Grammardog Guide to Walden

Grammardog Guide to Walden

Author: Mary Jane McKinney

Publisher: Grammardog LLC

Published: 2007-08

Total Pages: 55

ISBN-13: 1608570843


Grammardog Teacher's Guide contains 16 quizzes for this essay. All sentences are from the essay. Quizzes feature famous quotes: "Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in." "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation." "When a man dies he kicks the dust." "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer." "I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life." "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately." "In the long run men hit only what they aim at." "Simplify, simplify." "It is never too late to give up prejudices." "Our life is frittered away by detail."

Grammardog Guide to Richard III

Grammardog Guide to Richard III

Author: Mary Jane McKinney

Publisher: Grammardog LLC

Published: 2006-04

Total Pages: 55

ISBN-13: 160857069X


Grammardog Teacher's Guide contains 16 quizzes for this Shakespearean tragedy. All sentences are from the play. Quizzes feature famous quotes ("Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this sun of York." "Conscience is but a word that cowards use devised at first to keep the strong in awe." "Was ever woman in this humour woo'd?" "An honest tale speeds best being plainly told." "Why grow the branches when the root is gone?" "I had a Harry, till a Richard killed him." "Who builds his hope in air of your good looks lives like a drunken sailor on a mast." "A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!").

Grammardog Guide to Treasure Island

Grammardog Guide to Treasure Island

Author: Mary Jane McKinney

Publisher: Grammardog LLC

Published: 2004-09

Total Pages: 55

ISBN-13: 1608570576


Grammardog Teacher's Guide contains 16 quizzes for this novel. All sentences are from the novel. Sensory imagery includes: "a strong smell of tobacco and tar" "a jingle of broken glass" "the windows had neat red curtains" "the swish of the sea" "we had eaten our pork" "wiping the sweat from his brow." Alliteration includes: "The supervisor stood up straight and stiff and told his story" "daylight dwindled and disappeared" "He was the flower of the flock, was Flint." Allusions include: Noah, Davy Jones, Jolly Roger.

Grammardog Guide to The Awakening

Grammardog Guide to The Awakening

Author: Mary Jane McKinney

Publisher: Grammardog LLC

Published: 2003-08

Total Pages: 55

ISBN-13: 1608570126


Grammardog Teacher's Guide contains 16 quizzes for this landmark feminist classic. All sentences are from the novel. Quizzes use language that describes the romantic settings of the Louisiana Gulf coast and New Orleans. Naturalism is reflected in figurative language and lush descriptions of "hot breath of the Southern night," "the voice of the sea is seductive," and "the touch of the sea is sensuous." Allusions blend Creole folklore, classical myths, Catholicism and classical music. Feminism is poetically expressed ("The bird that would soar above the level plain of tradition and prejudice must have strong wings").

Grammardog Guide to Oliver Twist

Grammardog Guide to Oliver Twist

Author: Mary Jane McKinney

Publisher: Grammardog LLC

Published: 2006-07

Total Pages: 55

ISBN-13: 1608570509


Grammardog Teacher's Guide contains 16 quizzes for this novel. All sentences are from the novel. Figurative language includes: "The smallest of all possible kettles was singing a small song." "I have made a coffin of my heart and sealed it up." "There is no chord in your heart that I can touch." "Providence must sleep." Sensory imagery includes: "the key grated in the lock," "garden flowers perfumed the air," "his eyes were bloodshot," "a slice of bread and butter," "a passionate kiss upon her chaste nose."

Grammardog Guide to Heny V

Grammardog Guide to Heny V

Author: Mary Jane McKinney

Publisher: Grammardog LLC

Published: 2006-05

Total Pages: 55

ISBN-13: 1608570746


Grammardog Teacher's Guide contains 16 quizzes for this Shakespearean play classified as a history. All sentences are from the play. Quizzes feature famous quotes ("Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more." "The game's afoot." "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers . . ." ". . . giddy Fortune's furious fickle wheel . . ." "O for a Muse of fire . . ."). Allusions include famous fictional and historical generals (Arthur, Agamemnon, Caesar, Pompey, Alexander).

Grammardog Guide to Benito Cereno

Grammardog Guide to Benito Cereno

Author: Mary Jane McKinney

Publisher: Grammardog LLC

Published: 2003-08

Total Pages: 55

ISBN-13: 1608570142


Grammardog Teacher's Guide contains 16 quizzes for this mystery thriller at sea. All sentences are from the short story. Figurative language creates a dark tone, suspicion and suspense (The ship was a "slumbering volcano." The slaves sat "sphinx-like" while chanting low like "bag-pipers playing a funeral march."). Allusions support the theme of mystery and secrecy ("Gordian knots," "Guy-Fawkes," "freemason" "and dark satyr in a mask").

Grammardog Guide to Julius Caesar

Grammardog Guide to Julius Caesar

Author: Mary Jane McKinney

Publisher: Grammardog LLC

Published: 2005-03

Total Pages: 55

ISBN-13: 1608570622


Grammardog Teacher's Guide contains 16 quizzes for this Shakespearean tragedy. All sentences are from the play. Quizzes feature famous quotes ("Beware the Ides of March," "Et tu, Brute?" "Friends, Romans, countrymen lend me your ears," "let slip the dogs of war," "I am constant as the northern star," "It was Greek to me," "Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look," "If you have tears, prepare to shed them now," "This was the most unkindest cut of all," "the fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars but in ourselves that we are underlings").

Grammardog Guide to The Sea Wolf

Grammardog Guide to The Sea Wolf

Author: Mary Jane McKinney

Publisher: Grammardog LLC

Published: 2009-01-15

Total Pages: 56

ISBN-13: 1608571807


Grammardog Teacher's Guide contains 16 quizzes for this novel. All sentences are from the novel. Figurative language includes: "A steamboat emerged trailing fog wreaths on either side like seaweed on the snout of Leviathan." "He accepted destiny, marched hand in hand with it." "Life . . . was a cipher in the arithmetic of commerce." Sensory imagery includes: "the mournful tolling of a bell," "sour-smelling garments," "two rows of tobacco-discolored teeth," "fresh-baked bread," "her hair was brushing my face."

Grammardog Guide to A Connecticut Yankee

Grammardog Guide to A Connecticut Yankee

Author: Mary Jane McKinney

Publisher: Grammardog LLC

Published: 2005-09

Total Pages: 55

ISBN-13: 1608570185


Grammardog Teacher's Guide contains 16 quizzes for this satiric novel. All sentences are from the novel. Figurative language shows off Twain's skill at metaphor ("I was mere dirt," a nation of worms," "wide seas of memory," "he was but an extinct volcano"). Allusions include famous literary and historical adventures (Robinson Crusoe, Ivanhoe, Chaucer, Columbus, Northwest Passage).