Economic Policy and the Covid-19 Crisis

Economic Policy and the Covid-19 Crisis

Author: Bernadette Andreosso-O'Callaghan

Publisher: Routledge

Published: 2021-09-28

Total Pages: 214

ISBN-13: 1000461718


This book offers an assessment of the different monetary and fiscal policy responses that have been implemented by national governments in major European and Asian countries faced with the Covid-19 crisis since 2020; it also deals with the case of the US experience as a benchmarking example. The book provides a comprehensive cross-country comparative study on health crisis management at the macroeconomic level. Its focus on monetary and fiscal policies across different countries in Asia, Europe and the USA makes it unique. Divided into three parts following a general introduction that sets the context of the study, the book deals with the case of the USA, EU and European countries as well as with that of key Asian countries. Of specific relevance is the European Union and euro-area contexts that serve as a framework to the different EU national monetary and fiscal policy responses. Each chapter deals with a specific country, including Italy and the UK in Europe and Singapore and South Korea in Asia, and covers the following topics: the extent of the outbreak of the public health crisis and its macroeconomic impact; the comparative examination of fiscal and monetary policy responses to both crises; and an overall assessment of the effectiveness of these policies along with the public health policy to mitigate the economic impact. Given the unprecedented nature of the Covid-19 crisis, anyone eager to know more about its macroeconomic impact and ensuing policies in a comparative framework will be keen to read this book. It will be essential reading to any researcher, policy maker and/or analyst working in the area of public policy and is also a unique contribution to the field of European studies, Asian studies and Comparative Economic Studies.

Public Policy and the Impact of COVID-19 in Europe

Public Policy and the Impact of COVID-19 in Europe

Author: Magdalena Tomala

Publisher: Routledge

Published: 2022-05-08

Total Pages: 82

ISBN-13: 1000619966


This book analyses Europe’s COVID-19 response provided by governments and societies, to assess its influence on the economy from both a short- and long-term perspective. The authors argue that there are three key factors that determine how successful a given country is. The first is the determination and effectiveness of the government. The second is the capacity of states and their healthcare systems in times of crisis. The third is society’s willingness to adhere to emergency measures and to cooperate with authorities. The book examines the government policy of EU states during the pandemic; studies the behaviour of EU societies; reveals the influence of the pandemic crisis on the economy of EU states and formulates a successful strategy to counteract the challenges wrought by the pandemic. The book will appeal to scholars and researchers engaged in the fields of economic and political science, global studies and international relations. Furthermore, it will also be addressed to policy makers of European States as it contains a complex analysis of their policy responses and the corresponding impact on European economy and society.

The Economic and Legal Impact of Covid-19

The Economic and Legal Impact of Covid-19

Author: Jerzy Menkes

Publisher: Routledge

Published: 2021-07-13

Total Pages: 134

ISBN-13: 1000405613


In response to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, governments and international institutions took steps to contain the harmful consequences on citizens’ lives and health, as well as the economy. In the short term, the goal was to limit the spread of the virus and the effects of the restrictions on the economy and, in the longer run, to prevent the appearance of new cases, facilitate the end of social restrictions, reboot the economy, and return to a path of sustainable growth and development. This is an economic and legal exploration of the impact of the pandemic, in the Polish context, examining Polish society and the economy as well as the response of the Polish authorities to the pandemic. The choice of Poland as the subject of the research is justified by its specificity. On the one hand, Poland is a country undergoing systemic transformation with access to European and transatlantic institutions. On the other hand, in recent years, it has evolved towards a hybrid democracy and is currently diverging away from the EU project. The book presents Poland’s legal and institutional response to the pandemic, analysed through the prism of common European values and Poland’s international commitments. It signposts the financial solutions adopted by the EU in the aftermath of the outbreak to assess how they will be used in combatting the short and longer-term consequences of the pandemic in Poland. The book is an introduction to original research, shaped by the novelty of the subject matter, and as such, will be essential reading for students and researchers of economics, law, and international relations.

