Survival Analysis with Interval-Censored Data

Survival Analysis with Interval-Censored Data

Author: Kris Bogaerts

Publisher: CRC Press

Published: 2017-11-20

Total Pages: 537

ISBN-13: 1351643053


Survival Analysis with Interval-Censored Data: A Practical Approach with Examples in R, SAS, and BUGS provides the reader with a practical introduction into the analysis of interval-censored survival times. Although many theoretical developments have appeared in the last fifty years, interval censoring is often ignored in practice. Many are unaware of the impact of inappropriately dealing with interval censoring. In addition, the necessary software is at times difficult to trace. This book fills in the gap between theory and practice. Features: -Provides an overview of frequentist as well as Bayesian methods. -Include a focus on practical aspects and applications. -Extensively illustrates the methods with examples using R, SAS, and BUGS. Full programs are available on a supplementary website. The authors: Kris Bogaerts is project manager at I-BioStat, KU Leuven. He received his PhD in science (statistics) at KU Leuven on the analysis of interval-censored data. He has gained expertise in a great variety of statistical topics with a focus on the design and analysis of clinical trials. Arnošt Komárek is associate professor of statistics at Charles University, Prague. His subject area of expertise covers mainly survival analysis with the emphasis on interval-censored data and classification based on longitudinal data. He is past chair of the Statistical Modelling Society and editor of Statistical Modelling: An International Journal. Emmanuel Lesaffre is professor of biostatistics at I-BioStat, KU Leuven. His research interests include Bayesian methods, longitudinal data analysis, statistical modelling, analysis of dental data, interval-censored data, misclassification issues, and clinical trials. He is the founding chair of the Statistical Modelling Society, past-president of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics, and fellow of ISI and ASA.

Survival Analysis with Interval-Censored Data

Survival Analysis with Interval-Censored Data

Author: Kris Bogaerts

Publisher: CRC Press

Published: 2017-11-20

Total Pages: 617

ISBN-13: 1420077481


Survival Analysis with Interval-Censored Data: A Practical Approach with Examples in R, SAS, and BUGS provides the reader with a practical introduction into the analysis of interval-censored survival times. Although many theoretical developments have appeared in the last fifty years, interval censoring is often ignored in practice. Many are unaware of the impact of inappropriately dealing with interval censoring. In addition, the necessary software is at times difficult to trace. This book fills in the gap between theory and practice. Features: -Provides an overview of frequentist as well as Bayesian methods. -Include a focus on practical aspects and applications. -Extensively illustrates the methods with examples using R, SAS, and BUGS. Full programs are available on a supplementary website. The authors: Kris Bogaerts is project manager at I-BioStat, KU Leuven. He received his PhD in science (statistics) at KU Leuven on the analysis of interval-censored data. He has gained expertise in a great variety of statistical topics with a focus on the design and analysis of clinical trials. Arnošt Komárek is associate professor of statistics at Charles University, Prague. His subject area of expertise covers mainly survival analysis with the emphasis on interval-censored data and classification based on longitudinal data. He is past chair of the Statistical Modelling Society and editor of Statistical Modelling: An International Journal. Emmanuel Lesaffre is professor of biostatistics at I-BioStat, KU Leuven. His research interests include Bayesian methods, longitudinal data analysis, statistical modelling, analysis of dental data, interval-censored data, misclassification issues, and clinical trials. He is the founding chair of the Statistical Modelling Society, past-president of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics, and fellow of ISI and ASA.

The Statistical Analysis of Interval-censored Failure Time Data

The Statistical Analysis of Interval-censored Failure Time Data

Author: Jianguo Sun

Publisher: Springer

Published: 2007-05-26

Total Pages: 310

ISBN-13: 0387371192


This book collects and unifies statistical models and methods that have been proposed for analyzing interval-censored failure time data. It provides the first comprehensive coverage of the topic of interval-censored data and complements the books on right-censored data. The focus of the book is on nonparametric and semiparametric inferences, but it also describes parametric and imputation approaches. This book provides an up-to-date reference for people who are conducting research on the analysis of interval-censored failure time data as well as for those who need to analyze interval-censored data to answer substantive questions.

Interval-Censored Time-to-Event Data

Interval-Censored Time-to-Event Data

Author: Ding-Geng (Din) Chen

Publisher: CRC Press

Published: 2012-07-19

Total Pages: 426

ISBN-13: 1466504285


Interval-Censored Time-to-Event Data: Methods and Applications collects the most recent techniques, models, and computational tools for interval-censored time-to-event data. Top biostatisticians from academia, biopharmaceutical industries, and government agencies discuss how these advances are impacting clinical trials and biomedical research.Divid

