Meet the Candidates 2020: Joe Biden

Meet the Candidates 2020: Joe Biden

Author: Scott Dworkin

Publisher: Simon and Schuster

Published: 2019-07-23

Total Pages: 120

ISBN-13: 1510750398


Is Joe Biden the right Democrat to face Trump in 2020? Decide by reading this guide to his policies, accomplishments as vice president to Barack Obama, and complicated past as a Congressman. Even before he decided to run, Joe Biden was the most popular Democratic candidate for president in 2020. On the heels of serving as vice president, and close friend, to Barack Obama, Biden’s resume and likability position the former Congressman from Delaware as the favorite for the nomination. He holds s strong lead in the polls. But Joe Biden’s legacy is much more complicated. He chaired the Foreign Relations and Senate Judiciary Committees, but his treatment of Anita Hill in the Clarence Thomas Supreme Court hearings will be a black mark on his candidacy. He oversaw successful Great Recession relief and the Violence Against Women Act and ultimately received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, but the racial statements from his past will reflect poorly when promoted by Republicans and fellow Democratic candidates. And Biden has faced allegations of inappropriate touching by several women. Meet the Candidates 2020: Joe Biden: A Voter’s Guide will explore these contradictions and help you decide if Biden is your choice for 2020. The Meet the Candidates 2020 series is the informed voter’s guide to making a decision in the 2020 Democratic primary and presidential election. Each book gives an unbiased, political insider’s analysis of each contender, featuring: candidate interviews; an introduction by campaign advisor, Democratic Coalition co-founder, and Dworkin Report host Scott Dworkin; and compilation and writing by Occupy Democrats Editor at Large Grant Stern. In two hours of reading, you’ll understand their defining characteristics, credentials, campaign issues, challenges, presidential chances, and everything else you need to know to decide who should challenge Donald Trump. Whether it’s for Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, Cory Booker, or another, Meet the Candidates is what you need to make an informed vote for president in 2020.

Meet the Candidates 2020: Kamala Harris

Meet the Candidates 2020: Kamala Harris

Author: Scott Dworkin

Publisher: Simon and Schuster

Published: 2019-06-18

Total Pages: 144

ISBN-13: 1510750347


Kamala Harris is already a contender to take on Donald Trump despite still refining her positions. Learn what makes the lawyer, legislator, and progressive Democrat a strong candidate. Meet the Candidates 2020: Kamala Harris: A Voter’s Guide is your handbook to understanding the candidacy of Kamala Harris and deciding if she deserves your vote in the Democratic primary, and ultimately to take on Donald Trump in the 2020 presidential election. The senator, former prosecutor, and attorney general from California has gained momentum after a strong national showing at the Kavanaugh hearings. She is a strong voice in the Senate, and serves on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, the Select Committee on Intelligence, the Committee on the Judiciary, and the Committee on the Budget. While she is still refining her campaign stances, she has voiced support for gun control, the Green New Deal, lowering middle class taxes, DREAMers, net neutrality, and legalizing marijuana. Meet the Candidates 2020: Kamala Harris: A Voter’s Guide examines how her campaign will solidify, the type of leader she’ll be, and her chances versus Donald Trump in the general election. The Meet the Candidates 2020 series is the informed voter’s guide to making a decision in the 2020 Democratic primary and presidential election. Each book gives an unbiased, political insider’s analysis of each contender, featuring: candidate interviews; an introduction by campaign adviser, Democratic Coalition co-founder, and Dworkin Report host Scott Dworkin; and compilation and writing by Occupy Democrats Editor at Large Grant Stern. In two hours of reading, you’ll understand their defining characteristics, credentials, campaign issues, challenges, presidential chances, and everything else you need to know to decide who should challenge Donald Trump. Whether it’s for Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Julian Castro, Cory Booker, or another, Meet the Candidates is what you need to make an informed vote for president in 2020.

