Army Preliminary Evaluation, Prototype OH-58A Helicopter with XM27E1 Weapon Subsystem

Army Preliminary Evaluation, Prototype OH-58A Helicopter with XM27E1 Weapon Subsystem

Author: John Nagata


Published: 1970

Total Pages: 59



The Army Preliminary Evaluation of the OH-58A prototype helicopter was conducted in the vicinity of Arlington, Texas, during the period 26 June to 9 July 1969. Thirteen test flights were conducted for a total of 14.5 hours of which 9.1 hours were productive. The evaluation consisted of limited quantitative and qualitative stability and control tests in the armed scout configuration only. The handling qualities of the OH-58A are satisfactory for the accomplishment of the armed scout mission. (Author).

Army Preliminary Evaluation YOH-58A Helicopter with a Flat-Plate Canopy

Army Preliminary Evaluation YOH-58A Helicopter with a Flat-Plate Canopy

Author: James R. Arnold


Published: 1975

Total Pages: 44



A limited evaluation of the performance and handling qualities of the OH-58A helicopter was conducted to determine the effects of a four-plane flat-plate canopy installation. Testing was conducted at the Bell Helicopter Company flight test facility at Arlington, Texas, from 25 October through 4 November 1975. Personnel from the United States Army Aviation Engineering Flight Activity conducted 11 test flights for a total of 6.5 productive test flight hours. The evaluation revealed a loss in airspeed of 2 and 6 knots at the airspeed for maximum continuous power and a loss in range of 8 and 23 nautical miles at the cruise airspeed (forward and aft center-of-gravity configurations, respectively). The noticeable changes in the handling qualities were a slight increase in the nose-down pitching rate following a sudden loss of power (more pronounced for the forward center-of-gravity configuration) and a slight increase in the dihedral effect of the helicopter. The flat-plate canopy installation resulted in a slight reduction in the field of view, but visibility was improved due to the optical clarity of the flat-plate. The installation of glare shields between the chin bubble and canopy significantly reduced the canopy reflections during both day and night tests. One shortcoming was noted during this evaluation but cannot be attributed to the flat-plate canopy installation. (Author).

Airworthiness and Flight Characteristics Test Production OH-58A Helicopter Unarmed and Armed with XM27E1 Weapon System, Performance

Airworthiness and Flight Characteristics Test Production OH-58A Helicopter Unarmed and Armed with XM27E1 Weapon System, Performance

Author: George M. Yamakawa


Published: 1970

Total Pages: 132



Performance tests were conducted on a production OH-58A helicopter to determine compliance with performance guarantees outlined in the detail specification and approved revisions, and also to provide information for the operator's manual. The testing consisted of 99 flights totaling 62.5 productive hours. The OH-58A met or exceeded all of the contractual performance guarantees. The engine inlet loses with the particle separator installed exceeded the limits of the detail specification. A single flight at cold temperatures indicated that level flight performance is significantly affected by compressibility. Although all contractual hover performance guarantees were met, the helicopter could not hover out of ground effect on a 95 F day at gross weights greater than 2930 pounds with the particle separator installed. Under moderate temperature conditions, the performance capabilities of the OH-58A are satisfactory for mission accomplishment. It is recommended that consideration be given to increasing the utility of the OH-58A by installing a more powerful engine.

Army Preliminary Evaluation of the Prototype BHC Model 211 (Hueytug).

Army Preliminary Evaluation of the Prototype BHC Model 211 (Hueytug).

Author: Theodore K. Wright


Published: 1969

Total Pages: 104



In 1966 the Bell Helicopter Company (BHC) commenced the development of an artillery-prime mover version of the UH-1 helicopter. Concurrently, BHC also began developing the dynamic components for a 2000 shaft horsepower (shp) drive system. In early 1968, a converted model UH-1C with increased horsepower, larger rotor blades and additional modifications was first flown and introduced as the BHC Model 211 (Hueytug). The prototype Hueytug was designed to transport sling loads weighing up to 6000 pounds at a design take-off gross weight of 14,000 pounds. The Hueytug is also designed for battlefield recovery of downed aircraft, command and control, medical evacuation and resupply missions. The US Army Aviation Systems Test Activity was directed by the US Army Aviation Systems Command to perform an Army Preliminary Evaluation (APE) on the prototype BHC Model 211 (Hueytug).

