN Examination. UNIQUE! In-depth review matches the ONS Core Curriculum for Oncology Nursing and reflects the full continuum of cancer care, the scientific basis for practice, palliation of symptoms, oncologic emergencies, and professional performance. UNIQUE! Questions keyed to QSEN (Quality and Safety Education for Nurses) competencies focus on reducing errors and increasing patient safety. Expert contributors include authors who developed the ONS Core Curriculum for Oncology Nursing, other cancer experts, and other practicing oncology nurses. Answer Key includes detailed rationales for correct and incorrect responses. NEW! UPDATED content matches the latest OCN® Examination test blueprint and The Core Curriculum for Oncology Nursing, 6th Edition. UPDATED coverage of cancer treatment and related nursing care includes all important changes, preparing you for the OCN® Exam and for expert clinical practice. UPDATED coverage of the latest research evidence.
Like getting 7 books in 1, MOSBY'S ONCOLOGY NURSING ADVISOR provides quick access to essential information on a wide range of cancer topics, including types of cancer, treatment options, symptom management, palliative care, and patient teaching. Its user-friendly layout and straightforward coverage make it ideal for use in any clinical setting, offering authoritative guidance to help you provide the best possible oncology nursing care. Detailed descriptions of over 50 major cancer types provide essential information on incidence, etiology and risk factors, signs and symptoms, diagnostic workup, histology, staging, treatment, prognosis, and prevention. Coverage of cancer management principles outlines a wide range of treatment and pharmacologic modalities, including surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormonal therapy, biological response modifiers, and complementary and alternative therapies. Symptom management guidelines provide in-depth coverage of pathophysiology, assessment tools, lab and diagnostic tests, differential diagnoses, interventions, follow up care, and resources for over 30 common symptoms associated with cancer and cancer treatments. Essential information on many oncologic emergencies and emergent issues prepares you to respond quickly to structural, metabolic, and hematologic emergencies. Helpful patient teaching resources include more than 25 reproducible patient teaching handouts. An entire section on palliative care and end-of-life issues offers helpful guidelines for dealing with topics related to hospice care, communication in palliative care, the final hours of the cancer patient, ethical considerations, and loss, grief, and bereavement. Serves as a great study tool for the oncology nursing certification exam..
Get the most out of your OCN® Exam review with this helpful study tool! Corresponding to the chapters in The Core Curriculum for Oncology Nursing, 5th Edition, this definitive study guide endorsed by the Oncology Nursing Society covers the entire scope of practice for oncology nursing. It is based on the latest test blueprint for the OCN Exam, with more than 1,200 practice questions addressing all oncology topics, including the newest advances in cancer treatment and related nursing care. Prepare to succeed on your OCN Exam with this ONS-endorsed study resource! The definitive study guide for the OCN® Examination is developed in collaboration with, and endorsed by, the Oncology Nursing Society, the parent organization of the Oncology Nursing Certification Corporation (ONCC), which administers the OCN Examination. Coverage of the entire scope of oncology nursing care includes quality of life, protective mechanisms, gastrointestinal and urinary function, cardiopulmonary function, oncologic emergencies, the scientific basis for practice, health promotion, and professional performance. An answer key includes rationales for correct and incorrect responses. NEW! Revised and updated content reflects the latest OCN® Examination test blueprint and The Core Curriculum for Oncology Nursing, 5th Edition. NEW emphasis on application-level questions helps you apply your knowledge more effectively. NEW! Updates on cancer treatment and related nursing care include the most current and accurate information, preparing you for the OCN Exam and for expert clinical practice. NEW! Emphasis on QSEN competencies is designed to reduce errors in oncology nursing practice with a focus on safety and evidence-based practice, including a Safety Alert icon and a High-Alert Medication icon for cancer chemotherapy drugs.