32 papers consider issues of pottery production in the wider Adriatic area during Roman times, in particular relation to landscape and communication features, ceramic building materials, as well as general studies on ceramic production, pottery and glass finds.
This book presents interdisciplinary research carried out on the Roman sites of pottery workshops active within the coastal area of the province of Dalmatia as well as on material recovered during the excavations.
Knjiga predstavlja nove elemente urbanističnih vidikov rimskih mest in manjših naselij na območju Caput Adriae, Norika in Panonije. V 26 prispevkih 54 avtorjev iz osmih držav (Italije, Slovenije, Avstrije, Madžarske, Hrvaške, Srbije, Črne gore in Severne Makedonije) poskuša razširiti védenje o razvoju mest in nekaterih drugih pomembnih naselij. Prva dva članka predstavljata širše, a različne poglede na urbanizacijo. V naslednjem delu je obravnavanih 22 naselij. Skrajni severovzhod X. regije predstavljajo štiri naselja (Aquileja, Tergeste, Emona in Nauport). V knjigo je vključena večina avtonomnih mest v Noriku ter nekatera druga naselbinska območja (Celeja, Flavia Solva, Virunum, Štalenska gora, Teurnija, Aguntum, Iuvavum, Ovilava, Lauriacum, Stein). Iz provinc Panonija Superior (Vindobona, Carnuntum, Strebersdorf, Savarija, Poetovio, Aquae Iasae) in Panonija Inferior (Mursa, Bassiane) so predstavljena izbrana mesta in manjša naselja. Območje se nahaja na stičišču med vzhodno in zahodno polovico cesarstva in zajema dele treh geografskih enot (tj. sredozemskega, alpskega in celinskega sveta), zaradi česar bi lahko bila knjiga zanimiva za širše razumevanje delovanja rimskega imperija.
A rich portrayal of how Romans used their pottery and the implications of these practices on the archaeological record, considering an array of evidence including Latin and ancient Greek texts and representations in Roman art. It will appeal to specialists and academics interested in archaeology, Roman pottery and ceramics.
Daniel Albero Santacreu presents a wide overview of certain aspects of the pottery analysis and summarizes most of the methodological and theoretical information currently applied in archaeology in order to develop wide and deep analysis of ceramic pastes. The book provides an adequate framework for understanding the way pottery production is organised and clarifies the meaning and role of the pottery in archaeological and traditional societies. The goal of this book is to encourage reflection, especially by those researchers who face the analysis of ceramics for the first time, by providing a background for the generation of their own research and to formulate their own questions depending on their concerns and interests. The three-part structure of the book allows readers to move easily from the analysis of the reality and ceramic material culture to the world of the ideas and theories and to develop a dialogue between data and their interpretation. Daniel Albero Santacreu is a Lecturer Assistant in the University of the Balearic Islands, member of the Research Group Arqueo UIB and the Ceramic Petrology Group. He has carried out the analysis of ceramics from several prehistoric societies placed in the Western Mediterranean, as well as the study of handmade pottery from contemporary ethnic groups in Northeast Ghana.
The Roman period witnessed massive changes in the human-material environment, from monumentalised cityscapes to standardised low-value artefacts like pottery. This book explores new perspectives to understand this Roman ‘object boom’ and its impact on Roman history. In particular, the book’s international contributors question the traditional dominance of ‘representation’ in Roman archaeology, whereby objects have come to stand for social phenomena such as status, facets of group identity, or notions like Romanisation and economic growth. Drawing upon the recent material turn in anthropology and related disciplines, the essays in this volume examine what it means to materialise Roman history, focusing on the question of what objects do in history, rather than what they represent. In challenging the dominance of representation, and exploring themes such as the impact of standardisation and the role of material agency, Materialising Roman History is essential reading for anyone studying material culture from the Roman world (and beyond).
Gathers together and reviews the evidence for trends in production of table wares and amphora-borne goods across the Iberian Peninsula and Balearics from the second to the seventh century AD.
Students and scholars of the Italian Renaissance easily fall under the spell of its achievements: its self-confident humanism, its groundbreaking scientific innovations, its ravishing artistic production. Yet many of the developments in Italian ceramics and glass were made possible by Italy's proximity to the Islamic world. The Arts of Fire underscores how central the Islamic influence was on this luxury art of the Italian Renaissance. Published to coincide with an exhibition at the Getty Museum on view from May 4 to August 5, 2004, The Arts of Fire demonstrates how many of the techniques of glass and ceramic production and ornamentation were first developed in the Islamic East between the eighth and twelfth centuries. These techniques - enamel and gilding on glass and tin-glaze and lustre on ceramics - produced brilliant and colourful decoration that was a source of awe and admiration, transforming these crafts, for the first time, into works of art and true luxury commodities. Essays by Catherine Hess, George Saliba, and Linda Komaroff demonstrate early modern Europe's debts to the Islamic world and help us better understand the interrelationships of cultures over time.
The Mediterranean's Iron Age period was one of its most dynamic eras. Stimulated by the movement of individuals and groups on an unprecedented scale, the first half of the first millennium BCE witnesses the development of Mediterranean-wide practices, including related writing systems, common features of urbanism, and shared artistic styles and techniques, alongside the evolution of wide-scale trade. Together, these created an engaged, interlinked and interactive Mediterranean. We can recognise this as the Mediterranean's first truly globalising era. This volume introduces students and scholars to contemporary evidence and theories surrounding the Mediterranean from the eleventh century until the end of the seventh century BCE to enable an integrated understanding of the multicultural and socially complex nature of this incredibly vibrant period.