Essays on Strategic Thinking and Trading Behaviors

Essays on Strategic Thinking and Trading Behaviors

Author: Hang Zhou


Published: 2020

Total Pages: 0



Strategic thinking pervades human interactions. In a complex world where the consequences are determined by the joint actions of related groups, it is natural and sometimes critical to anticipate the reactions of others and take those into account. The most well-developed theory of strategic interaction is the game theoretical notion of Nash equilibrium. In this model, equilibrium is defined as the collection of strategies such that every player maximizes the expected payoff, given the strategy of others. In addition, the epistemic game theory finds mutual knowledge of rationality to be a necessary condition for Nash equilibrium. However, experimental economics have documented much evidence which challenges Nash equilibrium as the best prediction of strategic interactions. In addition, behavioral game theorists have developed several structural non-equilibrium models that systematically deviate from Nash equilibrium. For instance, the level-k thinking model and the cognitive hierarchy model both assume players adjust their strategies through iterated best responses. Both models introduce levels of sophistication, characterized by the rounds of iterated reasoning, as a predictor of strategic interactions. Experiments suggest that in general, these models outperform Nash equilibrium in terms of predicting the outcome of strategic interactions. My dissertation focuses on understanding the effect of strategic sophistication in market environments. Namely, I study how trading behaviors are determined by participants' levels of reasoning with an emphasis on financial markets. The first chapter of my dissertation investigates the effect of strategic reasoning on financial markets with a level-k thinking framework. A level-k speculator performs k rounds of iterative reasoning to infer information from asset prices. In contrast to the rational expectations equilibrium, the level-k framework produces a unified theory of momentum and contrarian trading strategies. I discuss how the distribution of sophistication levels affects several market variables and sheds new light on empirical patterns such as : (1) overreaction of asset prices, (2) the excess volatility puzzle, and (3) the excessive trading volume puzzle. Moreover, I find the sufficient conditions that thelevel-k strategy converges to the rational expectation equilibrium. The second chapter is joint work with Andr ́es Carvajal. In this paper, we incorporate the insight from level-k literature to a general equilibrium setting of financial markets. We ask the question whether suffcient sophistication on the reasoning of financial traders lead to rational expectations equilibrium and provides an answer. We study a simple exchange economy with complete markets and asymmetric information. Traders are classified as fundamentalists, who know the true probability distributions of random shocks, or speculators, who try to infer the true probabilities from asset prices. We characterize the necessary conditions on convergence to rational expectations equilibrium for some specific utility functions and discuss the general case. Our results are that: (1) convergence to rational expectations requires that speculators have less market impact than fundamentalists; (2) convergence, when it takes place, occurs in an oscillating manner; and (3) asset prices can be more volatile than at rational expectations equilibrium when speculators display low sophistication. The third chapter is joint work with Burkhard Schipper. In this paper, we consider the extension of level-k thinking to extensive-form games. Players may learn about their opponents' levels during the game because some information sets are not consistent with certain levels. In particular, for any information set reached, a level-k player attaches the maximum level-l thinking for l

Essays on the Microeconomics of Financial Market Structure and Performance

Essays on the Microeconomics of Financial Market Structure and Performance

Author: Prasad Krishnamurthy


Published: 2011

Total Pages: 214



How does financial market structure affect business growth and consumer welfare? Microeconomic theory presumes that market outcomes are a result of the equilibrium interaction of agents with differing objectives. This dissertation develops and tests microeconomic models of the credit and deposit markets . Parts 1 and 2 emphasize the importance of asymmetric information and strategic interaction, respectively, in determining financial market structure and performance. Part 1 provides new evidence on the relationship between financial market structure and firm growth. I develop an equilibrium model of firms who can access debt capital and capital from banks that monitor their borrowers. In this model, (1) shifts in the supply of bank credit have the largest effect on firms who have just enough capital to acquire finance, and (2) financial integration dampens the quantity effects of shocks to credit supply, but exacerbates the quantity effects of shocks to credit demand. I test these hypotheses by exploiting the history of bank-branching deregulation in the United States. I use the differential timing of state deregulation to trace the causal channel that runs from financial integration to firm growth. I find that for mid-sized establishments, financial integration lowered the association between local credit supply and business growth. My findings suggest that the excess volatility in business growth in unintegrated markets may entail significant allocative inefficiencies. Part 2 investigates the contribution of deposit market competition and consumer preferences to banking market structure and pricing. I develop a general model of spatial competition where consumers' higher willingness to pay for firms with more locations generates an externality in firms' location decisions. I characterize the equilibrium of this model and provide novel analytical results for prices, markups and limiting market shares. I then consider the application of this model to the market for bank deposits. The model generates predictions on (1) the density of branches, (2) the pattern of within-market and across-market concentration, (3) the relationship between concentration and market size, (4) the relationship between branching networks and deposit prices, and (5) the dispersion of deposit prices. I utilize the history of bank branch deregulation to test the predictions of this model by comparing free branching to unit branching--one bank/one branch--states. The empirical tests are broadly consistent with the hypothesis that strategic competition in branch networks plays a role in determining market structure.

