Este libro se centra en varios hallazgos cruciales del doctor Frankl que ponen de manifiesto nuestro deseo inconsciente de descubrir un sentido definitivo a la vida, tanto si deriva de una fuente espiritual como si proviene de otro tipo de inspiración o influencia.
The dominant paradigm of the economy is based on homo economicus and its positivist, mechanistic and utilitarian approach. This leads to a form of ‘technical liberalism’, advocating a market without society in which individuals are reduced to property rights and data subject to commercial transaction. This book argues for a reconceptualisation of the philosophical foundations of economic reality in the 21st century. Drawing on the continental tradition, the book shows that adopting and combining anthropological, ethical and metaphysical approaches can provide the basis for a better integration of markets so that they work with, rather than against, individual and social needs. To correctly interpret the market as an institution and the firm as a social organisation, the book explores concepts from the philosophy of action to show that it is people who literally create economic reality by providing for their needs through their creativity. The book also explores the ethics that structure human behaviour, providing a comparison between utilitarian ethics, hedonistic ethics and first-person ethics or virtues. This discussion provides a philosophical foundation for human action grounded in metaphysics. The metaphysical approach helps to overcome the modernist reductionism of the human to a life of individual purpose and instead look towards a larger goal: the common good. This book marks a significant addition to the literature on the philosophy of economics, ethics and markets, institutions and economic theory more broadly.
Volume 33 of Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion brings together an open section and two special sections that illuminate new vistas in the study of religious and non-religious belief. Special section 1 examines the historical roots of religious practice emerging from Greater Khurāsān – a historical ‘cross-road’ for many world religions. Special section 2 initiates a paradigm shift in study of religious and non-religious belief in relation to children, insisting upon foregrounding children’s narratives. Both special sections explore under-researched areas, underlining the significance of historical and contextual approaches. At an intrinsic level the volume interrogates the power dynamics that determine why particular voices and approaches are prioritised in the study of religious and non-religious belief, and why others remain under- or mis-heard.
This handbook provides an overview and synthesis of relevant literature related to leisure and recreation, and physical activity and its relationship to quality of life. Divided into two parts, the text presents the analysis of leisure and recreation studies and physical activities and sports, with diverse populations. The first part deals with leisure and recreation in relation to quality of life, with different perspectives on different age groups, ethnic groups, the approach of an Integrated Model of Leisure Well-being focusing on how leisure activities contribute to leisure well-being etc. The second part deals with physical activities and sports in relation to quality of life, discussing the consideration that "exercise is good for you", associating physical exercise with other conditions of life in society, its impact on people with disabilities, etc. It is of interest to researchers and students, legislators, educators, providers of leisure services.
La conclusion de este trabajo de critica social es que las conductas de consumo en las sociedades de economia capitalista tienen su origen en un caracter social inconsciente y colectivo. Este caracter es el nucleo central de un sistema basado en una estimulacion sistemica del consumo, que conduce a la humanidad hacia una crisis global de sostenibilidad. Esta crisis tendra una gravedad dificil de imaginar, y pondra en jaque nuestro progreso y el bienestar a nivel global. La via mas eficaz para prevenir y amortiguar sus efectos es la desactivacion acelerada del caracter consumista. Esta desactivacion pasa por impulsar con fuerza procesos emergentes de cambio, en el ambito de la ciudadania, de la politica y de la gestion empresarial, cambios que ayudaran a conducir a la sociedad por la via de la liberacion de la alienacion consumista y a devolver a las personas no solo su condicion de ciudadanos eticos, sino tambien el poder politico que el sistema ha puesto en manos de las empresas y los mercados.