Engineering Flight Test of the Uh-1c Helicopter Equipped with the Xm-30 Weapon System

Engineering Flight Test of the Uh-1c Helicopter Equipped with the Xm-30 Weapon System

Author: Kenneth R. Ferrell


Published: 1967

Total Pages: 96



The Army Preliminary Evaluation of the UH-1C/XM-30 weapon system was conducted by the U.S. Army Aviation Test Activity at Edwards Air Force Base and Fort Irwin, California. The degradation in level flight performance attributed to the weapon installation was defined and no objectionable flying qualities were encountered during firing or non-firing tests. The armed mission capability of the helicopter was degraded by high levels of stress, vibration, blast, and noise during firing and restrictive limitations were imposed by gun malfunctions and system gross weight. The reliability of the weapon system was poor and should be improved prior to further Army testing.

Army Preliminary Evaluation Prototype Hughes Model 369C (OH-6C) Helicopter

Army Preliminary Evaluation Prototype Hughes Model 369C (OH-6C) Helicopter

Author: Gary L. Skinner


Published: 1972

Total Pages: 91



The Army Preliminary Evaluation (APE) of the Hughes Tool Company - Aircraft Division (HTC-AD) prototype Model 369C (OH-6C) helicopter was conducted at the Hughes facility in Culver City, California. A total of 34.6 productive flight hours were accumulated during the period 26 August to 22 September 1971. Engineering flight tests were conducted to evaluate the performance, handling qualities, and contractor-proposed flight envelope and to provide data for future use in the evaluation of the HTC-AD New Initiatives - Aerial Scout Program proposal. The data indicate that, in comparison with the OH-6A, the Hughes Model 369C can hover out of ground effect on a 35 C day at 4000 feet with a 207-pound increase in payload. The Model 369C can achieve a maximum level flight airspeed of 141 knots calibrated airspeed (KCAS) with a 660-pound payload - an increase of 14 percent over the 124-KCAS never-exceed velocity of the OH-6A.

Army Preliminary Evaluation of the AH-1G (Hueycobra) Helicopter Equipped with the XM35 Armament Subsystem (20mm Automatic Gun).

Army Preliminary Evaluation of the AH-1G (Hueycobra) Helicopter Equipped with the XM35 Armament Subsystem (20mm Automatic Gun).

Author: Neal Donaldson


Published: 1969

Total Pages: 63



The Army Preliminary Evaluation of the AH-1G (Hueycobra) helicopter equipped with the XM35 armament subsystem (20 mm automatic gun) was conducted. This evaluation consisted of performance and firing and nonfiring stability and control tests. Stability and control tests were also conducted with the turret ammunition bay doors open and loaded to simulate an evacuation mission configuration.

Army Preliminary Evaluation YAH-IQ Helicopter with a Flat-Plate Canopy

Army Preliminary Evaluation YAH-IQ Helicopter with a Flat-Plate Canopy

Author: James R. Arnold


Published: 1975

Total Pages: 40



The United States Army Aviation Engineering Flight Activity conducted a limited evaluation of the level flight performance and handling qualities of a YAH-1Q helicopter with a flat-plate canopy from 17 through 19 June 1975 at the Bell Helicopter Company flight test facility at Arlington, Texas. During the test program, eleven flights for a total of 4.4 productive hours were flown. A loss in maximum airspeed for level flight was determined when compared to the AH-1G (Bell Helicopter Company data indicate 5 to 7 knots). The primary effect of the flat-plate canopy on handling qualities was a noticeable decrease in directional stability. The one deficiency determined during the evaluation was the internal reflection from external light sources on the flat-plate canopy during night flight. Five shortcomings were noted during the evaluation. Further testing should be conducted to determine the effect of the decreased directional stability on the accuracy of rocket fire.