The manga series that inspired the hit anime series now on Cartoon Network continues the story of 16-year-old Haru Glory and his quest to find the five missing RAVE Stones, which hold the key to victory over the Dark Bring. Young adult.
Belnika comes to the horrifying realization that Haru is part of the intruders that shes come to dispatch. Unfortunately for her ambitions, Belnika is not exactly an expert at swinging a sword.
The Decaforce Sword has been shattered, leaving Haru and Elie no choice but to search for the one man who can mend it - a mysterious blacksmith named Musica. Their search takes them to Punk Street, where they find not one, but two Musicas. Which is the right one? And, without a sword, will Haru be able to fight the evil Shadow Guard and the villainous Beast Swordsman Lance?
It's here! The creator of Fairy Tail, manga superstar Hiro Mashima, is back with a high-flying space adventure! All the steadfast friendship, crazy fighting, and blue cats you've come to expect... IN SPACE! A young boy gazes up at the sky and sees a streaming bolt of light. The friendly, armor-clad being at his side tells him gently, "That's a dragon." The fact that he's joking isn't important. What's important is the look of wonder on the boy's face... and the galaxy-spanning adventure that's about to take place! Join Hiro Mashima (Fairy Tail, Rave Master) once more as he takes to the stars for another thrilling saga!
Sometimes, Haru feels like he doesn't have a purpose. Sometimes, he feels like he'll never leave the island he lives on, the island of Garage. But, when fate comes a knockin', he answers the cry. There's this evil called Dark Bring, it's wielded by Demon Card. They're using this power to take over the world. Only one thing can stop it - the four missing rave stones. And now, Haru will find them wherever they lie. He doesn't ever want to feel that he's let his people down. He'll journey all around the world, all the way to Hip Hop Town. Yeah! The all-powerful Dark Stone - a magical stone and ruler of the dark side - awakens after a 50-year respite. When it falls into the hands of the evil Demon Card, the world is in terrible danger. A sacred sword called Rave and its master Shiba are the only defense against the Dark Stone & No. 30196; evil powers. Yet, Shiba loses control over Rave after he is mortally attacked by a Demon Card assassin. With the dark side looming, a boy called Haru may be the world's single hope of revitalizing Rave and escaping the clutches of evil.
In this “manga-style haunted romance . . . a young girl’s dreams lead her to a ghostly university where she's an earthly exchange student” (Washington Post). When Megan Amano dreams, she journeys to a place called Meridian University. Traditionally, spirits travel to the University to be educated before they are reborn into the world of the living. Megan, however, is still alive and attends college in Santa Monica, California by day and Meridian University at night. One night, Megan peers through the the shutter of her camera lens and discovers a mystery so deep that she begins to question her own existence and begins her search for answers