Meet the Candidates 2020: Pete Buttigieg

Meet the Candidates 2020: Pete Buttigieg

Author: Scott Dworkin

Publisher: Simon and Schuster

Published: 2019-07-02

Total Pages: 144

ISBN-13: 1510752420


Who is Pete Buttigieg? The mayor of South Bend, Indiana emerged from relative obscurity to become a serious contender for president of the United States of America. Is he the right foil for Donald Trump? Mayor Pete Buttigieg has raised seven million dollars and captivated the nation in media and at town halls during his short time as candidate for president of the United States. He’s a veteran of the war in Afghanistan as a lieutenant in the Navy Reserve, a Harvard graduate and Rhodes scholar, well-liked by his South Bend constituents, and now a bestselling author with his recent book, Shortest Way Home. He’s also a 37-year old millennial and openly gay—no president has ever been either. Meet the Candidates 2020: Pete Buttigieg: A Voter’s Guide is your handbook to understanding the man that Barack Obama christened the future of the Democratic Party. Buttigieg transcends expected labels: millennial and media savvy, but conversational or better in eight languages; a Harvard grad and corporate consultant who settled in the small town he grew up in; a progressive but not a revolutionary. From his revered decency to his standard progressive stances on the issues of the environment, gun control, LGBTQ rights, and immigration, this guide is your primer on Mayor Pete. The Meet the Candidates 2020 series is the informed voter’s guide to making a decision in the 2020 Democratic primary and presidential election. Each book gives an unbiased, political insider’s analysis of each contender, featuring: candidate interviews; an introduction by campaign adviser, Democratic Coalition co-founder, and Dworkin Report host Scott Dworkin; and compilation and writing by Occupy Democrats Editor at Large Grant Stern. In two hours of reading, you’ll understand their defining characteristics, credentials, campaign issues, challenges, presidential chances, and everything else you need to know to decide who should challenge Donald Trump. Whether it’s for Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Julian Castro, Cory Booker, or another, Meet the Candidates is what you need to make an informed vote for president in 2020.

Meet the Candidates 2020: Cory Booker

Meet the Candidates 2020: Cory Booker

Author: Scott Dworkin

Publisher: Simon and Schuster

Published: 2019-08-27

Total Pages: 120

ISBN-13: 1510750355


A primer on the policies and candidacy of the Democratic senator from New Jersey, who has made social and racial justice his foundation. Is he the right Democrat to take on Trump? Cory Booker, New Jersey senator and former mayor of Newark, has a voting record measured a third most liberal in his time in the Senate. Meet the Candidates 2020: Cory Booker: A Voter’s Guide helps you understand exactly how liberal Booker is, where on the spectrum Booker sits among Democratic contenders for the presidency, and whether his positions are worthy of your vote. Booker, a voice for social progress and equality and a critic of President Trump, is campaigning on the platform of an end to the war on drugs and drug reform, single-payer healthcare, education reform, environmental reform and the Green New Deal, and criminal justice reform. He sits on the Committee on Environment and Public Works, Committee on Foreign Relations, and the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, where he emerged as a strong voice in the Kavanaugh hearings. The Meet the Candidates 2020 series is the informed voter’s guide to making a decision in the 2020 Democratic primary and presidential election. Each book gives an unbiased, political insider’s analysis of each contender, featuring: candidate interviews; an introduction by campaign adviser, Democratic Coalition co-founder, and Dworkin Report host Scott Dworkin; and compilation and writing by Occupy Democrats Editor at Large Grant Stern. In two hours of reading, you’ll understand their defining characteristics, credentials, campaign issues, challenges, presidential chances, and everything else you need to know to decide who should challenge Donald Trump. Whether it’s for Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Julian Castro, Cory Booker, or another, Meet the Candidates is what you need to make an informed vote for president in 2020.

