Essentials of College Algebra by Lial, Hornsby, and Schneider, gives readers a solid foundation in the basic functions of college algebra and their graphs, starting with a strong review of intermediate algebra concepts and ending with an introduction to systems and matrices. This brief version of the College Algebra, Tenth Edition has been specifically designed to provide a more compact and less expensive book for courses that do not include the more advanced topics covered in the longer book. Focused on helping readers develop both the conceptual understanding and the analytical skills necessary to experience success in mathematics, the authors present each mathematical topic in this text using a carefully developed learning system to actively engage students in the learning process. The book addresses the diverse needs of today's students through a clear design, current figures and graphs, helpful features, careful explanations of topics, and a comprehensive package of available supplements and study aids.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. The Rockswold/Krieger algebra series fosters conceptual understanding by using relevant applications and visualization to show students why math matters. It answers the common question “When will I ever use this?” Rockswold teaches students the math in context, rather than including the applications at the end of the presentation. By seamlessly integrating meaningful applications that include real data and supporting visuals (graphs, tables, charts, colors, and diagrams), students are able to see how math impacts their lives as they learn the concepts. The authors believe this approach deepens conceptual understanding and better prepares students for future math courses and life.
This text takes the same approach as the regular Blitzer Precalculus version by deleting chapters. The text explores math the way it evolved: by describing real problems and how math explains them. It is interesting, lively (with applications you won't see in any other math book), and exceedingly clear. Blitzer's philosophy: present the full scope of mathematics, while always (1) engaging the student by opening their minds to learning (2) keeping the student engaged on every page (3) explaining ideas directly, simply, and clearly. Students are strongly supported by a consistent pedagogical framework. A "See it, Hear it, Try it?" format consistently walks students through each and every example in just the same way that an instructor would teach this example in class. Blitzer liberally inserts voice balloons and annotations throughout the text helping clarify the more difficult concepts for students.
Bob Blitzer has inspired thousands of students with his engaging approach to mathematics, making this beloved series the #1 in the market. Blitzer draws on his unique background in mathematics and behavioral science to present the full scope of mathematics with vivid applications in real-life situations. Students stay engaged because Blitzer often uses pop-culture and up-to-date references to connect math to students' lives, showing that their world is profoundly mathematical.
Beecher, Penna, and Bittinger's College Algebra is known for enabling students to "see the math" through its focus on visualization and early introduction to functions. With the Fourth Edition, the authors continue to innovate by incorporating more ongoing review to help students develop their understanding and study effectively. Mid-chapter Review exercise sets have been added to give students practice in synthesizing the concepts, and new Study Summaries provide built-in tools to help them prepare for tests. The MyMathLab course (access kit required) has been expanded so that the online content is even more integrated with the text's approach, with the addition of Vocabulary, Synthesis, and Mid-chapter Review exercises from the text as well as example-based videos created by the authors.
Bob Blitzer has inspired thousands of students with his engaging approach to mathematics, making this beloved series the #1 in the market. Blitzer draws on his unique background in mathematics and behavioral science to present the full scope of mathematics with vivid applications in real-life situations. Students stay engaged because Blitzer often uses pop-culture and up-to-date references to connect math to students' lives, showing that their world is profoundly mathematical.