It is our pleasure to provide you with the volume containing the proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathe- tics, which was held in Cz ̧ estochowa, a Polish city famous for its Jasna Gora Monastery, on September 7–10, 2003. The ?rst PPAM conference was held in 1994 and was organized by the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Cz ̧ estochowa University of Technology in its hometown. The main idea behind the event was to provide a forum for researchers involved in applied and computational mathematics and parallel computing to exchange ideas in a relaxed atmosphere. Conference organizers hoped that this arrangement would result in cross-pollination and lead to successful research collaborations. In - dition, they hoped that the initially mostly Polish conference would grow into an international event. The fact that these assumptions were correct was proven by the growth of the event. While the ?rst conference consisted of 41 presen- tions, the conference reached 150 participants in Na l ̧ ecz ́ ow in 2001. In this way the PPAM conference has become one of the premiere Polish conferences, and de?nitely the most important one in the area of parallel/distributed computing andappliedmathematics. This year’s meeting gathered almost 200 participants from 32 countries. A strict refereeing process resulted in the acceptance of approximately 150 cont- buted presentations, while the rejection rate was approximately 33%.
Parallel processing has been an enabling technology in scientific computing for more than 20 years. This book is the first in-depth discussion of parallel computing in 10 years; it reflects the mix of topics that mathematicians, computer scientists, and computational scientists focus on to make parallel processing effective for scientific problems. Presently, the impact of parallel processing on scientific computing varies greatly across disciplines, but it plays a vital role in most problem domains and is absolutely essential in many of them. Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing is divided into four parts: The first concerns performance modeling, analysis, and optimization; the second focuses on parallel algorithms and software for an array of problems common to many modeling and simulation applications; the third emphasizes tools and environments that can ease and enhance the process of application development; and the fourth provides a sampling of applications that require parallel computing for scaling to solve larger and realistic models that can advance science and engineering.
The demand for more and more computer power in numerical weather prediction and meteorological research is as strong as ever. Previously, the world meteorological community tried to meet this demand by exploiting parallelism. In this field, the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts has established itself as the central venue for bringing together operational weather forecasters, climate researchers and parallel computer manufacturers to share their experiences through a series of workshops held every other year. This book reports on the latest such workshop. It gives an excellent overview of the latest achievements in this field. The demand for and the developments towards Teracomputing, the next order of magnitude in meteorological supercomputing, are given particular attention.
This book is the ?nal outcome of VECPAR 2000 – 4th International Meeting on Vector and Parallel Processing. VECPAR constitutes a series of conferences, which have been organized by the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto since 1993, with the main objective of disseminating new knowledge on parallel computing. Readership of This Book The book is aimed at an audience of researchers and graduate students in a broad range of scienti?c areas, including not only computer science, but also applied mathematics and numerical analysis, physics, and engineering. Book Plan From a total of 66 papers selected on the basis of extended abstracts for p- sentation at the conference, a subset of 34 papers were chosen during a second review process leading to their inclusion in the book, together with the invited talks. The book contains a total of 40 papers organized into 6 chapters, where each may appeal to people in di?erent but still related scienti?c areas. All ch- ters, with the exception of Chapter 6, are initiated by a short text, providing a quick overview of the organization and papers in the chapter. The 13 papers in Chapter 1 cover the aspects related to the use of multiple processors. Operating systems, languages and software tools for scheduling, and code transformation are the topics included in this chapter, initiated by the talk on computing over the Internet, entitled Grid Computing,byIan Foster.
The proceedings in this volume provide reviews and discussions on the current and future developments in scientific computation, including numerical solutions of differential equations, numerical linear algebra, parallel computation and engineering applications. It contains papers by leading scientists in computational mathematics from US, Israel, Italy, China and Hong Kong.
Scientific applications involve very large computations that strain the resources of whatever computers are available. Such computations implement sophisticated mathematics, require deep scientific knowledge, depend on subtle interplay of different approximations, and may be subject to instabilities and sensitivity to external input. Software able to succeed in this domain invariably embeds significant domain knowledge that should be tapped for future use. Unfortunately, most existing scientific software is designed in an ad hoc way, resulting in monolithic codes understood by only a few developers. Software architecture refers to the way software is structured to promote objectives such as reusability, maintainability, extensibility, and feasibility of independent implementation. Such issues have become increasingly important in the scientific domain, as software gets larger and more complex, constructed by teams of people, and evolved over decades. In the context of scientific computation, the challenge facing mathematical software practitioners is to design, develop, and supply computational components which deliver these objectives when embedded in end-user application codes. The Architecture of Scientific Software addresses emerging methodologies and tools for the rational design of scientific software, including component integration frameworks, network-based computing, formal methods of abstraction, application programmer interface design, and the role of object-oriented languages. This book comprises the proceedings of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Conference on the Architecture of Scientific Software, which was held in Ottawa, Canada, in October 2000. It will prove invaluable reading for developers of scientific software, as well as for researchers in computational sciences and engineering.
Computational Science is the scienti?c discipline that aims at the development and understanding of new computational methods and techniques to model and simulate complex systems. The area of application includes natural systems – such as biology, envir- mental and geo-sciences, physics, and chemistry – and synthetic systems such as electronics and ?nancial and economic systems. The discipline is a bridge b- ween ‘classical’ computer science – logic, complexity, architecture, algorithms – mathematics, and the use of computers in the aforementioned areas. The relevance for society stems from the numerous challenges that exist in the various science and engineering disciplines, which can be tackled by advances made in this ?eld. For instance new models and methods to study environmental issues like the quality of air, water, and soil, and weather and climate predictions through simulations, as well as the simulation-supported development of cars, airplanes, and medical and transport systems etc. Paraphrasing R. Kenway (R.D. Kenway, Contemporary Physics. 1994): ‘There is an important message to scientists, politicians, and industrialists: in the future science, the best industrial design and manufacture, the greatest medical progress, and the most accurate environmental monitoring and forecasting will be done by countries that most rapidly exploit the full potential ofcomputational science’. Nowadays we have access to high-end computer architectures and a large range of computing environments, mainly as a consequence of the enormous s- mulus from the various international programs on advanced computing, e.g.