Oganisation Institutionnelle de la Gestion de L'eau Aux XIXe Et XXe Siecles

Oganisation Institutionnelle de la Gestion de L'eau Aux XIXe Et XXe Siecles

Author: J. C. N. Raadschelders

Publisher: IOS Press

Published: 2005

Total Pages: 256

ISBN-13: 9781586034825


Water management has become a major issue for public policies at any latitude. How and why this happened could not be assessed efficiently without developing a longitudinal and comparative analysis, such as the one in this book. Institutional arrangements for the provision and the use of water are peculiarly persistent as well as remarkably resilient: This makes them an ideal subject of an historical account. Not that history is worth writing about only when it treats immutable phenomena. On the contrary; its main purpose is to record changes and possibly explain them. But long-lasting continuity urges the scholar to venture into the remote past, since only there are to be discovered the initial causes and the deeper meanings of the institutions under scrutiny. Also, continuity makes the strength of path-dependency all the more evident and consequently underlines the weight of history.

Vers une gestion intégrée de l'eau dans l'Empire romain

Vers une gestion intégrée de l'eau dans l'Empire romain

Author: Ella Hermon


Published: 2008

Total Pages: 304

ISBN-13: 9788882654818


Ella Hermon, Avant-propos. Concepts et paradigmes ; Luigi Capogrossi Colognesi, Pr�face. Acque, terre e paesaggi umani nella storia di Roma; A. Trevor Hodge, Introduction. Reflections on Water; i. aspects de gestion int�gr�e de leau: I.1. Pratiques de la gestion int�gr�e de leau; Mich�le Brunet, La gestion de leau en milieu urbain et rural � D�los dans lAntiquit�; Monique Clavel-L�veque, Gestion de leau et d�veloppement de la colonie de B�ziers; dans la plaine littorale; Sophie Collin-Bouffier, Organisation des territoires grecs antiques et gestion de leau; H�le`ne Dessales, Le prix de leau dans lhabitat romain: une �tude des modes de gestion; � Pomp�i; Maurizio Gualtieri, The Water Supply System of a Senatorial Estate in Southern Italy; (Oppido Lucano, PZ); Alberto Prieto, Les guerres de leau dans lHispanie romaine; I.2. La gestion des risques environnementaux : C�cile Allinne, L�volution du climat � l�poque romaine en M�diterran�e occidentale:; aper�u historiographique et nouvelles approches; Robert Bedon, Les villes des Trois Gaules et leur recherche dune proximit� de leau:; gestion des atouts et des difficult�s cr��es par la pr�sence de rivi�res et de mar�cages; Jean-Fran�ois Berger, �tude g�oarch�ologique des r�seaux hydrauliques romains de; Gaule Narbonnaise (haute et moyenne vall�e du Rh�ne): apports � la gestion des; ressources en eau et � lhistoire agraire antique; Rita Compatangelo-Soussignan, La lagune-mar�cage de Salapia / Siponte (Pouilles,; Italie) � l�poque romaine: modifications environnementales et r�ponses anthropiques; Philippe Leveau, Les inondations du Tibre � Rome: politiques publiques et variations; climatiques � l�poque romaine; Marinella Pasquinucci, Water Management Practices and Risk Management in North; Etruria (Archaic Period to Late Antiquity): A Few Remarks; ii. savoirs traditionnels : ii.1. Usages �conomiques et conflits dusage : Pascal Arnaud, Conscience de limpact environnemental et choix dam�nagements ; concurrentiels des cours deau chez les auteurs anciens; Raffaella Biundo, La gestion publique de leau: finances municipales et centre du pouvoir; � l�poque imp�riale; Geoffrey Kron, Reconstructing the Techniques and Potential Productivity of Roman; Aquaculture in the Light of Recent Research and Practice; Philippe Leveau, Les aqueducs de la colonie romaine dArles et lexploitation des eaux souterraines (Ground Water): conflits dusage, changements dutilisation des eaux,; �volution des environnements dans un massif karstique; Elio Lo Cascio and Paolo Malanima, Mechanical Energy and Water Power in Europe:; A Long Stability ?; Almudena Orejas, Mar�a Ruiz del �rbol et F.-Javier Sanchez-Palencia, La gestion; int�gr�e de leau dans les zones mini�res du nord-ouest dHispania; Stefania Quilici Gigli, The Management of the Water Regime in Agrarian Contexts in; Central Italy; ii.2. Aspects juridiques : Pierre Jaillette et Francesca Reduzzi Merola, Leau � usage agricole dans la; l�gislation romaine de l�poque tardive: du Code Th�odosien au Code Justinien; Dennis Kehoe, Economics and the Law of Water Rights in the Roman Empire; Jean Peyras, La gestion int�gr�e de leau dans lAntiquit� tardive: la r�ception du droit; romain dans lAfrique Mineure; Robert H. Rodgers, Ex rei publicae utilitate: Legal Issues Concerning Maintenance of; the Aqueducts at Rome; Francesco Salerno, Opus manu factum, natura agri et lutilisation de leau de pluie; dans la jurisprudence romaine; conclusion : Luigi Labruna, Rome et le droit de lenvironnement; Ella Hermon, LEmpire romain: un paradigme interpr�tatif ?

Water Resource Management and the Law

Water Resource Management and the Law

Author: Erkki J. Hollo

Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing

Published: 2017-11-24

Total Pages: 429

ISBN-13: 1785369830


Scarcity of water, floods and erosion caused by climate change have made the management of water resources a challenge to national and international actors worldwide. States have also initiated water projects to improve social welfare, often with significant impacts on the environment. This book combines close analysis of the legal structures of water rights with consideration of the modes of water management projects to illustrate current water-related problems in terms of practical solutions in a global context.

Gestion de L'eau

Gestion de L'eau

Author: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Water Management Sector Group


Published: 1972

Total Pages: 552




Publisher: Odile Jacob


Total Pages: 273

ISBN-13: 2738180035