Profiling over 150 of the most popular models of used cars, trucks, SUVs and minivans from 1991 to the present, this guide provides tips for choosing the right car for the right price, what to ask for and what to avoid, how to seal the deal, and more.
Do-it-yourself car restorer Tom Benford walks readers through everything they need to know about finding classic cars, assessing their value, finding parts, deciding on replacement parts versus originals, and estimating completion time. From setting up the workshop to putting the finishing touches on the final coat of wax, this guide offers tips and step-by-step instructions for repairing everything from brake pads to door dings.
This book aims to be the one source reference that will give end-users everything they need once they pass the initial Windows learning curve. Advanced tips, optimization techniques, and detailed architectural information are all presented in depth--in detailed lucid, jargon-free personalized language. Includes "Peter's Principles", problem-solvers, a tear-out survival guide, and more.
Buying a car is never easy. Besides spending a sizeable amount ofmoney on this investment, your liveliness probably relies on thisvehicle. You need to know that your car will get you from point Ato point B in a timely and safe manner--so buying a lemon isnot something you can afford to do. Buying A Car For Dummies is for you if you need to findout how to buy, sell, insure, drive, protect, or rent a vehicle. Itdoesn't matter how old you are (as long as you can legallydrive and have a license), this book can make your experience withcars a smooth ride. Buying A Car For Dummies can help you save a truckload ofmoney over the life of your vehicle as you find out all you need toknow about new and used car ownership in this entertaining andinformative reference guide. This dependable book covers allavenues of buying and owning a car, from negotiating a fair priceto finding reliable insurance to saving money on routine servicing.You'll stay in the driver& ’s seat as you discoverhow to: * Calculate how much you current car really costs you * Weigh the pros and cons of buying new or used * Get the best trade-in, resale, or donation value for yourvehicle * Pick out a cherry and avoid lemons--expert advice forbuying a reliable used car * Determine what features and options you really need in a newcar * Get the straight scoop on financing or leasing your car * Find an insurance policy and company you can trust * Protect your automotive assets--from steering wheel locksto full-blown security systems With Buying A Car For Dummies as your guide, you can parkyou fears, frustrations, and anxieties as you discover how todecide between buying or leasing new wheels, how to negotiate withcar dealers, how to foil car thieves and carjackers, how to protectyourself in a breakdown or accident, and how to protect yourautomotive assets with insurance, warranties, and servicecontracts. Plus, the book features a list of ten great automotiveWeb sites for pricing information, ratings, industry news,diagnostic troubleshooting, and more.
Gives advice on every aspect of purchasing a car, including determining budget limits; buying new, used, or foreign cars; negotiating a deal; and making financing arrangements.
The YA Hotline is a unique newsletter written by graduate students in the Young Adult Literature and Media Interests class in the School of Library and Information Studies at Dalhousie University. Hot, Hotter, Hottest: The Best of the YA Hotline consists of selected articles from issues 44 to 64. This collection of articles from The YA Hotline is useful not only for YA librarians, but also for teachers and other educators and program coordinators working with young adults.
Popular Mechanics inspires, instructs and influences readers to help them master the modern world. Whether it’s practical DIY home-improvement tips, gadgets and digital technology, information on the newest cars or the latest breakthroughs in science -- PM is the ultimate guide to our high-tech lifestyle.