Living Science for Classes 9 and 10 have been prepared on the basis of the syllabus developed by the NCERT and adopted by the CBSE and many other State Education Boards. Best of both, the traditional courses and the recent innovations in the field of basic Chemistry have been incorporated. The books contain a large number of worked-out examples, illustrations, illustrative questions, numerical problems, figures, tables and graphs.
Living Science for Classes 9 and 10 have been prepared on the basis of the syllabus developed by the NCERT and adopted by the CBSE and many other State Education Boards. Best of both, the traditional courses and the recent innovations in the field of basic Chemistry have been incorporated. The books contain a large number of worked-out examples, illustrations, illustrative questions, numerical problems, figures, tables and graphs.
Living Science for Classes 9 and 10 have been prepared on the basis of the syllabus developed by the NCERT and adopted by the CBSE and many other State Education Boards. Best of both, the traditional courses and the recent innovations in the field of basic Physics have been incorporated. The books contain a large number of worked-out examples, illustrations, illustrative questions, numerical problems, figures, tables and graphs.
Leads the reader on a delightful and absorbing journey through the ages, on the trail of the elements of the Periodic Table as we know them today. He introduces the young reader to people like Von Helmont, Boyle, Stahl, Priestly, Cavendish, Lavoisier, and many others, all incredibly diverse in personality and approach, who have laid the groundwork for a search that is still unfolding to this day. The first part of Wiker's witty and solidly instructive presentation is most suitable to middle school age, while the later chapters are designed for ages 12-13 and up, with a final chapter somewhat more advanced. Illustrated by Jeanne Bendick and Ted Schluenderfritz.
"Conceptual Chemistry, " Third Edition features more applied material and an expanded quantitative approach to help readers understand how chemistry is related to their everyday lives. Building on the clear, friendly writing style and superior art program that has made "Conceptual Chemistry" a market-leading text, the Third Edition links chemistry to the real world and ensures that readers master the problem-solving skills they need to solve chemical equations. Chemistry Is A Science, Elements of Chemistry, Discovering the Atom and Subatomic Particles, The Atomic Nucleus, Atomic Models, Chemical Bonding and Molecular Shapes, Molecular Mixing, Those, Incredible Water Molecules, An Overview of Chemical Reactions, Acids and Bases, Oxidations and Reductions, Organic Chemistry, Chemicals of Life, The Chemistry of Drugs, Optimizing Food Production, Fresh Water Resources, Air Resources, Material Resources, Energy Resources For readers interested in how chemistry is related to their everyday lives.
This book is the solution of Living Science chemistry class 8th (Publisher Ratna Sagar). It includes solved & additional questions of all the chapters mentioned in the textbook. Recommended for both ICSE and CBSE students.