Working paper analysing human capital relationships between higher education, employment and income distribution, based on statistical tables collected in the Sudan - includes information on characteristics of the university graduates surveyed and on labour market mechanisms. References.
Originally published in 1987, this book focusses on the relationship between higher education and employment and is based on 21 national case studies. The countries discussed are Bangladesh, Benin, Botswana, Egypt, Germany, Malaysia, Pakistan, People's Democratic Republic of Yemen, Philippines, Poland, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tanzania, the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Zambia, the State of West Bengal (India), Mali, Nepal, France, Indonesia and Peru. It is a unique collection of information, analyses and results which provide the basis for methodological lessons. The synthesis of the case studies has particular relevance as the unemployment or underemployment of higher-education graduates has become a universal issue, challenging all countries whether ‘developing’ or ‘developed’ and irrespective of their political ideology. Now, just as at the time of original publication, the effects of economic stagnation on the one hand, and an unchecked expansion of higher education on the other, are at the centre of the problem. The materials collected in the course of these studies provide a comprehensive data base which allows for some broad conclusions that are generally applicable to the higher-education planning process. The book identifies the determinants of demand for higher education and analyses the transition from higher education to work, as well as the actual mechanisms of the employment system during the latter part of the 20th Century.
The Arab world increasingly falls into two divisions, the capital-poor and the capital-rich countries (where capital means, in essence, oil). In the capital-rich countries shortage of labour is the chief constraint on growth. In the capital-poor countries analysis of the labour market is equally central, as shortage of labour compounds the already existing problem of shortage of capital. This book surveys the labour markets of the Arab world state by state, evaluating them by demand and supply analysis, and analysing the different elements in trends of employment. It forecasts the areas of stress in the next decade and suggests ways of minimising them. The book, based on much previously unpublished information and on extensive on-the-spot research in the respective Arab countries, sets out the economic and social conditions which underly the impending crisis of development in the Arab region. First published in 1980.
This volume examines the experiences of a number of Third World countries in implementing development plans in the 1970s and offers some guidelines for research, development, and analysis of policy. Some chapters focus on theoretical issues such as the place of development on the policy agenda and the institutionalization of development policy planning. Other chapters detail global and national strategies for employment, reducing poverty, and developing human resources. The use of various economic indicators as tools for planning and analysis is also discussed.