Essays on Amplification Mechanisms in Financial Markets

Essays on Amplification Mechanisms in Financial Markets

Author: Marco Di Maggio


Published: 2013

Total Pages: 195



In Chapter 1, I explore how speculators can destabilize financial markets by amplifying negative shocks in periods of market turmoil, and confirm the main predictions of the theoretical analysis using data on money market funds (MMFs). I propose a dynamic trading model with two types of investors - long-term and speculative - who interact in a market with search frictions. During periods of turmoil created by an uncertainty shock, speculators react to declining asset prices by liquidating their holdings in hopes of buying them back later at a gain, despite the asset's cash flows remaining the same throughout. Interestingly, I show that a reduction in trading frictions leads to more severe fluctuations in asset prices. At the root of this result are the strategic complementarities between speculators expected to follow similar strategies in the future. Using a novel dataset on MMFs' portfolio holdings during the European debt crisis, I gauge the strength of funds' strategic interactions as the number of funding relationships each issuer has with MMFs. I show that funds are more likely to liquidate the securities of issuers that have fewer funding relationships with other funds, obliging them to borrow at shorter maturity and higher interest rates. In Chapter 2, co-authored with Marco Pagano, I study a model where some investors ("hedgers") are bad at information processing, while others ("speculators") have superior information-processing ability and trade purely to exploit it. The disclosure of financial information induces a trade externality: if speculators refrain from trading, hedgers do the same, depressing the asset price. Market transparency reinforces this mechanism, by making speculators' trades more visible to hedgers. As a consequence, asset sellers will oppose both the disclosure of fundamentals and trading transparency. This is socially inefficient if a large fraction of market participants are speculators and hedgers have low processing costs. But in these circumstances, forbidding hedgers' access to the market may dominate mandatory disclosure. In Chapter 3, I show that reputation concerns are important sources of discipline for institutional investors, but their effectiveness varies along the business cycle. I propose a dynamic model of reputation formation in which investors learn about fund managers' skill upon observing past returns. Managers can generate active returns at a disutility and determine the fund's exposure to tail risk. The model delivers rich dynamics for managers' behavior. Good reputation managers exploit their status by extracting higher rents from investors, while intermediate reputation managers tend to improve their returns to attract more funds. Finally, for bad performers there exists a reputation trap: their perceived low quality prevents them from attracting investors' capital and then also from improving their track record. Furthermore, when the economy is subject to aggregate shocks, fund managers tend to exacerbate fluctuations by exposing the fund to tail risk to increase short-term returns. The model provides a framework to analyze the investment strategies adopted by mutual funds and hedge funds during the recent financial crisis.

Nonlinear Economic Dynamics and Financial Modelling

Nonlinear Economic Dynamics and Financial Modelling

Author: Roberto Dieci

Publisher: Springer

Published: 2014-07-26

Total Pages: 384

ISBN-13: 3319074709


This book reflects the state of the art on nonlinear economic dynamics, financial market modelling and quantitative finance. It contains eighteen papers with topics ranging from disequilibrium macroeconomics, monetary dynamics, monopoly, financial market and limit order market models with boundedly rational heterogeneous agents to estimation, time series modelling and empirical analysis and from risk management of interest-rate products, futures price volatility and American option pricing with stochastic volatility to evaluation of risk and derivatives of electricity market. The book illustrates some of the most recent research tools in these areas and will be of interest to economists working in economic dynamics and financial market modelling, to mathematicians who are interested in applying complexity theory to economics and finance and to market practitioners and researchers in quantitative finance interested in limit order, futures and electricity market modelling, derivative pricing and risk management.

The Complex Dynamics of Economic Interaction

The Complex Dynamics of Economic Interaction

Author: Mauro Gallegati

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2012-12-06

Total Pages: 404

ISBN-13: 3642170455


The economy is examined by the authors as a complex interactive system. The emphasis is on the direct interaction between agents rather than on the indirect and autonomous interaction through the market mechanism. Contributions from economists and physicists emphasise the consequences for aggregate behaviour of the interaction between agents with limited rationality. Models of financial markets which exhibit many of the stylised facts of empirical markets such as bubbles, herd behaviour and long memory are presented. This includes contributions on bargaining, buyer-seller relations, the evolution of economic networks and several aspects of macro-economic behaviour. This book will be of interest to all those interested in the foundations of collective social and economic behaviour and in particular, to those concerned with the dynamics of market behaviour and recent applications of physics to economics.

