This book contains the proceedings of the third international workshop on From Parity Violation to Hadronic Structure and More. The many applications of parity violation are way beyond the scope of what Lee and Yang could have imagined fifty years after their proposal. For the physics topics discussed during this workshop, the application of parity violation has become a standard work horse allowing for the extraction of many physics topics in different experiments.
Almost 50 years after the proposal of Lee and Young in 1956 to test the hypothesis of parity violation in weak interactions and the subsequent experimental verification of parity violation by C. S. Wu, parity violation has today become a useful property of weak interactions. This is due to the fact that the focus nowadays has changed: parity violation in weak interactions is no more a topic of investigation but is used as a tool in many different fields ranging from nuclear physics to the search for the hidden extra dimensions requested by string theory. For our first workshop which took place June 5-8, 2002, at the Institut fiir Ke- physik of the Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz, we concentrated on the in vestigation of the strangeness contribution in the nucleon. This book contains the refereed and selected papers of the second workshop "From Parity Violation to Hadron Structure and more (Part II)", which took place June 8-11, in the Labo- toire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie, in Grenoble. These papers appear in EPJAdirect, the electronic-only part of EPJA, and they are accessible without restrictions. They will also appear in printed form and can be ordered through Springer. The excellent presentations show the dramatic and steady progress in the accuracy of measured parity violating asymmetries over the last few years.
DIS 2005 is the 13th in a series of annual workshops on Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) and Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). The aim of these workshops is to review the progress in the field of DIS and QCD and to discuss and lay the groundwork for the future. DIS 2005 brought together 280 experimentalists and theorists to discuss the latest theoretical developments and new experimental results from HERA, TeVatron, SLAC, CERN, RHIC and Jefferson Lab.
This volume contains lectures presented at the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Annual Hampton University Graduate Studies at the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility (HUGS at CEBAF) Summer Schools. The HUGS summer school brings pedagogical lectures to graduate students who are working on doctoral theses in nuclear physics. It has a balance of theory and experiment, and lecturers address topics of high current interest in strong interaction physics, particularly in electron scattering. Many HUGS lecturers lead major experimental efforts, and are internationally renowned for their contributions to the field.The proceedings have been selected for coverage in: ? Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings (ISTP CDROM version / ISI Proceedings)? CC Proceedings ? Engineering & Physical Sciences
The topics covered in the conference ranged from the physics that can be done with polarized beams of particles (protons, electrons, gamma-rays, etc.) to the techniques and instrumentation necessary to achieve this. Topics included: nucleon structure measurements (from where does the spin of the proton and neutron come), the acceleration, storage and polarization of particle beams and the polarized targets and sources necessary for mounting the experiments.
This thesis examines the γZ box contribution to the weak charge of the proton. Here, by combining recent parity-violating electron-deuteron scattering data with our current understanding of parton distribution functions, the author shows that one can limit this model dependence. The resulting construction is a robust model of the γγ and γZ structure functions that can also be used to study a variety of low-energy phenomena. Two such cases are discussed in this work, namely, the nucleon’s electromagnetic polarizabilities and quark-hadron duality. By using phenomenological information to constrain the input structure functions, this important but previously poorly understood radiative correction is determined at the kinematics of the parity-violating experiment, QWEAK, to a degree of precision more than twice that of the previous best estimate. A detailed investigation into available parametrizations of the electromagnetic and interference cross-sections indicates that earlier analyses suffered from the inability to correctly quantify their model dependence.
This volume discusses theoretical and experimental activities in the investigation of nucleon and nuclear structure by electromagnetic and hadronic probes at intermediate and high energies. The focus is on laboratory activities, recent progress concerning the structure of hadrons, relativistic many-body approaches, deep inelastic scattering and correlations in nuclei.
NuInt07, the fifth in a series of international workshops, was held at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, IL. It was the successful continuation of a series of workshops focused solely on the understanding and measurement of low energy neutrino-nucleus interactions. Neutrino cross sections in the few-GeV energy range are an important ingredient for neutrino oscillation experiments as well as being interesting in their own right. Such measurements and their accompanying theoretical calculations had not been updated for decades. The goal of this workshop series has been to remedy this situation by providing an environment where both experimentalists and theorists in nuclear and high energy physics can come together to review and discuss recent progress in neutrino-nucleus measurements and calculations.
Getting down to the bottom line is what this proceedings digest is all about, as any physicist will tell you: spin is the fundamental concept in physics. The applications are pretty universal due to the fact that, using spin-related phenomena, physicists are trying to reveal the fundamental principles of nature – and things don’t come much more bottom-line than that. This volume is the proceedings of the 17th International Spin Physics Symposium which is a forum to discuss spin physics and related topics.