Macroeconomic Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Macroeconomic Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Author: Neven Vidaković

Publisher: Springer Nature

Published: 2021-07-17

Total Pages: 379

ISBN-13: 3030754448


This book examines economic policies utilized within Southeast Europe in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Covering countries both within and outside the European Union, the human and economic cost of the pandemic is calculated using macroeconomic models from a short and longer term perspective. The economic policies used during the pandemic are analyzed, alongside crisis management approaches, to highlight the effectiveness of monetary policy, fiscal policies and potential future economic solutions for the post COVID-19 period. This book aims to provide policy recommendations based on findings from Southeast Europe. It is relevant to researchers and policymakers involved in economic policy and the political economy, as well as anyone interested in the responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Challenges in Economic Policy, Business and Management in the COVID-19 Era

Challenges in Economic Policy, Business and Management in the COVID-19 Era

Author: Anna Ujwary-Gil

Publisher: INE PAN

Published: 2022-01-01

Total Pages: 269

ISBN-13: 8361597808


The COVID-19 pandemic has made it necessary to redefine the most significant challenges faced by individual economies and society today. It contributed to the change of contemporary social, technological and economic trends, the effects of which will indeed be the subject of many scientific studies in the coming years. As the pandemic progresses, it promotes reflection and summaries of the consequences of behaviors or omissions in each country. One of them is a synthetic presentation of ten lessons from the pandemic (Gorynia, 2021), which the professor accurately diagnoses in the economic context: 1) the pandemic as a non-economic (sanitary-medical) shock that caused the economic, social and political crisis; 2) the pandemic as a "black swan", an unpredictable threat of high species gravity, but requiring anticipation to minimize its harmful effects in the future; 3) determining the causes of the appearance of the virus determines different preventive actions for future threats; 4) resilience as the foundation of long-term economic efficiency; 5) the set of measures to counteract the harmful effects of a pandemic should not be unified but adapted to the specificity of the facilities it is to affect; 6) the world economy as a system of vessels connected with its positive and negative consequences; 7) the pandemic highlighted the role of coordination of international cooperation; the shortcomings of globalization must be overcome by fairly sharing the positive fruits of international cooperation and resilience aimed at diversifying supplies; 8) economic policy pursued by individual states with a view to preventing the effects of the economic crisis caused by a pandemic cannot be voluntary; 9) the pandemic has sharpened the perception of the shortcomings of contemporary economic, social and political systems and prompts the questioning of certain pillars of the market economy (e.g., homo oeconomicus, individual and global rationality, private and state property, canons of monetary, fiscal, budgetary or industrial policy); 10) the pandemic increases the pressure on systemic and holistic thinking taking into account green economic development, saving energy, water and other resources, using renewable energy sources, avoiding wastage of resources, paying attention to social inequalities in the world, regions and countries, solving poverty problems, and social exclusion. This monograph is partially a response to the in-depth issues covered in these lessons. The authors of individual chapters challenge contemporary topics relating to ​​the COVID-19 pandemic, industry and inter-organizational cooperation, pro-environmental, resilient, and innovative organizations. The monograph consists of three parts. The first part (PART 1) covers an overview of very recent research, considering the impact of COVID-19 on the economy, industries, and business. The article by Anna Ujwara-Gil and Bianka Godlewska-Dzioboń deals with, among others, the issues relating to pandemic impacts on the slowdown in the functioning of the construction, electric automotive, and water industries. Also, it affects the tourist industry, where countries are starting to pay attention to the resource-saving green economy and problems of professional exclusion in the pandemic era. In another article, Maria Czech refers to the influence of public debt on the volatility of spreads during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research is part of the study on the use of sovereign credit default swap spreads to assess a country's credit risk, which may be distorted in a pandemic period. It is undisputed that the COVID-19 pandemic has a global dimension. The crisis resulting from disorders such as in value chains has caused industry to slow down. The Czech luxury fashion industry is no exception. As Radka MacGregor Pelikánová points out, COVID-19 has turned out to be a threat to its development.. Leading