The completely revised "All New Built-Ins Idea Book" showcases a wide range of built-in and storage possibilities. A handy visual clip file, it's full of fresh ideas for creating rooms that are both functional and stylish.
A hands-on introduction to microcontroller project design with dozens of example circuits and programs. Presents practical designs for use in data loggers, controllers, and other small-computer applications. Example circuits and programs in the book are based on the popular 8052-BASIC microcontroller, whose on-chip BASIC programming language makes it easy to write, run, and test your programs. With over 100 commands, instructions, and operators, the BASIC-52 interpreter can do much more than other single-chip BASICs. Its abilities include floating-point math, string handling, and special commands for storing programs in EPROM, EEPROM, or battery-backed RAM.
The LEGO® MINDSTORMS® EV3 Idea Book explores dozens of creative ways to build amazing mechanisms with the LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 set. Each model includes a list of the required parts, minimal text, and colorful photographs from multiple angles so you can re-create it without the need for step-by-step instructions. You’ll learn to build cars with real suspension, steerable crawlers, ball-shooters, grasping robotic arms, and other creative marvels. Each model demonstrates simple mechanical principles that you can use as building blocks for your own creations. Best of all, every part you need to build these machines comes in one LEGO set (#31313)!
Everybody knows a few guitar chords, and it's fun to use them to accompany your favorite songs. This book is just full of ideas to help you sound like a pro while playing even the simplest chords. Concentrating on the most commonly used chords in the most frequently used keys, Dan Donnelly teaches enjoyable ways to embellish chords in a friendly, step-by-step approach. Learn what chords are usually combined and many great-sounding ways to go between them. Discover how variety and color can be added to your songs just by picking up a finger or adding another. Get started in this book today and become everybody's favorite accompanist.
People of color are eager for white people to deal with their racial ignorance. White people are desperate for an affirmative role in racial justice. Not My Idea: A Book About Whiteness helps with conversations the nation is, just now, finally starting to have.