At the height the 1960's Batman television shows popularity, a shonen manga magazine in Japan serialized fifty-three chapters, starring The Dark Knight, which were all written by Jiro Kuwata. These rare Batman tales were known by relatively few outside of Japan until award-winning designer Chipp Kidd's 2008 book, Bat-Manga!: The Secret History of Batman in Japan (Pantheon Books), introduced them to a whole new generation of Batman fans. In BATMAN: THE JIRO KUWATA BATMANGA VOL. 1, see The Dark Knight and his sidekick Robin fight against some of his strangest villains, including Dr. Faceless and the Human Ball! DC Comics is proud to publish the complete Jiro Kuwata penned Batman Manga adventures in three painstakingly restored and translated volumes. This collection is not to be missed by both Batman and Manga fans alike! BATMAN: THE JIRO KUWATA BATMANGA VOL. 1 collects the first nineteen chapters.
Nearly fifty years after it was originally published in Japan, the famed Batman manga is now fully translated and available to English-speaking readers in its entirety for the first time! Dive into these beautiful, timeless stories written and illustrated by the legendary manga creator Jiro Kuwata.
The two hottest genres in comics gleefully collide head-on, as the most beloved American superhero gets the coolest Japanese manga makeover ever. In 1966, during the height of the first Batman craze, a weekly Japanese manga anthology for boys, Shonen King, licensed the rights to commission its own Batman and Robin stories. A year later, the stories stopped. They were never collected in Japan, and never translated into English. Now, in this gorgeously produced book, hundreds of pages of Batman-manga comics more than four decades old are translated for the first time, appearing alongside stunning photographs of the world's most comprehensive collection of vintage Japanese Batman toys. This is The Dynamic Duo as you've never seen them: with a distinctly Japanese, atomic-age twist as they battle aliens, mutated dinosaurs, and villains who won't stay dead. And as a bonus: Jiro Kuwata, the manga master who originally wrote and drew this material, has given an exclusive interview for our book. More than just a dazzling novelty, Bat-Manga is an invaluable, long-lost chapter in the history of one of the most beloved and timeless figures in comics.
The Monster of Gore Bay concludes. Confronted by the real sea monster, the Spence Gang sends the beast into a rampaging fury. If it destroys its own undersea cavern, it will bury not just the gangsters, but Batman and Robin too.
The conclusion of "The Phantom Batman." The ghost that was impersonaing the caped crusader before, now turns its attention to crime. How will Batman stop an intangible foe?
Someone attempts to kill the injured Professor Cahn in his hospital room. But when Batman takes off after the assailant, he may be stepping into an ambush.