Meet the Candidates 2020: Bernie Sanders

Meet the Candidates 2020: Bernie Sanders

Author: Scott Dworkin

Publisher: Simon and Schuster

Published: 2019-06-11

Total Pages: 120

ISBN-13: 1510750339


What is “democratic socialism?" Educate yourself on Bernie Sanders, the liberal independent from Vermont and the 2016 underdog turned 2020 Democratic favorite. Bernie Sanders shocked the establishment in 2016 with his self-described “political revolution,” mobilizing grassroots fundraising and campaigning to nearly secure the Democratic nomination over Hillary Clinton (even in the face of Democratic National Convention opposition). The Vermont senator and longest-serving independent in congressional history hopes to do the same with a better result in 2020. Meet the Candidates 2020: Bernie Sanders: A Voter’s Guide will help you decide if Sanders’s brand of democratic socialism is for you and if he is the right candidate to take on Donald Trump. A vocal critic of Donald Trump, Sanders advocates for sweeping reform: single-payer, universal health care, labor and economic inequality reform, taxes on the wealthy, the Green New Deal, marijuana legalization, free higher education. Sanders has had an undeniable influence on how campaigns are run and has moved the Democratic party to the left, but how will his liberal platforms play in a Democratic primary and against Trump in a general election? After reading Meet the Candidates 2020: Bernie Sanders: A Voter’s Guide you’ll be able to analyze those chances, explain his positions, and decide if they are what you believe is right for America. The Meet the Candidates 2020 series is the informed voter’s guide to making a decision in the 2020 Democratic primary and presidential election. Each book gives an unbiased, political insider’s analysis of each contender, featuring: candidate interviews; an introduction by campaign advisor, Democratic Coalition co-founder, and Dworkin Report host Scott Dworkin; and compilation and writing by Occupy Democrats Editor at Large Grant Stern. In two hours of reading, you’ll understand their defining characteristics, credentials, campaign issues, challenges, presidential chances, and everything else you need to know to decide who should challenge Donald Trump. Whether it’s for Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Julian Castro, Cory Booker, or another, Meet the Candidates is what you need to make an informed vote for president in 2020.

All Hail Joe Biden

All Hail Joe Biden

Author: Edna C Gray


Published: 2020-11-18

Total Pages: 46



The American presidential election came with pitched tension, uncertainty, anxiety and excitement. The gladiators were upbeat about their ambitions just as they expressed uncommon confidence about their chances. They campaigned, talked and even boasted of being the preferred favourite to emerge as America's 46th president. The issues in the election were as competing as much as they were also challenging. The candidates plotted their strategies in theory and went about implementing them in practical terms to the best of their abilities. However, while some of the candidates behaved in ways that left much to be desired, others took the process very seriously and behaved in a very deliberate and coordinated manner that showed that they were genuinely committed to the cause. While some took the Mail-In voting process with tremendous seriousness, others dismissed it with a wave of the hand even to the point of discrediting it. This process, however, turned out to be an essential factor in the election. Just as it turned out also to be a problematic sore point to the ambition of those that dismissed its relevance. The election saw Americans trooping out in overwhelming numbers to vote for their preferred candidates and for the first time in recent history, both the Popular Votes and the Electoral College votes recorded overwhelming numbers to the advantage of the eventual winner. Empirical statistics showed that it was a landslide, a whooping and a shocker of some sort which was indicative of the fact that the voting population was resolutely determined to change the trajectory and re-invest the next four years in the hands of a new driver.Many pundits have posited that President Donald Trump worked so very hard to lose the election, just as they believed that he provoked Americans to the point of saying "Enough is enough and never again". In the same token, they also believed that the very ebullient Joe Biden did everything right in the books to win the hearts and votes of the American people. He talked like a father, spoke like a statesman and stood out like a leader with evident character, competence and capacity. The election had many dramatic twists in itself especially after November 3rd, 2020 as the incumbent not only discredited the process without presenting any evidence to back his claims but also attempted to stop the counting in some states. He also vowed to challenge the final results in court. He swore never to concede defeat as he believed he won the election even in the face of overwhelming proof to counter his position based on the authentic result of the votes from the electorates, from across the country.Even before he made his famous victory speech in Wilmington, Delaware in the open hours of Saturday, November 7th, 2020, congratulatory messages had started to pour in for president-elect, Joe Biden and his running mate, Kamala Harris from everywhere showing very clearly that the world had already accepted and recognized them as the victors and the popular choice in the election.This book which seeks to celebrate the man and the woman of the moment in the persons of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris highlights their profiles, the thorny road to the White House, the salient winning strategies, the importance and relevance of the power of votes and the prospects the Biden/Harris presidency holds for the United States of America in particular and the world in general. What cannot be overlooked, however, is the fact that history was made on November 3rd, 2020. It marked a turning point and thus stood out as a reference point in the modern-day political conversation. Many commentaries, analysis, books and compendiums will still emerge to give an account of how the 2020 presidential election of the United States of America went down both before, during and after.