Czech luxury fashion companies withdrew to a passive role and felt the negative consequences of the pandemic. As the Author points out, few have engaged in corporate social responsibility and showed ingenuity, which increases their chances of survival in the future. In other studies, Tereza Horáková and Kateřina Maršíková identified factors influencing the environment of effective knowledge exchange in SMEs, which in the era of hybrid work during COVID-19, is particularly important. The second part of the monograph (PART 2) includes two studies on the photovoltaic cell industry in China from the perspective of comparative and intra-industry advantage. As a significant player in the global trade scene and various value chains, China is a fascinating subject of research undertaken by Paweł Brusilo and Bogusława Drelich-Skulska. The results of the first article demonstrate the success of the Chinese industry in terms of growth potential, competitiveness, and development opportunities thanks to effective state support and favorable market forces. As the authors point out, the Chinese solar cell industry has not been studied so far in the context of comparative advantage and the new structural economy. The results show the way for other countries to consider or develop innovative industries, such as renewable energy and solar energy. In the second article, Paweł Brusilo examines the topic of the Belt and Road Initiative in the context of the Chinese photovoltaic cell industry, energy transition policy, identification of modern intra-industry trade patterns and opportunities for this industry, which is characterized by significant state interventionism. The considerations in this article may inspire EU countries to deepen economic and trade cooperation in the export and import of solar cells with China. On the other hand, Joanna Kurowska-Pysz has undertaken the analysis of the cooperation conditions within the innovative processes of representatives of science, business, the legislative, and economic environment cooperating on the capital market. The Author focused on the motivators, barriers, but also the search for an effective form of development of intersectoral cooperation enabling the exchange of knowledge and experience, learning, including the flow of personnel between sectors, joint organization of conferences, seminars, training, and implementation of research projects constituting the basis of innovative processes, or the diagnosis of network relationships. The model proposed by the Author will surely inspire other researchers. The third part of the monograph (PART 3) includes articles referring, inter alia, to the pro-environmental organizational culture of enterprises. Katarzyna Piwowar-Sulej, as an advocate of this valuable orientation today, has shown that organizations are interested in developing pro-ecological behavior and are aware of their impact on the natural environment. The article is in line with the global trend focused on the sustainable, ecological, and green economy enterprises operating in this trend, not only because of COVID-19. Taking action to develop a pro-ecological organizational culture, taking care of the natural environment is not only a moral and ethical requirement but also an obligation for the future generation. This part also includes an article by Piotr Tomszys and Bartosz Grucza, who present an inspiring model of organizational resilience and an attempt to operationalize it. The organizational resilience model proposed by the Authors is in line with the growing interest in the analyzes and measurement of the enterprises' resilience. The conceptualization and measurement of economic resilience can inspire other researchers to further research in this area. The COVID-19 pandemic, as an unpredictable and destructive shock, might be a unique opportunity to verify the developed model, as the authors point out. The last article deals with the issue of innovative management and its measurement based on a proprietary tool developed by Magdalena Gorzelany-Dziadkowiec. The considerations undertaken by the Author are a reliable starting point for further research concerning the impact of COVID-19 on the organization's functioning, the development of innovative management, changes in work processes, and interpersonal relations in the era of increasingly dominant digital technology and skills to use it. The editors profoundly thank all the Authors for their valuable contribution to this monograph and cooperation in its co-creation. We address our grateful thanks to all the Reviewers for their insightful evaluation and high standards of their work. These special thanks go to (in alphabetical order) Barbara Błaszczyk Institute of Economics, Polish Academy of Sciences; Justyna Bugaj, Jagiellonian University; Anna Fornalczyk, COMPER Fornalczyk and Wspólnicy; Marta Gancarczyk, Jagiellonian University; Anna Maria Lis, Gdańsk University of Technology; Andrzej Lis, Nicolaus Copernicus University; Mieczysław Morawski, Warsaw University of Technology; Paweł Pisany, Institute of Economics, Polish Academy of Sciences; Natalia R. Potoczek, Institute of Economics, Polish Academy of Sciences. We also thank Paweł Japoł for his thorough proofreading of this monograph.

