Advances in Water Treatment and Pollution Prevention explores the most up-to-date studies in the field of water pollution. More specifically, this book examines the causes and effects of this threatening phenomenon and identifies the preventive measures that can be taken to contain, and even to defeat, water pollution worldwide. The papers gathered in this volume pinpoint the need to implement greener water treatments to prevent water pollution from impacting ecosystems, human well-being and economies any further. They also successfully outline the processes that have been studied, optimized and developed so far to sustain our environment. Advances in Water Treatment and Pollution Prevention will represent a valuable resource to academic researchers, students, institutions, environmentalists, and anyone interested in environmental policies aimed at safeguarding both the quality and the quantity of water.
This is a compilation of topics that are at the forefront of many technical advances and practices in air and water control. These include air pollution control, water pollution control, water treatment, wastewater treatment, industrial waste treatment and small scale wastewater treatment.
An Overview of Water and Wastewater; What Filtration Is All About; Chemical Additives that Enhance Filtration; Selecting the Right Filter Media; What Pressure- and Cake-Filtration Are All; Cartridge and Other Filters Worth Mentioning; What Sand Filtration is All About; Sedimentation, Clarification, Flotation, and Membrane Separation Technologies; Ion Exchange and Carbon Adsorption; Water Sterilization Technologies; Treating the Sludge; Glossary; Index.
Close to one-half of all Americans live in coastal counties. The resulting flood of wastewater, stormwater, and pollutants discharged into coastal waters is a major concern. This book offers a well-delineated approach to integrated coastal management beginning with wastewater and stormwater control. The committee presents an overview of current management practices and problems. The core of the volume is a detailed model for integrated coastal management, offering basic principles and methods, a direction for moving from general concerns to day-to-day activities, specific steps from goal setting through monitoring performance, and a base of scientific and technical information. Success stories from the Chesapeake and Santa Monica bays are included. The volume discusses potential barriers to integrated coastal management and how they may be overcome and suggests steps for introducing this concept into current programs and legislation. This practical volume will be important to anyone concerned about management of coastal waters: policymakers, resource and municipal managers, environmental professionals, concerned community groups, and researchers, as well as faculty and students in environmental studies.
This book addresses a complex issue – water sustainability – that requires a combined approach to manage both water and energy. It highlights several technologies that have been introduced to study the water–energy linkage. It also discusses the need to develop effective laws for water management. In turn, the book assesses hybrid biological systems and demonstrates why they are better for the wastewater treatment process. Lastly, it reviews wastewater quality requirements, which have been the primary driver of industrial wastewater treatment programs in India. Gathering selected, high-quality research papers presented at the IconSWM 2018 conference, the book offers a valuable asset, not only for researchers and academics, but also for industrial practitioners and policymakers.
Petroleum Waste Treatment and Pollution Control combines state-of-the-art and traditional treatment and control methods for removing, controlling, and treating problems, such as groundwater contamination, aromatics, oil, grease, organic removal, and VOCs. The book is divided into seven chapters, with the first briefly introducing readers to the petroleum industry. The second and third chapters explain wastes in the petroleum industry and focus on its environmental impact, its regulations, and protection options. Chapters four, five, and six discuss the treatment of air emissions, oily wastewater, solid wastes, and disposal methods.. The final chapter provides remediation processes. - Presents the latest methods for treating, controlling, and eliminating pollutants from air, water, and land that are a byproduct of petroleum industry operations - Covers the environmental impact of the petroleum industry and its regulations, explaining protection options - Includes treatment methods for both air, water, and solid waste disposal - Discusses remediation processes, including natural processes, pump and treat, soil flushing, soil vapor extraction (SVE), bioremediation, and excavation
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. The clear, up-to-date, practical, visual, application-focused introduction to modern environmental technology. Now fully updated, Basic Environmental Technology, Sixth Edition emphasizes applications while presenting fundamental concepts in clear, simple language. It covers a broad range of environmental topics clearly and thoroughly, giving students a solid foundation for further study and workplace success. This edition adds new coverage of environmental sustainability, integrated water management, low impact development, green building design, advanced water purification, dual water systems, new pipeline materials, hydraulic fracturing, constructed wetlands, single stream municipal solid waste recycling, plasma gasification of waste, updated EPA standards, and more. Hundreds of clear diagrams and photographs illuminate key concepts; practice problems and review questions offer students ample opportunity to deepen their mastery. Math is applied at a basic level, and all computations are fully explained with example problems; both U.S. and metric units are used. Students with less academic experience will also appreciate this text's review of basic math, and its basic primers on biology, chemistry, geology, hydrology, and hydraulics. Teaching and Learning Experience This easy-to-read text will help technology students quickly understand the latest issues and techniques related to water supply, waste management, and pollution control. It provides: Thorough, up-to-date, application-focused coverage of the field's key issues, challenges, and techniques: Prepares students for success in roles involving hydraulics, hydrology, water quality, water pollution mitigation, drinking water purification, water distribution systems, sanitary sewers, stormwater management, wastewater treatment/disposal, municipal solid waste, hazardous waste management, and the control of air and noise pollution Simple and clear, with plenty of numerical examples and basic primers for less prepared students: Written and designed for maximum accessibility, with introductory math and science primers for every student who needs them, and step-by-step walkthrough examples for all significant computations Hundreds of diagrams and photos, and extensive pedagogical resources for faster, more intuitive learning: Teaches visually and through example wherever possible; contains clear chapter summaries, an expanded glossary, and comprehensive, updated Instructor's materials