Meet the Candidates 2020: Elizabeth Warren

Meet the Candidates 2020: Elizabeth Warren

Author: Scott Dworkin

Publisher: Skyhorse

Published: 2019-05-21

Total Pages: 0

ISBN-13: 9781510750241


She has a plan! Get informed about the policies of Massachusetts Senator turned presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren. This concise guide will help you decide quickly if Warren deserves your vote for the Democratic nomination and to take on Donald Trump. Warren’s strong economic background sets her apart; the senator from Massachusetts defines herself as a capitalist first and seeks to make capitalism more equitable for all. She has already proposed sweeping anti-corruption reforms, refused PAC donations to her campaign, rolled out plans for college debt forgiveness and a tax on the super wealthy. Her background as a Harvard economist, author of The Two-Income Trap, and experience as an economic advisor to Barack Obama positions her well to make change happen. Warren’s campaign also features popular Democratic talking points—rebuilding the middle class, ending corruption in Washington, making voting laws more democratic, bringing our troops home and stopping endless war—but it’s her experience that sets her apart. From working the campaign trial for Hillary Clinton to weathering President Trump’s refrain of “Pocahontas” in reference to her claimed Native American heritage, Meet the Candidates 2020: Elizabeth Warren: A Voter’s Guide is your complete handbook to Elizabeth Warren’s resumé, campaign, and what America would look like if she won the presidency in 2020. The Meet the Candidates 2020 series is the informed voter’s guide to making a decision in the 2020 Democratic primary and presidential election. Each book gives an unbiased, political insider’s analysis of each contender, featuring: candidate interviews; an introduction by campaign advisor, Democratic Coalition co-founder, and Dworkin Report host Scott Dworkin; and compilation and writing by Occupy Democrats Editor at Large Grant Stern. In two hours of reading, you’ll understand their defining characteristics, credentials, campaign issues, challenges, presidential chances, and everything else you need to know to decide who should challenge Donald Trump. Whether it’s for Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Julian Castro, Cory Booker, or another, Meet the Candidates is what you need to make an informed vote for president in 2020.

Meet the Candidates 2020: Beto O'Rourke

Meet the Candidates 2020: Beto O'Rourke

Author: Scott Dworkin

Publisher: Skyhorse

Published: 2019-09-24

Total Pages: 0

ISBN-13: 9781510751460


Beto O’Rourke rose from an unknown representative to political stardom during his campaign against Ted Cruz in Texas. Now the former El Paso councilman plans to take on Donald Trump. Get to know him with Meet the Candidates 2020: Beto O’Rourke: A Voter's Guide. In his run for the Democratic nomination and ultimately president, Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourke hopes to recapture the energy from his surprise challenge of incumbent Republican senator Ted Cruz in 2018. He seems poised to do so after raising over $6 million in 24 hours after announcing his candidacy, beating Bernie Sanders’ record mark. But O’Rourke’s momentum is largely drawn from his character; his policies are less emphasized. Meet the Candidates: Beto O’Rourke: A Voter’s Guide defines O’Rourke’s policy and examines his chances against Donald Trump. Immigration reform, a two-state solution, the Green New Deal, antitrust laws, single-payer healthcare—this quick read will show you where O’Rourke falls on all the major issues, and if he’ll be getting your vote. The Meet the Candidates 2020 series is the informed voter’s guide to making a decision in the 2020 Democratic primary and presidential election. Each book gives an unbiased, political insider’s analysis of each contender, featuring: candidate interviews; an introduction by campaign adviser, Democratic Coalition co-founder, and Dworkin Report host Scott Dworkin; and compilation and writing by Occupy Democrats Editor at Large Grant Stern. In two hours of reading, you’ll understand their defining characteristics, credentials, campaign issues, challenges, presidential chances, and everything else you need to know to decide who should challenge Donald Trump. Whether it’s for Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Julian Castro, Cory Booker, or another, Meet the Candidates is what you need to make an informed vote for president in 2020.



