Wastewater Treatment Plant Evaluation, Otis ANG Base, Massachusetts

Wastewater Treatment Plant Evaluation, Otis ANG Base, Massachusetts

Author: D. P Gibson (Jr)


Published: 1984

Total Pages: 45



The USAF Occupational and Environmental Health Laboratory conducted an on site wastewater treatment plant evaluation survey at Otis Air National Guard Base from 16-21 Mar 84. The survey was requested because the base is negotiating a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit with the State of Massachusetts, Division of Water Pollution Control. Data was needed to show the current operating efficiency of the plant. Specific concerns of the base were disinfection of the effluent and plant removal of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. Results of the survey indicate that the plant is able to meet current effluent limitation except for total coliform bacteria. However, future limitation which will include forms of nitrogen may not be met during the winter months when low temperatures adversely affects oxidation of nitrogen. Recommendations were made to: (1) provide a contact chlorination tank for adequate disinfection; and (2) consider methods to increase the organic content of wastewater reaching the trickling filter.

Wastewater Treatment Plant Evaluation, McGuire AFB, New Jersey

Wastewater Treatment Plant Evaluation, McGuire AFB, New Jersey

Author: Francis E. Slavich


Published: 1987

Total Pages: 37



The USAFOEHL conducted a survey evaluating the wastewater treatment facility at McGuire AFB, New Jersey. The scope of the survey included the evaluation of: (1) individual treatment plant unit processes, (2) influent and effluent sewage quality, (3) treatment plant flow rates, and (4) operational and maintenance practices. Results of the survey showed that the plant was not meeting the 7-day NJPDES effluent standard for Total Phenols, Total Suspended Solids (TSS), and removal efficiency for TSS. Overall, the unit processes of the plant are performing adequately; notwithstanding correctable operation and maintenance difficulties. Recommendation: (1) Perform daily jar testing at the plant. (2) Clean the chlorine contact chamber. (3) Substitute EPA method 604 for EPA method 423 in determining effluent phenol concentration, if possible. (4) Repair the gaps between the clarifier walls and the overflow weirs. (5) Increase the trickling filter recirculation during periods of low influent flow. (6) Consider construction of an aerate wastewater equalization basin.