Brimming with commonsense advice delivered in a conversational, easy-to-read style, Internal Audit Reports Post Sarbanes-Oxley: A Guide to Process-Driven Reporting helps you transform raw data into useable information and then translate that information into actionable messages while complying with the SOX Act.
This small volume provides the tools and techniques needed to improve reports. It does so through addressing crucial concepts all too often overlooked in the familiar rush to perform tasks, complete projects, and meet deadlines.
Audits provide essential accountability and transparency over government programs. Given the current challenges facing governments and their programs, the oversight provided through auditing is more critical than ever. Government auditing provides the objective analysis and information needed to make the decisions necessary to help create a better future. The professional standards presented in this 2018 revision of Government Auditing Standards (known as the Yellow Book) provide a framework for performing high-quality audit work with competence, integrity, objectivity, and independence to provide accountability and to help improve government operations and services. These standards, commonly referred to as generally accepted government auditing standards (GAGAS), provide the foundation for government auditors to lead by example in the areas of independence, transparency, accountability, and quality through the audit process. This revision contains major changes from, and supersedes, the 2011 revision.
This volume, developed by the Observatory together with OECD, provides an overall conceptual framework for understanding and applying strategies aimed at improving quality of care. Crucially, it summarizes available evidence on different quality strategies and provides recommendations for their implementation. This book is intended to help policy-makers to understand concepts of quality and to support them to evaluate single strategies and combinations of strategies.
This is the companion Discussion Guide to Auditing that Matters: Case Studies. The intent is for this pair of books to be used by internal auditors as a basis for group or individual discussions around world-class practices. Each individual should have a copy of the Case Studies and the leader of the discussion should have a copy of this Discussion Guide. Many of the principles discussed here can be found in Auditing that Matters.