Asa Mahan: Divine Life

Asa Mahan: Divine Life

Author: Asa Mahan

Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

Published: 2017-07-12

Total Pages: 98

ISBN-13: 9781548831059


"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth, give I unto you."-John xiv. 27. INEFFABLY sweet are these words of our Lord. They are His farewell benediction. What is the significance of these utterances? First, What is peace? It is not primarily the absence of outward hostility, or a state of social friendship. Nor is it a mere exemption from internal conflict and commotion. It is spiritual and Divine repose resulting from the presence of the Holy Ghost. This appears from the preceding verse. "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all, things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." Peace here is only another name for the comfort of the Holy Ghost and the refreshing remembrance of Jesus and His words which He will revive and expound. It is not temporary. It is left with us. It is not bought, but given. It is not given after the fashion of worldly bestowments. The world gives reluctantly-Christ freely. "Freely ye have received, freely give." "Let him that is athirst come, and whosoever will let him take the water of life freely." The world gives sparingly, and often with parsimony -Christ bountifully, and with overflowing abundance, "good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over." The world gives from interested and mercenary motives, expecting an equivalent-Christ from pure, disinterested love, expecting no compensative reward, and asking nothing in return but love and trust. Hence it is written, "For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich" (2 Cor. viii. 9). This peace, which is the munificent legacy of Christ, and the permanent heritage of His disciples, is peculiar in two respects.First. It is incomprehensible. It is so deep and Divine that Paul says, "It passeth all understanding." Second. It possesses a keeping power. Accordingly, in the same connection, it is said, "The peace of God shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." This peace is a safe full of gold, and burglar-proof. ASA MAHAN GET MORE BOOKS AT REVIVALPRESS.NET

Out of Darkness Into Light

Out of Darkness Into Light

Author: Asa Mahan


Published: 2005

Total Pages: 298

ISBN-13: 9781932370737


Believers in Jesus, as we read in the Scriptures, are "all children of the light, and children of the day," and are privileged to "walk in the light, as God is the light," God Himself being "their everlasting light, and their God their glory." Thus "walking in the light," they "have fellowship one with another;" and more than this, "with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ." Abiding in this light and in this fellowship, their "joy is full," "out of weakness they are made strong," in all conditions of existence they find perfect content, and are "more than conquerors through Him that hath loved us," and "having all sufficiency for all things, are abundantly furnished for every good work." If all this is not true of any believer, it is because he is living below his revealed privileges, and is thus living because he does not "know the things which are freely given us of God." It contradicts every true idea of Christian character, to suppose that a true believer in Christ will "walk in darkness," knowing that he may "walk in the light;" will remain weak, knowing that he may be girded with "everlasting strength;" and will continue "carnal, sold under sin," knowing that he may enjoy "the glorious liberty of the sons of God." The specific and exclusive object of the following treatise is to make known to all who would know and understand their privileges as "the sons of God" and "believers in Jesus," the forms of divine knowledge above referred to. To the prayerful examination of all who are "walking in the light," or are inquiring after the light, the work is commended, with the fervent desire and prayer of the author, that "their joy may be full." ASA MAHAN (1799-1889) was America's foremost Christian educator, reformer, philosopher, and pastor. He was founding president of two colleges and one university, where he was able to inspire numerous reforms, publish authoritative philosophical texts, and promote powerful revivals like his close associate Charles Finney. He led the way on all important fronts while being severely persecuted. He introduced the new curriculum later adopted by Harvard, was the first to instruct and grant liberal college degrees to white and colored women, advised Lincoln during the Civil War, and among many other remarkable achievements, was a father to the early evangelical and holiness movements.

The True Believer

The True Believer

Author: Asa Mahan

Publisher: Whitaker House

Published: 2014-04-23

Total Pages: 265

ISBN-13: 1629110280


Famed educator, pastor, and abolitionist Asa Mahan wrote his classic book The True Believer as a response to the question: What are the true character, duties, and privileges of a child of God in this life? In it, Mahan addresses such topics as… The confidence of the believer Attaining the fullness of joy The glory conferred from heaven The doctrine of perfection Receiving instruction from the Holy Spirit Whether you are a new or longtime believer, Mahan’s zeal and reasoned teaching on the Christian walk will build your faith and deepen your understanding of your relationship with God.