Servius' Commentary on Book Four of Virgil's Aeneid
Author: Christopher Michael McDonough
Publisher: Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers
Published: 2004
Total Pages: 184
ISBN-13: 0865165149
DOWNLOAD EBOOKA unique tool for scholars and teachers, this translation and commentary, on facing pages with the original Latin, allows easy access to Servius' seminal work on one of the most widely-read books of the Aeneid: Book 4. -- Introduction on the life of Servius, the textual tradition -- Latin text of Vergil's Aeneid, Book 4, with Servius' commentary beneath it -- Facing-page translation of both Vergil and Servius -- Endnotes -- Bibliography -- Facsimile of the 1536 edition of Servius' commentary on Book 4