Semiconductor sensors patterned at the micron scale combined with custom-designed integrated circuits have revolutionized semiconductor radiation detector systems. Designs covering many square meters with millions of signal channels are now commonplace in high-energy physics and the technology is finding its way into many other fields, ranging from astrophysics to experiments at synchrotron light sources and medical imaging. This book is the first to present a comprehensive discussion of the many facets of highly integrated semiconductor detector systems, covering sensors, signal processing, transistors and circuits, low-noise electronics, and radiation effects. The diversity of design approaches is illustrated in a chapter describing systems in high-energy physics, astronomy, and astrophysics. Finally a chapter "Why things don't work" discusses common pitfalls. Profusely illustrated, this book provides a unique reference in a key area of modern science.
This publication is a compilation of papers presented at the Semiconductor Device Reliabi lity Workshop sponsored by the NATO International Scientific Exchange Program. The Workshop was held in Crete, Greece from June 4 to June 9, 1989. The objective of the Workshop was to review and to further explore advances in the field of semiconductor reliability through invited paper presentations and discussions. The technical emphasis was on quality assurance and reliability of optoelectronic and high speed semiconductor devices. The primary support for the meeting was provided by the Scientific Affairs Division of NATO. We are indebted to NATO for their support and to Dr. Craig Sinclair, who admin isters this program. The chapters of this book follow the format and order of the sessions of the meeting. Thirty-six papers were presented and discussed during the five-day Workshop. In addi tion, two panel sessions were held, with audience participation, where the particularly controversial topics of bum-in and reliability modeling and prediction methods were dis cussed. A brief review of these sessions is presented in this book.
This practical, tool-independent guide to designing digital circuits takes a unique, top-down approach, reflecting the nature of the design process in industry. Starting with architecture design, the book comprehensively explains the why and how of digital circuit design, using the physics designers need to know, and no more.