Indicators (parasites and Stable Isotopes) of Trophic Status of Yellow Perch (Perca Flavescens Mitchell) in Nutrient Poor Canadian Shield Lakes

Indicators (parasites and Stable Isotopes) of Trophic Status of Yellow Perch (Perca Flavescens Mitchell) in Nutrient Poor Canadian Shield Lakes

Author: Michael W. Johnson


Published: 2001

Total Pages: 776



The fish parasite communities of four Canadian Shield lakes (L239, L240, L377 and Triangle Lake) in the Experimental Lakes Area (ELA), Ontario were surveyed over three seasons in 1997 and 1998 and one season in 1999. Thirteen of fifteen fish species sampled from the study lakes harboured parasites; northern pike (Esox lucius), lake cisco (Coregonus artedii), pearl dace (Margariscus margarita), blacknose shiner (Notropis heterolepis), spottail shiner (Notropis hudsonius), fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas), longnose dace (Rhinichtys cataractae), white sucker (Catostontus commersoni), burbot (Lota lota), brook stickleback (Culea inconslans), slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus), Iowa darter (Etheostoma exile) and yellow perch (Perca flavescens). A total of 112,188 parasites were detected, with 87% (n = 1926) of the necropsied fish having at least one parasite. Forty-one species of parasites representing 32 genera and 26 families were found; 35 species used fish as definitive hosts and six species used birds as the definitive hosts. The most omnivorous fish species (perch, white sucker and pearl dace) had the most diverse parasite infracommunities while the most specialized consumers had the least diverse parasite infracommunities (the piscivores, pike and burbot and the zooplanktivorous cisco) or lacked parasites entirely (the algavorous northern redbelly dace, Phoxinus eos, and finescale dace, P. neogaeus). The parasite communities of the four ELA lakes were less speciose than those reported from larger lacustrine systems in Ontario and Manitoba. The parasite community composition of yellow perch was typical of perch in other systems, however, there were new host and locality records for several parasite species infecting other fish species. For example, the pearl dace was infected with five parasites not previously reported from this host in North America and two not previously reported from this host in Canada. There were distinct seasonal and age-related trends in the parasite communities of yellow perch populations that correlated with seasonal and ontogenetic dietary shifts, respectively. Understanding parasite community structure can improve understanding of host population ecology and clarify many aspects of ecosystem biotic and abiotic interactions. Detailed analysis as performed in this study is a useful tool for describing the factors affecting parasite community composition. A restricted invertebrate and fish fauna in these nutrient poor lakes can be important in controlling the parasite fauna infecting yellow perch, which could be more predictable than that observed in large, productive lakes. Allogenic parasites are most common in Triangle Lake and enterics in L239. Parasite species richness is highest in L239 and diversity is highest in L240. Glugea sp. is the most dominant and abundant parasite species in all but Triangle Lake. Triangle Lake and L377 perch have the fastest growth rates and reach the greatest total length and age of all sampled perch. Yellow perch length and age are both highly correlated with parasite richness, intensity and abundance. Female perch usually had significantly greater species richness than males but intensity and abundance were significantly higher than males in only two lakes each. L239 and Triangle Lake had parasite assemblages that were significantly non-random largely due to subpopulations of parasite species transmitted through macrobenthos. Perch parasite communities in all four lakes showed significantly more nestedness than expected by chance. Parasite-induced pathology of yellow perch was also examined in these shield lakes. Glugea sp. xenomas in cells of the intestinal wall and in visceral fat and Apophallus brevis metacercariae infecting the musculature reduced the growth of perch resulting in mortality in younger and smaller fish. High numbers of Raphidascaris acus, encysted in the liver of yellow perch, correlated significantly with a reduction in visceral fat weight in 1+ females and 0+ and 1+ males. A significant correlation in these subsamples indicates that host sex, size, trophic status and relative weight of the liver are linked to R. acus density. The data suggests that interactions among parasitic infections and age, size and sex of the fish host can affect growth and survival of the host, especially during periods of low energy inputs and reproductive stress. Stable isotopes (C and N) have proven to be important tools for obtaining information on the trophic relationships within food webs. Combining parasite community studies with stable isotopes could improve the effectiveness of detailed food web analyses. Parasite communities are particularly useful since they can identify both prey and non-prey components of the host's community. Triangle Lake perch had distinct isotope ratios that separated them from the other three populations. Stable C isotope ratios for all perch ranged from - -340/00 to -190/00 while stable N isotope ratios ranged from - 4.50/00 to 12.50/00. These ranges are larger than those observed in many other fish species. Perch diet was the most significant predictor of stable C isotope ratio. Perch parasite fauna was the most significant predictor of stable N ratios. In particular, parasite fauna indicative of zooplanktivorous or piscivorous perch were most accurate for predicting fish trophic position and thus stable isotope ratio. Fish length and age showed no significant relationship with isotope ratios.

Culture Methods for Growth Enhancement and Off-Season Production of Yellow Perch Perca Flavescens

Culture Methods for Growth Enhancement and Off-Season Production of Yellow Perch Perca Flavescens



Published: 2004

Total Pages:



The success of the yellow perch Perca flavescens aquaculture industry depends largely on increasing growth efficiency to reduce production costs, and increasing fingerling availability for year-round production. Two characteristics of yellow perch biology pose challenges toward these goals. 1) Yellow perch exhibit sexually dimorphic growth, detected concurrently as the fish enter puberty, with many slower-growing males that may never achieve market size. These growth differences between genders also promote a situation in which cannibalism can quickly deplete a perch population reared under intensive conditions. 2) Yellow perch spawn once a year in the spring, and most producers are limited to a production schedule centered on this event. Two sets of studies were conducted to evaluate culture methods for the inhibiting maturation for promotion of somatic growth, and evaluate the practice of 'cold-banking' for off-season fingerling availability. Four combinations of constant and natural photothermal regimes were used to impose environmental conditions on juvenile fish that inhibited maturation and promoted somatic growth. Immature perch were expected to demonstrate reduced dimorphic growth pattern and overall growth enhancement. Results indicate that a) constant temperature is the strongest promoter of overall growth regardless of photoperiod; b) constant photoperiod also promotes overall growth regardless of temperature; c) natural (decreasing) photoperiod initiates maturation in yellow perch regardless of temperature; d) natural temperature is required for late maturational processes; e) constant temperature and constant photoperiod together confer the best overall growth performance, fully inhibit maturation in both genders, and suppress a sexually dimorphic growth pattern up to 53g average weight. Two studies were conducted evaluating the growth of cold-banked fish and costs associated with commercial application of this culture technique. Perch banked at 10 C on.

Yellow Perch, Walleye, and Sauger: Aspects of Ecology, Management, and Culture

Yellow Perch, Walleye, and Sauger: Aspects of Ecology, Management, and Culture

Author: John Clay Bruner

Publisher: Springer Nature

Published: 2021-11-21

Total Pages: 332

ISBN-13: 3030806782


Walleye, one of the most sought-after species of freshwater sport fishes in North America, has demonstrated appreciable declines in their numbers from their original populations since the beginning of the 20th century. Similarly, Yellow Perch, once the most commonly caught sport fish and an important commercial species in North America, have also shown declines. Compiling up-to-date information on the biology and management of Walleye, Sauger, and Yellow Perch, including research on systematics, genetics, physiology, ecology, movement, population dynamics, culture, recent case histories, and management practices, will be of interest to managers, researchers, and students who deal with these important species, particularly in light of habitat alterations, population shifts, and other biotic and abiotic factors related to a changing climate.