Visual Complexity and Intelligent Computer Graphics Techniques Enhancements

Visual Complexity and Intelligent Computer Graphics Techniques Enhancements

Author: Dimitri Plemenos

Publisher: Springer

Published: 2009-08-29

Total Pages: 246

ISBN-13: 9783642012600


In this book, three main notions will be used in the editors search of improvements in various areas of computer graphics: Artificial Intelligence, Viewpoint Complexity and Human Intelligence. Several Artificial Intelligence techniques are used in presented intelligent scene modelers, mainly declarative ones. Among them, the mostly used techniques are Expert systems, Constraint Satisfaction Problem resolution and Machine-learning. The notion of viewpoint complexity, that is complexity of a scene seen from a given viewpoint, will be used in improvement proposals for a lot of computer graphics problems like scene understanding, virtual world exploration, image-based modeling and rendering, ray tracing and radiosity. Very often, viewpoint complexity is used in conjunction with Artificial Intelligence techniques like Heuristic search and Problem resolution. The notions of artificial Intelligence and Viewpoint Complexity may help to automatically resolve a big number of computer graphics problems. However, there are special situations where is required to find a particular solution for each situation. In such a case, human intelligence has to replace, or to be combined with, artificial intelligence. Such cases, and proposed solutions are also presented in this book.

Visual Complexity and Intelligent Computer Graphics Techniques Enhancements

Visual Complexity and Intelligent Computer Graphics Techniques Enhancements

Author: Dimitri Plemenos

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2009-07-09

Total Pages: 255

ISBN-13: 3642012582


In this book, three main notions will be used in the editors search of improvements in various areas of computer graphics: Artificial Intelligence, Viewpoint Complexity and Human Intelligence. Several Artificial Intelligence techniques are used in presented intelligent scene modelers, mainly declarative ones. Among them, the mostly used techniques are Expert systems, Constraint Satisfaction Problem resolution and Machine-learning. The notion of viewpoint complexity, that is complexity of a scene seen from a given viewpoint, will be used in improvement proposals for a lot of computer graphics problems like scene understanding, virtual world exploration, image-based modeling and rendering, ray tracing and radiosity. Very often, viewpoint complexity is used in conjunction with Artificial Intelligence techniques like Heuristic search and Problem resolution. The notions of artificial Intelligence and Viewpoint Complexity may help to automatically resolve a big number of computer graphics problems. However, there are special situations where is required to find a particular solution for each situation. In such a case, human intelligence has to replace, or to be combined with, artificial intelligence. Such cases, and proposed solutions are also presented in this book.

Computational Intelligence Techniques for Bioprocess Modelling, Supervision and Control

Computational Intelligence Techniques for Bioprocess Modelling, Supervision and Control

Author: Maria Carmo Nicoletti

Publisher: Springer

Published: 2009-07-09

Total Pages: 349

ISBN-13: 3642018882


Computational Intelligence (CI) and Bioprocess are well-established research areas which have much to offer each other. Under the perspective of the CI area, Biop- cess can be considered a vast application area with a growing number of complex and challenging tasks to be dealt with, whose solutions can contribute to boosting the development of new intelligent techniques as well as to help the refinement and s- cialization of many of the already existing techniques. Under the perspective of the Bioprocess area, CI can be considered a useful repertoire of theories, methods and techniques that can contribute and offer interesting alternative approaches for solving many of its problems, particularly those hard to solve using conventional techniques. Although throughout the past years CI and Bioprocess areas have accumulated substantial specific knowledge and progress has been quick and with a high degree of success, we believe there is still a long way to go in order to use the potentialities of the available CI techniques and knowledge at their full extent, as tools for supporting problem solving in bioprocesses. One of the reasons is the fact that both areas have progressed steadily and have been continuously accumulating and refining specific knowledge; another reason is the high level of technical expertise demanded by each of them. The acquisition of technical skills, experience and good insights in either of the two areas is very demanding and a hard task to be accomplished by any professional.

Intelligent Systems and Technologies

Intelligent Systems and Technologies

Author: Horia-Nicolai Teodorescu

Publisher: Springer

Published: 2009-07-07

Total Pages: 293

ISBN-13: 3642018858


Intelligent systems and technologies are increasing finding their ways in our daily lives. This book presents a sample of recent research results from key researchers. The contributions include: Introduction to intelligent systems; A Fuzzy Density Analysis of Subgroups by means of DNA Oligonucleotides; Evolution of Cooperating Classification Rules with an Archiving Strategy to Underpin Collaboration; Designing Agents with Dynamic Capability; Localized versus Locality Preserving Representation Methods in Face Recognition Tasks; Invariance Properties of Recurrent Neural Networks; Solving Bioinformatics Problems by Soft Computing Techniques; Transforming an Interactive Expert Code into a Statefull Service and a Multicoreenabled System; Ro-WordNet with Paradigmatic Morphology and Subjectivity Mark-up; Special Cases of Relative Object Qualification using the AMONG Operator; Effective Speaker Tracking Strategies for Multi-party Human-Computer Dialogue; The Fuzzy Interpolative Control for Passive Greenhouses; GPS safety system for airplanes; 3D Collaborative Interfaces for E-learning; Open Projects in Contemporary E-Learning; Software Platform for Archaeological Patrimony Inventory and Management. The book is directed to the graduate students, researchers, professors and the practitioner of intelligent systems.

