The manga series that inspired the hit anime series now on Cartoon Network continues the story of 16-year-old Haru Glory and his quest to find the five missing RAVE Stones, which hold the key to victory over the Dark Bring. Young adult.
This popular series that inspired the hit anime series on Cartoon Network has everything from epic storylines and comic relief to quest-driven adventure--"Wizard."
Belnika comes to the horrifying realization that Haru is part of the intruders that shes come to dispatch. Unfortunately for her ambitions, Belnika is not exactly an expert at swinging a sword.
HOTTER UNDER THE WATER After their disastrous encounter with the bizarro Demon King Ziggy, Shiki and his friends set out on a journey into outer space, beyond the Sakura Cosmos. Their first stop is in the Aoi Cosmos, on a planet largely covered in water. Under the vast ocean, they find a temple housing a critical clue to finding the matriarch of the cosmos, Mother! But in order to obtain the clue, Shiki must overcome a fiery obstacle that requires enlisting the tearful aid of an unexpected ally.
It's here! The creator of Fairy Tail, manga superstar Hiro Mashima, is back with a high-flying space adventure! All the steadfast friendship, crazy fighting, and blue cats you've come to expect... IN SPACE! A young boy gazes up at the sky and sees a streaming bolt of light. The friendly, armor-clad being at his side tells him gently, "That's a dragon." The fact that he's joking isn't important. What's important is the look of wonder on the boy's face... and the galaxy-spanning adventure that's about to take place! Join Hiro Mashima (Fairy Tail, Rave Master) once more as he takes to the stars for another thrilling saga!
The Decaforce Sword has been shattered, leaving Haru and Elie no choice but to search for the one man who can mend it - a mysterious blacksmith named Musica. Their search takes them to Punk Street, where they find not one, but two Musicas. Which is the right one? And, without a sword, will Haru be able to fight the evil Shadow Guard and the villainous Beast Swordsman Lance?
While the metal man reveals his shocking identity to Haru, Elie battles Koala for possession of the Time-Space Staff. But never to be outdone, Koala has one more explosive trick up his furry sleeve! Later, Haru has a brief, but memorable encounter with a beautiful girl named Belnika who has unusual healing abilities. Haru (much to Elie's chagrin) is smitten with his medicinal muse...but when he later discovers her at the site of a BG massacre, he begins to wonder what side she's really on!
HIS FATHER'S SON With the plot of the insidious Cosmo Entelecheia revealed, Fate has forced Negi to choose between the safety of his friends and the destiny of the Magic World. Everyone is going to have to draw on all their strength to get out of this one, but will it be enough? Inspired by the story of his father's conquests during the war, Negi cannot fail! Contains Negima! volumes 25-26-27!