Fort Devens Feasibility Study (FS) for Group 1A Sites, Final Data Gap Activities Work Plan

Fort Devens Feasibility Study (FS) for Group 1A Sites, Final Data Gap Activities Work Plan



Published: 1993

Total Pages: 101



At the direction of the U.S. Army Environmental Center (AEC), formerly the U.S. Army Toxic and Hazardous Materials Agency (USATHAMA), ABB Environmental Services, Inc. (ABB-ES) will conduct supplemental field investigations under USATHAMA Contract DAAA15-91-D-0008, Delivery Order 0004, at the Shepley's Hill Landfill and Cold Spring Brook Landfill at Fort Devens, Massachusetts. These areas were identified for investigation in the Fort Devens Master Environmental Plan (MEP) as the Group 1A sites, and are subject to a Federal Facility Agreement between the U.S. Department of the Army and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). The Shepley's Hill Landfill contains Areas of Contamination (AOCs) 4, 5, and 18. The Cold Spring Brook Landfill contains AOC 40 (Biang, 1991). Objectives of the proposed field investigations at the Shepley's Hill and Cold Spring Brook landfills are to more clearly establish the nature and extent of contamination in groundwater, surface water, and sediments; to better define physical site characteristics in support of engineering evaluations; and to obtain data required to complete a detailed ecological risk assessment.

Final Health and Safety Plan, Fort Devens, Massachusetts. Revision 1

Final Health and Safety Plan, Fort Devens, Massachusetts. Revision 1



Published: 1993

Total Pages: 663



Personnel involved in remedial investigations and field sampling at sites where hazardous substances (hazardous materials, and wastes) are present may be potentially exposed to a wide variety of chemical, physical, environmental, biological, and ergonomic hazards, including: Inhalation of toxic airborne contaminants; Skin contact with contaminated soil and water; Presence of flammable/combustible vapors; Oxygen-deficient atmospheres; Unexploded ordnance; Heat stress due to protective clothing and environmental conditions; Etiologic agents and biological hazards; and Physical hazards inherent to field operations (e.g., working near heavy equipment, slips, trips, falls). Thus, adequate planning is essential prior to performing work at sites containing hazardous substances in order to minimize the risk of employee injury or illness. Field investigation tasks to be performed by Arthur D. Little at Fort Devens include the following: Geophysical surveys; Unexploded ordnance (UXO) clearance; * Test pit excavation; Surface water and sediment sampling; Surficial soil sampling; Concrete and asphalt sampling; Soil borings; Ground water sampling; Building wipe sampling. More detailed description of these activities are provided in the site-specific HASPs included in the supplements to the HASP, as well as in the Work Plans and the Quality Assurance Project Plan for Fort Devens.

Fort Devens Sudbury Training Annex Middlesex County Massachusetts Remedial (Data Gap) Investigations of Area of Contamination A4 and Areas of Combination A7/A9 (Management-of-Migration Operable Unit) and Supplemental Site Investigation Unit) and Supplemental Site Investigations of Selected Study Areas

Fort Devens Sudbury Training Annex Middlesex County Massachusetts Remedial (Data Gap) Investigations of Area of Contamination A4 and Areas of Combination A7/A9 (Management-of-Migration Operable Unit) and Supplemental Site Investigation Unit) and Supplemental Site Investigations of Selected Study Areas



Published: 1996

Total Pages: 97



The purpose of this Work Plan is to provide a basis and plan for collecting additional required data at the identified sites. The RIs will focus on providing additional information on the presence, extent, and concentrations of certain contaminants in specific areas near the subject AOCs. These data will be compared to previously calculated human health and ecological quantitative risk assessments in technical memoranda for the A4 and A7/A9 AOCs. For the Management-of-Migration OU at AOCs A7/A9, the data will also be incorporated as appropriate in an addendum to the current Feasibility Study (FS) (OHM, May 1995). Additional 551 field investigations will be conducted at SAs P20, P22, and P59. The collection of additional data is not required for SAS P1, P4, P17, P35, and P60. All available data for each SA will be evaluated along with the previously acquired data for each SA in recommending: 1) no further action (NFA); 2) a removal action; 3) inclusion in a facility-wide arsenic investigation; or 4) a remedial investigation (RI). Human health and ecological preliminary risk evaluations (PREs) will be performed as part of the SSIs for all eight SAs. The planned RI data-gap investigations and SSIs will consist of field observations and measurements, the collection of environmental samples, and chemical analysis of the samples.