Featuring more information on IIS/FrontPage, a discussion of quota management, a better section on "Networking/protocols", comprehensive coverage of security, descriptions of all the NT devices and services, an extended section on DCOM, a revised Macintosh section, and much more, this book is "the" reference for all NT administrators.
The ideal reference for developers creating applications for 32-bit Windows, this authoritative book delivers what every Windows programmer should know about design, code, and implementing cutting-edge Windows applications.1,100 pp.
The book will instruct the advanced user on how to exploit all of the features of XP, creating a finely tuned system, optimized for top-notch performance. Comprehensive coverage of Windows XP Professional. Features secrets to optimization with explanations not normally found in user manuals accompanying software. Coverage of advanced topics to benefit the IT Professional. Terry guides the advanced reader through nearly every Windows XP topic imaginable giving ideas and solutions practical to typical problems encountered by professionals. Here are a few examples: installations, use, and maintenance; performance tuning; optimizing memory; detailed registry info; pushing hardware profiles to their limits; XP system tools; how to build network bridges between Dissimilar operating systems; working with compatibility modes to enable older o/s to interact with XP; device driver rollback; automatic driver up20011219; ensuring perfect printing always; maximizing XP for the Internet and intranets, and security, and more! As a consultant, Terry Ogletree travels the world, consulting with major corporations on nearly every imaginable computer topic, from disaster recovery to operating systems. His clients include Bristol-Myers Squidd, Digital Equipment and AT&T. Terry is well known for his magazine articles and devotion to writing computer books. Recent publications include: Windows NT Server 4.0 Networking (Vol. 4 of Sams Windows NT 4 and Website Resource Library) Sams Computer Publishing, 1997, 0672309947; Practical Firewalls (Que Publishing, June 2000), 0789724162, Upgrading and Repairing Networks, Second Edition (Que Publishing, December 1999), 0789720345, and The Complete Idiot's Guide to Creating Your Own CDs (Que/Alpha Books), 0789724928.
What Alison's book offers over most or all of the other books on the market is that Alison is able to take a highly technical topic and present it in a manner that is easy to comprehend. It is a book that the reader will often want to read from cover to cover, but it can also act as an excellent reference. The CD includes all source code from the book, sample databases, and complete applications.
With its comprehensive coverage of topics, "High Speed Networking Unleashed" is an indispensable tutorial and reference. Anyone with a need to set up a network and maximize network performance will benefit from these pages. The CD-ROM contains utilities and third party software.
Taking users beyond the basics, Windows NT 3.x Unleashed reveals the unique features of one of the world's most powerful operating systems. The authors provide in-depth advice on installing, configuring, and managing Windows NT systems, and also offer advice for setting up and administering an NT Server network. The CD-ROM includes utilities, demos, and more.
If you’re a Windows administrator, scripting expertise can liberate you from boring, repetitive work—so you can take on the sophisticated, high-value projects you really want. Top scripting guru Don Jones has written the definitive administrator’s guide to getting results with Microsoft’s key scripting technologies: VBScript, WMI, and ADSI. Jones draws on his unsurpassed experience training Windows administrators in conferences, classes, and from his enormously popular site, ScriptingAnswers.com. You’ll learn how to use VBScript, WMI, and ADSI to gain administrative control over nearly every aspect of every recent Windows server or client, including Windows Server 2003, Vista, XP, 2000, and NT. As you gain experience, Jones introduces more advanced techniques, ranging from modular scripting and script encryption to integrating VBScript with HTML code. Jones concludes with a full section of ready-to-run, real-world examples—from logon/logoff scripts to automated domain and network administration, from querying WMI to creating Active Directory groups. Every script is explained line-by-line, with challenging techniques described in even greater detail.
SQL Unleashed, Second Edition, covers ANSII SQL and how to implement them with several major relational database platforms used on a day-to-day basis. SQL Unleashed focuses on more intermediate to advanced topics and the latest trends forthcoming in SQL. Designed to be used as both a reference and implementation tool, this book serves as a practical, pragmatic guide to day-to-day SQL programming and provide the most efficient solutions for getting the job done. Topics include database design and data definition, data manipulation, data selection, more advanced, QL implementations, the future of SQL, and vendor SQL extensions.