Three Essays on International Economics and Finance

Three Essays on International Economics and Finance

Author: Juan Antonio Montecino


Published: 2017

Total Pages:



This dissertation studies the macroeconomic and social impacts of two increasingly common macroeconomic policies: restrictions on international capital mobility -- capital controls -- and so-called unconventional monetary policy -- often referred to as "quantitative easing." The consensus view is that capital controls can effectively lengthen the maturity composition of capital inflows and increase the independence of monetary policy but are not generally effective at reducing net inflows and influencing the real exchange rate. The first essay presents empirical evidence that although capital controls may not directly affect the long-run equilibrium level of the real exchange rate, they may enable disequilibria to persist for an extended period of time relative to the absence of controls. Allowing the speed of adjustment to vary according to the intensity of restrictions on capital flows, it is shown that the real exchange rate converges to its long-run level at significantly slower rates in countries with capital controls. The second essay studies the social welfare implications of capital controls when controls are imperfectly binding and financial markets actively aim to bypass regulation. I consider a series of models of a small open economy featuring a "Dutch disease" externality arising from excessive capital inflows, as well as strategic interactions between a regulatory authority attempting to enforce capital controls and a financial sector attempting to evade them. The models suggest that capital controls, by internalizing externalities associated with capital inflows, can improve welfare relative to a "laissez-faire" benchmark even when these are imperfectly binding. The third and final essay uses data from the Federal Reserve's Tri-Annual Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) to study the distributional impacts of quantitative easing in the U.S. since the 2008-9 financial crisis. I decompose the change in the distribution of income into three key impact channels of QE policy: 1) the employment channel 2) the asset appreciation and return channel, and 3) the mortgage refinancing channel. The results suggest that while employment changes and mortgage refinancing were equalizing, these impacts were nonetheless swamped by the large dis-equalizing effects of asset appreciations.

The Complex Networks of Economic Interactions

The Complex Networks of Economic Interactions

Author: Akira Namatame

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2006-03-09

Total Pages: 345

ISBN-13: 3540287272


Understanding the mechanism of a socio-economic system requires more than an understanding of the individuals that comprise the system. It also requires understanding how individuals interact with each other, and how the agg- gated outcome can be more than the sum of individual behaviors. This book contains the papers fostering the formation of an active multi-disciplinary community on socio-economic systems with the exciting new ?elds of age- based modeling and econophysics. We especially intend to increase the awareness of researchers in many ?elds with sharing the common view many economic and social activities as collectives of a large-scale heterogeneous and interacting agents. Economists seek to understand not only how individuals behave but also how the interaction of many individuals leads to complex outcomes. Age- based modeling is a method for studying socio-economic systems exhibiting the following two properties: (1) the system is composed of interacting agents, and (2) the system exhibits emergent properties, that is, properties arising from the interactions of the agents that cannot be deduced simply by agg- gating the properties of the system’s components. When the interaction of the agents is contingent on past experience, and especially when the agents continually adapt to that experience, mathematical analysis is typically very limited in its ability to derive the outcome.

Essays in Financial Accounting and Corporate Governance

Essays in Financial Accounting and Corporate Governance

Author: Jun Chen


Published: 2022

Total Pages: 168



This dissertation comprises three papers examining several questions in finance and accounting. A common thread is investigating the strategic interactions between public firms and stock market investors. Chapter 1 studies how investors with short-term horizons can impact firms' behaviors. Chapters 2 and 3 examine the impact of corporate disclosure and the market pricing of information. In Chapter 1, I use the unique features of the margin trading system in China to identify the causal impact of transient investors on managerial myopia. Specifically, I employ a regression discontinuity design that exploits the ranking procedure that determines a stock's margin trading eligibility. I find that margin traders are extremely short-term oriented and cause a sharp increase in stock share turnover. Moreover, marginable firms cater to these transient investors by manipulating current earnings and reducing long-term investments. Consistent with managerial myopia, these firms experience a short-term price increase but a long-term decline in operating performance. Chapter 2 is joint work with John Hughes, Jun Liu, and Dan Yang. We reexamine the relation between disclosure indices and cost of equity capital employing an empirical specification similar to that of (botosan97) for a substantially larger sample over an extended time frame made possible by textual analysis. Our results provide no support for a hypothesis of a negative relation between disclosure indices and implied cost of equity capital. Rather, consistent with a bias of implied cost of equity capital as a proxy for expected return depicted by (Hughes2009) we find strong evidence of a positive relation. Chapter 3 is joint work with Yibin Liu. We exploit an earnings-based delisting policy and examine its adverse effect on investor trust in earnings news. Besides providing prominent visual evidence of large-scale earnings management at the required earnings threshold, we find that firms close to this threshold are trusted less by investors, regardless of whether they have manipulated earnings. Moreover, we provide causal evidence by studying firms that approach this threshold due to a plausibly exogenous profitability shock. Our results suggest that earnings-based regulations with harsh punishment may lead to a decline in investor trust.