Complex Networks

Complex Networks

Author: Ronaldo Menezes

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2009-08-11

Total Pages: 232

ISBN-13: 3642012051


Though the reductionist approachto biology and medicine has led to several imp- tant advances, further progresses with respect to the remaining challenges require integration of representation, characterization and modeling of the studied systems along a wide range of spatial and time scales. Such an approach, intrinsically - lated to systems biology, is poised to ultimately turning biology into a more precise and synthetic discipline, paving the way to extensive preventive and regenerative medicine [1], drug discovery [20] and treatment optimization [24]. A particularly appealing and effective approach to addressing the complexity of interactions inherent to the biological systems is provided by the new area of c- plex networks [34, 30, 8, 13, 12]. Basically, it is an extension of graph theory [10], focusing on the modeling, representation, characterization, analysis and simulation ofcomplexsystemsbyconsideringmanyelementsandtheirinterconnections.C- plex networks concepts and methods have been used to study disease [17], tr- scription networks [5, 6, 4], protein-protein networks [22, 36, 16, 39], metabolic networks [23] and anatomy [40].

Evolutionary Image Analysis and Signal Processing

Evolutionary Image Analysis and Signal Processing

Author: Stefano Cagnoni

Publisher: Springer

Published: 2009-07-09

Total Pages: 213

ISBN-13: 3642016367


The publication of this book on evolutionaryImage Analysis and Signal P- cessing (IASP) has two main goals. The ?rst, occasional one is to celebrate the 10th edition of EvoIASP, the workshop which has been the only event speci?cally dedicated to this topic since 1999. The second, more important one is to give an overview of the opportunities o?ered by Evolutionary C- putation (EC) techniques to computer vision,pattern recognition,and image and signal processing. It is not possible to celebrate EvoIASP properly without ?rst ackno- edging EvoNET, the EU-funded network of excellence, which has made it possible for Europe to build a strong European research community on EC. Thanks to the success of the ?rst, pioneering event organized by EvoNET, held in 1998 in Paris, it was possible to realize that not only was EC a f- tile ground for basic research but also there were several application ?elds to which EC techniques could o?er a valuable contribution. That was how the ideaofcreatingasingleevent,EvoWorkshops,outofacollectionofworkshops dedicated to applications of EC, was born. Amongst the possible application ?elds for EC, IASP was selected almost accidentally, due to the occasional presence, within EvoNET, of less than a handful of researchers who were interested in it. I would lie if I stated that the event was a great success since its very start, but it was successful enough to survive healthily for a couple of years, before reaching its present size, relevance, and popularity.

Opportunities and Challenges for Next-Generation Applied Intelligence

Opportunities and Challenges for Next-Generation Applied Intelligence

Author: Been-Chian Chien

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2009-05-19

Total Pages: 341

ISBN-13: 3540928138


The term “Artificial Intelligence” has been used since 1956 and has become a very popular research field. Generally, it is the study of the computations that enable a system to perceive, reason and act. In the early days, it was expected to achieve the same intelligent behavior as a human, but found impossible at last. Its goal was thus revised to design and use of intelligent methods to make systems more ef- cient at solving problems. The term “Applied Intelligence” was thus created to represent its practicality. It emphasizes applications of applied intelligent systems to solve real-life problems in all areas including engineering, science, industry, automation, robotics, business, finance, medicine, bio-medicine, bio-informatics, cyberspace, and man-machine interactions. To endow the intelligent behavior of a system, many useful and interesting techniques have been developed. Some of them are even borrowed from the na- ral observation and biological phenomenon. Neural networks and evolutionary computation are two examples of them. Besides, some other heuristic approaches like data mining, adaptive control, intelligent manufacturing, autonomous agents, bio-informatics, reasoning, computer vision, decision support systems, expert s- tems, fuzzy logic, robots, intelligent interfaces, internet technology, planning and scheduling, are also commonly used in applied intelligence.

Biologically-Inspired Optimisation Methods

Biologically-Inspired Optimisation Methods

Author: Andrew Lewis

Publisher: Springer

Published: 2009-05-12

Total Pages: 365

ISBN-13: 3642012620


This book covers the latest theories, applications and techniques in Biologically-Inspired Optimisation Methods. Many chapters derive from studies presented at workshops and international conferences on e-Science, Grid Computing and Evolutionary computation.

Computer and Information Science 2009

Computer and Information Science 2009

Author: Roger Lee

Publisher: Springer

Published: 2009-05-01

Total Pages: 310

ISBN-13: 3642012094


This volume includes the best papers of the IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science, ICIS 2009, held on June 2009 in Shanghai, China.

Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing

Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing

Author: Roger Lee

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2009-04-30

Total Pages: 289

ISBN-13: 3642012027


The purpose of the 10th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD rd 2009), held in Daegu, Korea on May 27–29, 2009, the 3 International Workshop st on e-Activity (IWEA 2009) and the 1 International Workshop on Enterprise Architecture Challenges and Responses (WEACR 2009) is to aim at bringing together researchers and scientist, businessmen and entrepreneurs, teachers and students to discuss the numerous fields of computer science, and to share ideas and information in a meaningful way. Our conference officers selected the best 24 papers from those papers accepted for presentation at the conference in order to publish them in this volume. The papers were chosen based on review scores submitted by members of the program committee, and underwent further rounds of rigorous review. In chapter 1, Igor Crk and Chris Gniady propose a network-aware energy m- agement mechanism that provides a low-cost solution that can significantly reduce energy consumption in the entire system while maintaining responsiveness of local interactive workloads. Their dynamic mechanisms reduce the decision delay before the disk is spun-up, reduce the number of erroneous spin-ups in local wo- stations, decrease the network bandwidth, and reduce the energy consumption of individual drives. In chapter 2, Yoshihito Saito and Tokuro Matsuo describe a task allocation mechanism and its performance concerning with software developing. They run simulations and discuss the results in terms of effective strategies of task allocation.