The Political Economy of Global Responses to COVID-19

The Political Economy of Global Responses to COVID-19

Author: Alan W. Cafruny

Publisher: Springer Nature

Published: 2023-03-25

Total Pages: 329

ISBN-13: 3031239148


This book seeks to identify the reasons why some countries were more efficient and effective than others in responding to the COVID 19 pandemic, and why the global community failed to coalesce. What are the political determinants of the different state responses to the pandemic? Why was scientific advice rejected or ignored in many countries? What has been the role, respectively, of neoliberalism, populism, and authoritarianism in the making of Covid-19 policy? What role have each of these factors played in the uneven and clearly inadequate global response to the pandemic? In an effort to understand why some states failed to handle the pandemic properly, some of the literature suggests that populism is at the root of the current failure of international co-operation. The global financial crisis of 2008-10 triggered significant cooperation within the G-20, led by the combined efforts of the United States and China. These forms of cooperation have clearly disappeared in the context of the pandemic, not only with respect to economic policy but also in public health and management. The authors of this volume link the different state responses to the pandemic-- from its inception to the start of the vaccination campaign, and to the political regimes prevailing in each. In particular, the present volume focuses on a distinction between the responses of neo-liberal regimes, populist regimes and authoritarian ones.

Economic Policy, COVID-19 and Corporations

Economic Policy, COVID-19 and Corporations

Author: Katarzyna Mroczek-Dąbrowska

Publisher: Taylor & Francis

Published: 2023-06-22

Total Pages: 170

ISBN-13: 1000893928


This book addresses the economic impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on Central and East European countries and examines the effect the pandemic has had on organizations in the region. It focuses on the widely understood business environment, covering companies’ responses to the crisis, the role of institutions in stabilizing markets, and the reshaping of global business trends. The book is a complex and multidimensional work that draws its roots from distinct yet simultaneously interlinked research areas. All of the chapters, whether they refer to macro-, meso-, or micro-perspectives, always highlight how crises – global and regional – change the global trends we have observed in business in the last 20 years. The book includes the most topical issues that delineate public discourse on firms’ resilience. In this way, it ‘connects the dots’ and uncovers the missing links necessary for any reader wishing to understand the specificity of contemporary companies’ responses to unexpected events such as pandemics or geopolitical crises. Further, it tackles questions such as what role institutions play in building the adaptive capacity of companies, how companies build their resilience capacity for 21st-century crises, and what the significance is of the uncertainty, the information asymmetry, and the bounded rationality concept on the company’s decision-making process. The book will find a broad audience among academics and students across diverse fields of study, as well as practitioners and policymakers. It is a key reference for all those who want to better understand the complex nature of uncertainty, crisis management, and its implications, not only for CEE countries but, first and foremost, the business environment.

The Socioeconomic Impact of COVID-19 on Eastern European Countries

The Socioeconomic Impact of COVID-19 on Eastern European Countries

Author: Paweł Dykas

Publisher: Routledge

Published: 2021-11-16

Total Pages: 176

ISBN-13: 1000513866


The year 2020 went down in economic history due to the dramatic and drastic changes in economic and social conditions that resulted from the outbreak of the global pandemic of COVID-19. This book offers a multi-level narrative about the pandemic, written from national and international perspectives, enabling the authors to construct several macro- and mega-scenarios. The book consists of six chapters. Four of them discuss the process of the COVID-19 pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus in Europe in 2020, i.e. the directions and dynamics of the spread and its socioeconomic consequences, and provide a comparative analysis of fiscal and monetary packages employed by Europe, with an emphasis on Eastern European countries. The remaining two chapters contain forecasts and scenarios. The fifth chapter, dedicated to forecasts, provides readers with a comprehensive description of possible consequences of any epidemic leading to severe social losses such as high percentages of infected and dead, limited interpersonal contacts as a result of lockdown, a lowered level of general individual and social well-being, as well as economic losses, for example a decline in production as a result of the collapse of aggregate demand and a reduction in the supply capacity of the economy, consequently slowing down the pace of capital accumulation. The sixth, final chapter describes possible scenarios of the spread of the pandemic in Poland and Ukraine, depending on measures taken by the governments of those countries. The Socioeconomic Impact of COVID-19 on Eastern European Countries is designed as a practical reference for scholars, researchers and policymakers.