"As a relatively new subdiscipline of economics, health economics has made many contributions to areas of the main discipline, such as insurance economics. This volume provides a survey of the burgeoning literature on the subject of health economics." {source : site de l'éditeur].
Record of Discussion6 Economics of Need: The Experience of the British Health Service; 7 Private Patients in N.H.S. Hospitals: Waiting Lists and Subsidies; 8 Consumer Protection, Incentives and Externalities in the Drug Market; Summary Record of Discussion; 9 Price and Income Elasticities for Medical Care Services; 10 Supplier-Induced Demand: Some Empirical Evidence and Implications; 11 Some Economic Aspects of Mortality in Developed Countries; Summary Record of Discussion; PART THREE: THE IMPACT OF DEMAND FOR HEALTH SERVICES; 12 Health, Hours and Wages
Enormous changes are occurring in the organization and financing of the U.S. health care systemâ€"rapid changes that are being driven by market forces rather than by government initiatives. Although it is difficult to predict what they system will look like once it begins to stabilize, the changes will affect all components of the health care workforce, and the numbers and types of health care professionals that will be needed in the futureâ€"as well as the roles they will fillâ€"will surely be much different than they were in the past. Despite numerous studies in the past 15 years showing that we might have more doctors than we need, the number of physicians in residency training continues to grow. At the same time, there is evidence that the demand for physician services will decrease as a result of growth of managed care. All of this is evidence that the demand for physician services will decrease as a result of growth of managed care. All of this is taking place at a time when, coincident with the result of failure of comprehensive health care reform, there is no coordinated and widely accepted physician workforce policy in the United States. The present study examines the following three questions: (1) Is there a physician policy in the United States? (2) If there a surplus, what is its likely impact on the cost, quality, and access to health care and on the efficient use of human resources? (3) What realistic steps can be taken to deal with a physician surplus? December
The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) predicts that by 2020, there will be an 81 percent increase in people living with or surviving cancer, but only a 14 percent increase in the number of practicing oncologists. As a result, there may be too few oncologists to meet the population's need for cancer care. To help address the challenges in overcoming this potential crisis of cancer care, the National Cancer Policy Forum of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) convened the workshop Ensuring Quality Cancer Care through the Oncology Workforce: Sustaining Care in the 21st Century in Washington, DC on October 20 and 21, 2008.
Essentials of Cost Accounting for Health Care Organizations, Second Edition is a comprehensive text that applies the tools & techniques of cost accounting to the health services field. It's an essential tool for all professionals who need to deal with the challenges of managing health facilities in a difficult economic environment. The new edition has an increased emphasis on managed care as well as a new computer-based component. Instructor's manual available.
Doctors are obviously influential in determining the costs of their services. But even more important, many believe, is the influence physicians have over the use and cost of nonphysician health-care resources and services. Doctors and Their Workshops is the first comprehensive attempt to use economic analysis to understand some of the physician effects on nonphysician aspects of health care.