This book constitutes the revised selected papers of the 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data, JCC&BD 2019, held in La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina, in June 2019. The 12 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 31 submissions. They are dealing with such topics as cloud computing and HPC; Big Data and data intelligence; mobile computing.
Desde Detroit hasta Lahore, la mayoría de las ciudades del mundo enfrentan problemas financieros, y aun así se espera que lleven a cabo sus funciones cada vez más complejas. Finanzas municipales - Manual para los gobiernos locales toma partido. Se pone del lado de los alcaldes y de los responsables de los asuntos municipales. Son escasas las publicaciones sobre este tema dirigidas tan directa y pragmáticamente a las autoridades decisorias y al personal financiero a nivel local. El contenido y los mensajes principales procuran responder a las inquietudes y a las cuestiones que enfrentan diariamente las ciudades y los municipios en la administración de sus finanzas. Finanzas municipales - Manual para los gobiernos locales asume una posición. En ocho capítulos, en esta obra se pasa revista a las lecciones aprendidas sobre relaciones intergubernamentales; finanzas de las áreas metropolitanas; gestión financiera, de los ingresos, de los gastos y de los activos públicos; financiamiento externo, y medición del desempeño de las finanzas municipales. Abarca temas tales como la descentralización, la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas, y aborda temas menos explorados como la gestión de activos, la capacidad crediticia, la respuesta frente a crisis financieras y los mecanismos de presentación de informes a los diversos niveles de gobierno y a la ciudadanía. Finanzas municipales - Manual para los gobiernos locales hace un llamado a la acción. No solo aporta conocimientos de avanzada en muchas cuestiones técnicas, sino que también guía a los gobiernos locales en el laberinto de los instrumentos existentes. En particular, la autoevaluación de las finanzas municipales que se propone en el capítulo 8 debería ayudar a los municipios a evaluar su propia situación y a avanzar en la senda de las reformas.
En este libro se presentan diferentes metodologias de certificacion energetica desarrolladas en Espana, y se propone un metodo de auditoria energetica, conforme a la directiva europea de eficiencia energetica en edificios. Finalmente, a modo de ejemplo, el libro presenta varios casos practicos de estudio de la certificacion energetica y auditorias energeticas, siguiendo una de las metodologias analizadas.
Benchmarking has become a key tool in the water industry to promote and achieve performance targets for utilities. The use of this tool for performance improvement through systematic search and adaptation of leading practices, has expanded globally during the past decade. Many ongoing projects worldwide aim to address different needs and objectives, in varying contexts, with outstanding results and impact. Benchmarking Water Services provides valuable information to everyone interested in benchmarking in the water industry. The text is aimed at utilities considering joining a benchmarking project, experienced practitioners in charge of organizing a benchmarking exercise, consultants, regulators and researchers. The document is presented with a clear practice oriented approach and can be used as a how-to-benchmark guide presented from different perspectives (participants, organizers, supervising bodies). Readers will gain practical insight on real life benchmarking practices and will benefit from the experiences gained in some of the leading benchmarking projects of the water industry (including the IWA-WSAA benchmarking efforts, the European Benchmarking Co-operation and the several benchmarking projects carried out in Austria and Central Europe). The manual also presents the new IWA Benchmarking Framework, which aims to harmonize the terms used to describe benchmarking and performance indicators practices in the water industry, guaranteeing a more fluent and efficient communication. This Manual of Best Practice is edited by the IWA Specialist Group on Benchmarking and Performance Assessment, and co-published by AWWA and IWA Publishing. Praise for Benchmarking Water Services: "The continual trend of conceptual to specifics throughout the book provides for an educational experience each time the book is either casually perused or carefully studied." "The authors (Cabrera, Haskins and Fritiz) diligently pursue the focus of improvement." "Benchmarking Water Services is an in depth and practical ‘must have’ guide for any utility currently engaged in or planning to develop a benchmarking process" - Gregory M. Baird (2012) Benchmarking: An International Journal 19:2. More information about the book can be found on the Water Wiki in an article written by the author: A Spanish language version of this book is available as a free eBook:
Occupational Safety and Hygiene presents selected papers from the International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene SHO2013 (Guimar, Portugal, 14-15 February 2013), which was organized by the Portuguese Society for Occupational Safety and Hygiene (SPOSHO). The contributions from 15 different countries focus on:- Occupational safety- Ris
This volume presents selected papers presented during the First Asian Conference on Indoor Environmental Quality (ACIEQ). The contents cover themes of indoor air quality monitoring and modeling; the influence of confounding factors like thermal comfort parameters, such as temperature and relative humidity with respect to different building types, e.g., residential, commercial, institutional; ventilation characteristics, lighting and acoustics. It also focuses on people's performance, productivity, and behavior with respect to their exposure to various indoor air pollutants and parameters influencing the overall indoor environmental quality. This volume is primarily aimed at researchers working in environmental science and engineering, building architecture and design, HVAC and ventilation, public health, and epidemiology. The contents of this volume will also be useful to policy makers working on occupational health and building codes.
IMPRESSÃO A PRETO e BRANCO: Esta obra vem complementar uma área específica em que a documentação não é abundante, como a gestão da manutenção em edifícios. É um livro prático, com diversas ilustrações e uma linguagem muito acessível para técnicos, gestores e engenheiros que desenvolvem tarefas na área da manutenção de edifícios. Uma obra que fazia falta na especialidade do Facility Management com dicas e informações muito úteis para a otimização da performance de equipamentos e instalações. A obra contempla diversas especialidades que vão desde a organização da gestão de ativos até à descrição particular de equipamentos específicos como chillers, postos de transformação, geradores, brupos de bombagem de abastecimento de água e de serviço para incêndios e muitos outros. Uma obra original e fundamental, de leitura muito acessível e prática. O livro foi feito para ser editado a cores mas face ao custo significativo, existe esta versão a preto e branco.