Multi-State Survival Models for Interval-Censored Data

Multi-State Survival Models for Interval-Censored Data

Author: Ardo van den Hout

Publisher: CRC Press

Published: 2016-11-25

Total Pages: 323

ISBN-13: 1315356732


Multi-State Survival Models for Interval-Censored Data introduces methods to describe stochastic processes that consist of transitions between states over time. It is targeted at researchers in medical statistics, epidemiology, demography, and social statistics. One of the applications in the book is a three-state process for dementia and survival in the older population. This process is described by an illness-death model with a dementia-free state, a dementia state, and a dead state. Statistical modelling of a multi-state process can investigate potential associations between the risk of moving to the next state and variables such as age, gender, or education. A model can also be used to predict the multi-state process. The methods are for longitudinal data subject to interval censoring. Depending on the definition of a state, it is possible that the time of the transition into a state is not observed exactly. However, when longitudinal data are available the transition time may be known to lie in the time interval defined by two successive observations. Such an interval-censored observation scheme can be taken into account in the statistical inference. Multi-state modelling is an elegant combination of statistical inference and the theory of stochastic processes. Multi-State Survival Models for Interval-Censored Data shows that the statistical modelling is versatile and allows for a wide range of applications.

Emerging Topics in Modeling Interval-Censored Survival Data

Emerging Topics in Modeling Interval-Censored Survival Data

Author: Jianguo Sun

Publisher: Springer Nature

Published: 2022-11-29

Total Pages: 322

ISBN-13: 3031123662


This book primarily aims to discuss emerging topics in statistical methods and to booster research, education, and training to advance statistical modeling on interval-censored survival data. Commonly collected from public health and biomedical research, among other sources, interval-censored survival data can easily be mistaken for typical right-censored survival data, which can result in erroneous statistical inference due to the complexity of this type of data. The book invites a group of internationally leading researchers to systematically discuss and explore the historical development of the associated methods and their computational implementations, as well as emerging topics related to interval-censored data. It covers a variety of topics, including univariate interval-censored data, multivariate interval-censored data, clustered interval-censored data, competing risk interval-censored data, data with interval-censored covariates, interval-censored data from electric medical records, and misclassified interval-censored data. Researchers, students, and practitioners can directly make use of the state-of-the-art methods covered in the book to tackle their problems in research, education, training and consultation.

Multi-State Survival Models for Interval-Censored Data

Multi-State Survival Models for Interval-Censored Data

Author: Ardo van den Hout

Publisher: CRC Press

Published: 2016-11-25

Total Pages: 257

ISBN-13: 1466568410


Multi-State Survival Models for Interval-Censored Data introduces methods to describe stochastic processes that consist of transitions between states over time. It is targeted at researchers in medical statistics, epidemiology, demography, and social statistics. One of the applications in the book is a three-state process for dementia and survival in the older population. This process is described by an illness-death model with a dementia-free state, a dementia state, and a dead state. Statistical modelling of a multi-state process can investigate potential associations between the risk of moving to the next state and variables such as age, gender, or education. A model can also be used to predict the multi-state process. The methods are for longitudinal data subject to interval censoring. Depending on the definition of a state, it is possible that the time of the transition into a state is not observed exactly. However, when longitudinal data are available the transition time may be known to lie in the time interval defined by two successive observations. Such an interval-censored observation scheme can be taken into account in the statistical inference. Multi-state modelling is an elegant combination of statistical inference and the theory of stochastic processes. Multi-State Survival Models for Interval-Censored Data shows that the statistical modelling is versatile and allows for a wide range of applications.

Survival Analysis Issues with Interval-censored Data

Survival Analysis Issues with Interval-censored Data



Published: 2006

Total Pages:



RESUM L'anàlisi de la supervivència s'utilitza en diversos àmbits per tal d'analitzar dades que mesuren el temps transcorregut entre dos successos. També s'anomena anàlisi de la història dels esdeveniments, anàlisi de temps de vida, anàlisi de fiabilitat o anàlisi del temps fins a l'esdeveniment. Una de les dificultats que té aquesta àrea de l'estadística és la presència de dades censurades. El temps de vida d'un individu és censurat quan només és possible mesurar-lo de manera parcial o inexacta. Hi ha diverses circumstàncies que donen lloc a diversos tipus de censura. La censura en un interval fa referència a una situació on el succés d'interès no es pot observar directament i només tenim coneixement que ha tingut lloc en un interval de temps aleatori. Aquest tipus de censura ha generat molta recerca en els darrers anys i usualment té lloc en estudis on els individus són inspeccionats o observats de manera intermitent. En aquesta situació només tenim coneixement que el temps de vida de l'individu es troba entre dos temps d'inspecció consecutius. Aquesta tesi doctoral es divideix en dues parts que tracten dues qüestions importants que fan referència a dades amb censura en un interval. La primera part la formen els capítols 2 i 3 els quals tracten sobre condicions formals que asseguren que la versemblança simplificada pot ser utilitzada en l'estimació de la distribució del temps de vida. La segona part la formen els capítols 4 i 5 que es dediquen a l'estudi de procediments estadístics pel problema de k mostres. El treball que reproduïm conté diversos materials que ja s'han publicat o ja s'han presentat per ser considerats com objecte de publicació. En el capítol 1 introduïm la notació bàsica que s'utilitza en la tesi doctoral. També fem una descripció de l'enfocament no paramètric en l'estimació de la funció de distribució del temps de vida. Peto (1973) i Turnbull (1976) van ser els primers autors que van proposar un mètode d'estimació basat en la versió simplificada.