World Regional Geography is an exciting science that encompasses a wealth of information regarding geographical landscapes, cultural traditions, population patterns and economic resources. Contemporary World Regional Geography, 4e provides a current, balanced geographical study of world issues through analysis of ten world regions and the countries in each. The authors integrate the themes of "global connections" and "local voices" and utilize a consistent structure within each chapter. Each chapter is organized to begin with environmental issues of the region followed by historical geography, which lead into the sections on the modern global era. The latter part of each chapter continues to be devoted to subregional subdivisions.
The World Today is the number one bestselling brief World Regional Geography textbook. The seventh edition continues to bring readers geographic perspectives on a fast-changing world through the regional view. Restructured chapters provide a macro review of important physical, cultural, and political characteristics, drawing upon up-to-date significant world events and crises. The cartographically superior maps have been updated for the seventh edition to offer an accurate and vast picture of the world--multi-layer, interactive, GIA maps have been added to WileyPLUS Learning Space. To complement the extensive map program, the majority of the photos have been taken by our authors during their field research, allowing the student to experience an authentic geographical viewpoint of our world.
Fundamentals of World Regional Geography brings course concepts to life with interactive learning, study, and exam preparation tools along with comprehensive text content for one semester/quarter courses.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. This contemporary approach to World Regional Geography introduces the latest ideas, concepts, and theories in geography while also developing a strong foundation in the fundamentals of world regions. It helps professors convey a strong sense of place and an understanding of the connections within and between world regions. Globalization and Diversity is a briefer version of the popular Diversity Amid Globalization by the same authors; this distillation focuses on the core materials that students need in a World Regional Geography course. The Fourth Edition features a new and unique focus on sustainability.
World Regional Geography: Places, Peoples, and Cultures provides students with a fresh approach to the study of world geography through a topical exploration of ten major world regions. The text explores the landscapes and societies on Earth in order to appreciate the environmental diversity of the planet and the cultural richness of humanity from the interdisciplinary perspective of geography. The book is richly illustrated with maps, photos, and graphs. The
World Regions in Global Context presents a strong global sensibility and an emphasis on current concerns, with models of interdependent development, spatial and social inequality, and questions of spatial justice. The authors maintain that regions are the outcomes of a set of twin forces of globalization and regionalization. Therefore, each regional chapter stresses the global systems of connection that drive unique regional processes, making regions different. By studying regions, students not only learn the critical elements of different places, but also come to understand the fundamental processes that drive change. The Fifth Edition discusses geographies of emerging regions, incorporates cutting-edge data visualizations and infographics, including Quick Response codes linking to online media, features a completely modernized cartography program, and much more.
Understanding World Regional Geography (UWRG) is designed to teach students to think geographically so they can continue to think and apply geographic concepts long after the course is over. UWRG draws from best practices in geography education and research in student learning to help students deepen their understanding of the world. Features found in every chapter help students learn to read cultural and physical landscapes, ask geographic questions, apply geographic concepts, and make connections. UWRG is the first introductory textbook to integrate Esri ArcGIS Online thematic maps, enabling students to engage with course material, see patterns, and answer geographic questions. UWRG integrates 25 threshold concepts, teaches students how geographers apply the concepts, and then asks students to apply these key geographic concepts themselves. Understanding World Regional Geography helps students begin to grasp the complexities of the world and gives them the content and thinking skills necessary to grow in their understanding of the world during the course and over their lifetimes.
This shorter version of the highly successful Contemporary World Regional Geography, 3e gives readers a fresh new approach that combines fundamental geographical elements, internal regional diversity, and contemporary issues. This approach allows serious discussion of cultural and environmental issues, as well as political and economic issues. The main innovation in this completely rewritten text is in the ordering of the material covered. While other texts cut photos, illustrations, and boxed material from their WRG books, this essentials version is a completely rewritten text by the authors of Contemporary World Regional Geography, 3e. Each of the nine regional chapters opens with a one- or two-page map of the region, short accounts of people or events to provide a personal flavor of the region, an outline of the chapter contents, and a short section placing the region in its wider global context. Each regional chapter is consistently organized by three sections. The first section summarizes the distinctive physical and human geographies of the region; the second section explores the internal diversity of the region at subregional, selected country, and local levels. The third section focuses on a selection of contemporary issues that are important to the people of each region and frequently have implications for the rest of the world. Each regional chapter follows the same framework, allowing students to easily make comparisons from one world region to the next. Students are encouraged to consider what it means to be part of a global community and to develop their geographical understandings of world events. The authors have created a text that is readable, with a consistent structure within chapters, containing superior maps and illustrations, and finally – to offer a concise and more affordable text.