This is a single-volume guide to all the main analytical frameworks for gender-sensitive research and planning. It draws on the experience of trainers and practitioners, and includes step-by-step instructions for using the frameworks.
Articles discuss how gender mainstreaming has been understood in different organisations; provide examples of good work, which supports the empowerment of women; and look beyond gender mainstreaming to what new possibilities exist for transformation.
This tool kit was designed to help development practitioners incorporate gender perspectives into development initiatives, and to monitor and evaluate gender equality results. It was written with development policy makers, planners, implementers, and evaluators in mind. The tool kit provides a menu of gender equality outcomes, results, and indicators across different sectors that can be adapted to suit different contexts. It is intended to be read selectively based on the sector and nature of the program or project although it is not expected that every indicator will be relevant to all programs and projects.
Gender impact assessment has been both celebrated as a beacon of hope for the cause of gender equality and criticised as being ineffectual. More than 20 years of gender mainstreaming have demonstrated that equality governance with and through impact assessment is an intersectional and still evolving process. Arn T. Sauer's study examines the instruments of gendered policy analysis and the conditions under which they are being used by the Canadian federal government and the European Commission. Interviews with experts from public administration and instrument designers as well as document analyses reveal benefits and challenges and show that the success of equality governance depends upon whether knowledge about gendered policy and appropriate administrative practices are embedded, embodied and entrenched in public administration.
Extrait de l'introduction : "This report presents the main findings of a recently cempleted desk study under-taken for thw Social Development Family of the World Bank's Environemtally and Socially Sustainable Development (ESSD) Network. The primary objectives of the review are to : (a) identify the current rationale, language, and underlying policy approach to Gender and Development (GAD) adopted by the World Bank ; (b) evaluate the extent to which these are shared across the institutions ; and (c) make reommandations concerning future steps toward mainstreaming gender in the World Bank. Although the origins of the review relate to needs specifically identified by ESSD, the issues raised go beyong social development, and are relevant to all Bank staff concerned with mainstreaming gender and development into World Banl lending and nonlending operations at the policy, program, and project level."
Gender planning is not an end in itself but a means by which women, through a process of empowerment, can emancipate themselves. Ultimately, its success depends on the capacity of women's organizations to confront subordination and create successful alliances which will provide constructive support in negotiating women's needs at the level of household, civil society, the state and the global system. Gender Planning and Development provides an introduction to an issue of primary importance and constant debate. It will be essential reading for academics, practitioners, undergraduates and trainees in anthropology, development studies, women's studies and social policy.
This book explores how political institutions can challenge dominant and normative masculinities, guiding thinking instead toward a transformation of gendered power structures and general equality. Representing a range of relevant areas, the expert chapter authors provide various methodological and theoretical approaches applied to shifting gender meanings in cultural, national, and social contexts. Authors also represent a variety of cultures, contributing to the multi-perspective debate about how best to achieve gender equality in the real world. Among the topics discussed: Reimagining masculinities, their everyday practice and practical interventions Towards a feminist theory of male rape Political implications of challenging men’s everyday practices through domestic violence primary prevention work Men as allies: a case study of White Ribbon Australia Masculine Power and Gender Equality: Masculinities as Change Agents provides valuable insight into strategies for re-imagining male-dominated power structures and promoting gender equality.
Women perform 66% of the world's work, produce 50% of the food, but earn 10% of the income and own 1% of the property. To shed light on why this grim statistic still holds true, Women, Business and the Law aims to examine legal differentiations on the basis of gender in 143 of the world's economies. Women, Business and the Law tracks governments' actions to expand economic opportunities for women across six key areas: accessing institutions, using property, getting a job, providing incentives to work, building credit and going to court. The report uncovers legal differentiations for women and married versus unmarried women such as being able to register a business, open a bank account and work at night. These issues are of fundamental importance. When, because of tradition, social taboos or simple prejudice, half of the world's population is prevented from making its contribution to the life of a nation, the economy will suffer. The empirical evidence does suggest that, slowly but surely, governments are making progress in expanding opportunities for women. It is our hope that data presented in Women, Business and the Law will both facilitate research on linkages between legal differentiation and outcomes for women, and promote better informed policy choices on what governments can do to expand opportunities for women.