Pedagogia do oprimido

Pedagogia do oprimido

Author: Paulo Freire

Publisher: Editora Paz e Terra

Published: 2014-01-28

Total Pages: 275

ISBN-13: 8577532283


O autor propõe um método abrangente, pelo qual a palavra ajuda o homem a tornar-se homem. Assim, a linguagem passa a ser cultura. Através da decodificação da palavra, o alfabetizando vai-se descobrindo como homem, sujeito de todo o processo histórico. O método de Paulo Freire não possui qualquer atitude paternalista em relação ao analfabeto. Ele aplica pela primeira vez no campo da pedagogia as palavras Conscientização - Conscientizar, que em seu conteúdo vernacular específico se incluem no vocabulário de idiomas como o francês e o alemão, tidos como acabados e, em consequência, totalmente infensos à aceitação de neologismos. Quando o Brasil aceita o grande desafio do desenvolvimento, nada mais necessário que atentar para seu processo de civilização. O livro é um rumo neste caminho, pois não é possível supor êxitos no campo econômico, sem o alicerce de um povo que se educa para civilizar-se.

The Wiley Handbook of Paulo Freire

The Wiley Handbook of Paulo Freire

Author: Carlos Alberto Torres

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons

Published: 2019-07-19

Total Pages: 624

ISBN-13: 1119236746


Provides new insights on the lasting impact of famed philosopher and educator Paulo Freire 50 years after the publication of his masterpiece, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, this book brings new perspectives on rethinking and reinventing Brazilian educator and philosopher Paulo Freire. Written by the most premier exponents and experts of Freirean scholarship, it explores the currency of Freire's contribution to social theory, educational reform, and democratic education. It also analyzes the intersections of Freire’s theories with other crucial social theorists such as Gramsci, Gandhi, Habermas, Dewey, Sen, etc. The Wiley Handbook of Paulo Freire studies the history and context of the man as a global public intellectual, moving from Brazil to the rest of the world and back. Each section offers insides on the epistemology of the global south initiated by Freire with his work in Latin America; the connections between class, gender, race, religion, the state and eco-pedagogy in the work of Freire; and the contributions he made to democratic education and educational reform. Presents original theory and analysis of Freire’s life and work Offers unique and comprehensive analysis of the reception and application of Paulo Freire in international education on all continents Provides a complete historical study of Freire’s contributions to education Systematically analyzes the impact of Freire in teachers training, higher education, and lifelong learning The Wiley Handbook of Paulo Freire is an ideal book for courses on international and comparative education, pedagogy, education policy, international development, and Latin America studies.

Communication for Social Change Anthology

Communication for Social Change Anthology

Author: Alfonso Gumucio Dagron

Publisher: CFSC Consortium, Inc.

Published: 2006

Total Pages: 1409

ISBN-13: 0977035794


Contains nearly 200 readings published between 1927 and 2005, in English or translated from other languages, on the historical roots and pioneering thinking regarding communication for social change. Covers a variety of topics, including the radio, tv and other mass communication, information and communication technology, the digital gap, the formation of an information society, national information policies, participatory decision making, communication of development, pedagogy and entertainment education, HIV/AIDS communication for prevention, etc.

Revisiting Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed

Revisiting Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed

Author: Michel Vandenbroeck

Publisher: Routledge

Published: 2020-09-28

Total Pages: 260

ISBN-13: 1000177394


This reflection on Paulo Freire’s seminal volume, Pedagogy of the Oppressed, examines the lessons learnt from Freire and their place in contemporary pedagogical theory and practice. Freire’s work has inspired ground-breaking research which Vandenbroeck has collated, demonstrating the ongoing influence on early childhood educators. Vandenbroeck brings together an international cohort of early childhood experts to present cross-cultural perspectives on the impact of Freire’s research on education around the globe. This book covers discussions on: The background to and impact of Freire’s work Alternative approaches to supporting child development Pedagogical approaches in Portugal, South Africa, Japan, New Zealand and the United States Vandenbroeck concludes with a vision for theorising and implementing emancipatory practice in early childhood education in contexts of neoliberalism. An insightful resource for academics and students in the field of Early Childhood Education and Care, Revisiting Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed is a benchmark of the progress made in the field over the last half a century.

Pedagogia da esperança

Pedagogia da esperança

Author: Paulo Freire

Publisher: Editora Paz e Terra

Published: 2014-01-06

Total Pages: 325

ISBN-13: 8577532275


Em Pedagogia da esperança, escrito em 1992, Paulo Freire faz uma reflexão sobre Pedagogia do oprimido, publicado em 1968, durante o seu exílio no Chile. Nesse reencontro, analisa suas experiências pedagógicas em quase três décadas nos mais diferentes países. Um relato valioso, elaborado com cientificidade, humildade e coerência, que recusa o determinismo e mostra a história humana como um feixe de possibilidades. O livro conta ainda com a colaboração de Ana Maria Araújo Freire, através das notas explicativas, e prefácio de Leonardo Boff.

Culture and Environment

Culture and Environment


Publisher: BRILL

Published: 2019-07-01

Total Pages: 459

ISBN-13: 9004396683


The focus for this book is the Culture/Environment nexus. Volume one consists of studies submitted by researchers from all corners of the globe. Volume two consists of case studies submitted by a diversity practitioners. The intent was to augment and highlight diversity in our descriptions of environmental education research and practice

The Cry of the Poor

The Cry of the Poor

Author: Alexandre A. Martins

Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield

Published: 2019-11-21

Total Pages: 337

ISBN-13: 1498592198


This book offers an interdisciplinary effort to address global health issues grounded on a human rights framework seen from the perspective of those who are more vulnerable to be sick and die prematurely: the poor. Combining his scholarship and service in impoverished communities, the author examines the connection between poverty and health inequalities from an ethical perspective that considers contributions from different disciplines and the voices of the poor.