This IBM Redbooks publication shows the strengths of z/VM and how you can use these strengths to create a highly flexible test and production environment. Some of the strengths of z/VM that are shown in this book are that you can run Linux on z/VM, you can run a sysplex under z/VM, and you can develop code under z/VM for z/TPF. You can also provision Linux guests under z/VM. A vswitch allows you to connect all of your guests (all operating systems that run under z/VM) easily to the network. You can simulate your production environment on a sysplex. The intention of this book is to show the strengths of z/VM and how you can use these strengths to simulate your production environment and expand your application development and testing environments.
This textbook provides students with the background knowledge and skills necessary to begin using the basic functions and features of z/VM Version 5, Release 3. It is part of a series of textbooks designed to introduce students to mainframe concepts and help prepare them for a career in large systems computing. For optimal learning, students are assumed to be literate in personal computing and have some computer science or information systems background. Others who will benefit from this textbook include z/OS professionals who would like to expand their knowledge of other aspects of the mainframe computing environment. This course can be used as a prerequisite to understanding Linux on System z. After reading this textbook and working through the exercises, the student will have received a basic understanding of the following topics: The Series z Hardware concept and the history of the mainframe Virtualization technology in general and how it is exploited by z/VM Operating systems that can run as guest systems under z/VM z/VM components The z/VM control program and commands The interactive environment under z/VM, CMS and its commands z/VM planning and administration Implementing the networking capabilities of z/VM Tools to monitor the performance of z/VM systems and guest operating systems The REXX programming language and CMS pipelines Security issues when running z/VM
This IBM® Redbooks® publication is volume one of five in a series of books entitled The Virtualization Cookbook for IBM Z. The series includes the following volumes: The Virtualization Cookbook for IBM z Systems® Volume 1: IBM z/VM® 7.2, SG24-8147 The Virtualization Cookbook for IBM Z Volume 2: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 Servers, SG24-8303 The Virtualization Cookbook for IBM z Systems Volume 3: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12, SG24-8890 The Virtualization Cookbook for IBM z Systems Volume 4: Ubuntu Server 16.04, SG24-8354 Virtualization Cookbook for IBM Z Volume 5: KVM, SG24-8463 It is recommended that you start with Volume 1 of this series because the IBM z/VM hypervisor is the foundation (or base "layer") for installing Linux on IBM Z®. This book series assumes that you are generally familiar with IBM Z technology and terminology. It does not assume an in-depth understanding of z/VM or Linux. It is written for individuals who want to start quickly with z/VM and Linux, and get virtual servers up and running in a short time (days, not weeks or months). Volume 1 starts with a solution orientation, discusses planning and security, and then, describes z/VM installation methods, configuration, hardening, automation, servicing, networking, optional features, and more. It adopts a "cookbook-style" format that provides a concise, repeatable set of procedures for installing, configuring, administering, and maintaining z/VM. This volume also includes a chapter on monitoring z/VM and the Linux virtual servers that are hosted. Volumes 2, 3, and 4 assume that you completed all of the steps that are described in Volume 1. From that common foundation, these volumes describe how to create your own Linux virtual servers on IBM Z hardware under IBM z/VM. The cookbook format continues with installing and customizing Linux. Volume 5 provides an explanation of the kernel-based virtual machine (KVM) on IBM Z and how it can use the z/Architecture®. It focuses on the planning of the environment and provides installation and configuration definitions that are necessary to build, manage, and monitor a KVM on Z environment. This publication applies to the supported Linux on Z distributions (Red Hat, SUSE, and Ubuntu).
This IBM® Redbooks® publication is Volume 4 of a series of books entitled The Virtualization Cookbook for IBM z Systems. The other volumes in the series are: The Virtualization Cookbook for IBM z Systems Volume 1: IBM z/VM 6.3, SG24-8147 The Virtualization Cookbook for IBM z Systems Volume 2: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1 Servers, SG24-8303 The Virtualization Cookbook for IBM z Systems Volume 3: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12, SG24-8890 It is advised that you start with Volume 1 of this series, because the IBM z/VM® Hypervisor is the foundation for installing Linux on IBM zTM Systems. is a leading authority on technology, delivering Labs-based, independent reviews of the latest products and services. Our expert industry analysis and practical solutions help you make better buying decisions and get more from technology. is a leading authority on technology, delivering Labs-based, independent reviews of the latest products and services. Our expert industry analysis and practical solutions help you make better buying decisions and get more from technology. is a leading authority on technology, delivering Labs-based, independent reviews of the latest products and services. Our expert industry analysis and practical solutions help you make better buying decisions and get more from technology.
This IBM® Redbooks® publication addresses performance tuning topics to help leverage the virtualization strengths of the POWER® platform to solve clients' system resource utilization challenges, and maximize system throughput and capacity. We examine the performance monitoring tools, utilities, documentation, and other resources available to help technical teams provide optimized business solutions and support for applications running on IBM POWER systems' virtualized environments. The book offers application performance examples deployed on IBM Power SystemsTM utilizing performance monitoring tools to leverage the comprehensive set of POWER virtualization features: Logical Partitions (LPARs), micro-partitioning, active memory sharing, workload partitions, and more. We provide a well-defined and documented performance tuning model in a POWER system virtualized environment to help you plan a foundation for scaling, capacity, and optimization . This book targets technical professionals (technical consultants, technical support staff, IT Architects, and IT Specialists) responsible for providing solutions and support on IBM POWER systems, including performance tuning.
In this issue: From the Editors - GM Cancer Warning Can no Longer Be Ignored Freeing the World from GMOsExcess Cancers & Deaths from GM Feed: Stats Stand UpStudy Confirms GM Crops Increased Pesticide Use Synthetic Biology Good & BadSynthetic Biology Should We Be Afraid?Aptamers for Biosensing, Diagnosis, Drug Delivery and TherapyMass Genome Engineering Contaminated VaccinesDNA Contamination in HPV Vaccines Letters to the Editor Institute of Science in Society Special ReportWhy Glyphosate Should Be Banned News in Brief Technology WatchNanoparticles Bioaccumulate & Harm Soybean CropsPhotosynthetic Bacterium Converts CO2 into Petrochemical & O2 Save Our WaterWorld Water Supply in JeopardyPharmaceutical Cocktails Anyone? No NuclearFukushima Mutant Butterflies Confirm Harm from Low-Dose Radiation