Author: Jonathan Allen

Publisher: National Geographic Books

Published: 2021-03-02

Total Pages: 0

ISBN-13: 0525574220


The inside story of the historic 2020 presidential election and Joe Biden’s harrowing ride to victory, from the #1 New York Times bestselling authors of Shattered, the definitive account of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign. Almost no one thought Joe Biden could make it back to the White House—not Donald Trump, not the two dozen Democratic rivals who sought to take down a weak front-runner, not the mega-donors and key endorsers who feared he could not beat Bernie Sanders, not even Barack Obama. The story of Biden’s cathartic victory in the 2020 election is the story of a Democratic Party at odds with itself, torn between the single-minded goal of removing Donald Trump and the push for a bold progressive agenda that threatened to alienate as many voters as it drew. In Lucky, #1 New York Times bestselling authors Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes use their unparalleled access to key players inside the Democratic and Republican campaigns to unfold how Biden’s nail-biting run for the presidency vexed his own party as much as it did Trump. Having premised his path on unlocking the Black vote in South Carolina, Biden nearly imploded before he got there after a relentless string of misfires left him freefalling in polls and nearly broke. Allen and Parnes brilliantly detail the remarkable string of chance events that saved him, from the botched Iowa caucus tally that concealed his terrible result, to the pandemic lockdown that kept him off the stump, where he was often at his worst. More powerfully, Lucky unfolds the pitched struggle within Biden’s general election campaign to downplay the very issues that many Democrats believed would drive voters to the polls, especially in the wake of Trump’s response to nationwide protests following the murder of George Floyd. Even Biden’s victory did not salve his party’s wounds; instead, it revealed a surprising, complicated portrait of American voters and crushed Democrats’ belief in the inevitability of a blue wave. A thrilling masterpiece of political reporting, Lucky is essential reading for understanding the most important election in American history and the future that will come of it.

Marlon Bundo's Day in the Life of the Vice President

Marlon Bundo's Day in the Life of the Vice President

Author: Charlotte Pence

Publisher: Simon and Schuster

Published: 2018-03-19

Total Pages: 44

ISBN-13: 1621577856


NATIONAL BESTSELLER "Mike Pence's pet rabbit is the best thing about Washington." —The Week "Marlon is ridiculously cute and appears to be fully aware of that fact." —The Washington Post Marlon Bundo is "an objectively good name for a bunny." —John Oliver, HBO's Last Week Tonight "The Vice President and his wife could kiss their audience's attention goodbye once Marlon Bundo was introduced!" — CNN, covering Marlon Bundo's appearance at a White House military appreciation event From the moment he hopped into the home of America's "Second Family," black-and-white bunny rabbit Marlon Bundo captured the hearts of Vice President Mike Pence, his wife Karen, and his children Michael, Charlotte, and Audrey. But little Marlon Bundo isn't just a family pet: like Peter Rabbit and Bugs Bunny before him, Marlon—or BOTUS (Bunny of the United States)—is a national celebrity! With his appearances at official White House events, his rides on Air Force 2, and his popular Instagram account, Marlon Bundo has become a beloved member of the Trump-Pence administration. So how does a bunny experience a day in the life of the Vice President? Now young readers can follow Marlon Bundo along as he hops after "Grampa" (Vice President Mike Pence) in this delightful story penned by Charlotte Pence and illustrated faithfully with watercolors from the "Second Lady" herself, Karen Pence.