Managed health care is one of the most confusing areas any consumer can deal with. Rules and regulations are constantly changing, providers are always merging and changing their offerings, and paperwork abounds. In easy-to-understand language, this book explains how to understand options, how to get treatment for chronic and long-term illnesses, how to get the most care for the least cost, and more.
Introduces the principles of purchasing insurance against anticipated risks, and discusses life, diasability, and health insurance, annuities, and property and casualty insurance
You've heard you can save big bucks by heading overseas for major medical care-- but you don't want your concerns to get lost in translation. Learn to navigate the international health-care system and find the destination that works best for you.
Soothe your digestive system with 200+ meal plans and recipes The Complete Idiot's Guide® to Eating Well with IBS will introduce readers suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) to the information they need to identify the foods that trigger symptoms and prepare recipes meal plans that alleviate those symptoms. • Features more than 200 recipes and meal plans • Kate Scarlata is a licensed dietician with 20 years of experience helping IBS patients with their condition, and an IBS sufferer herself • Thirty-five million Americans are estimated to suffer from IBS, the second leading cause of worker absenteeism
Green smoothies are not the sugary concoctions that come to mind when people hear the word "smoothie." They are instead highly nutritious creations that are intended to increase energy, boost metabolism, burn fat, and cleanse the body of toxins. Green smoothies utilize fresh, healthful foods, "superfoods," and a multitude of fantastic ingredients that together offer amazing health benefits. The Complete Idiot's Guide® to Green Smoothies starts with the health benefits of green smoothies and how to make them properly and fully enjoy them, while the bulk of the book is comprised of 150 fun, nutritious, and delicious recipes, supplemented with numerous variations throughout.
A comprehensive guide to running a retail store, with advice on hiring and training, licenses and registrations, working with customers, and learning the retail market.
- Everything readers need to know to start up and operate a wildly popular mobile food business - Includes crucial marketing expertise from a successful food truck entrepreneur
Does this sound familiar? 'If I could get in front of the prospect, the rest of the selling process becomes easier. It's just getting in front of them that's the challenge'. The fact is most cold-calling efforts are doomed from the start. Salespeople lose sales not due to a lack of effort but because they lack a prospecting system they are comfortable with, and can trust to generate greater, consistent results. If you are feeling the same way you have been for the last several years (including the 'calling to check in, touch base or follow-up' approach) or haven't been prospecting at all, you're simply making it easier for your competition to take away the new business you are working so hard to earn. So, if you love to sell but hate (or don't like) to prospect, this book is your opportunity to maximize your cold calling potetnial and boost your income by learning how to get in front of the right prospects in less time and create greater selling opportunities without the fear, pressure or anxiety associated with cold calling.