A principle of this healing technique is that during the nine months preceding birth all our physical, mental, emotional and behavioural structures are laid down. Working on the spinal reflexes of the feet, hands and head refocuses on this formative period, thus allowing healing to take place.
We are energy; our bodies, as well as all matter, are merely slowed down energy. We all have an energetic body that houses all our memories and experiences of all our lifetimes. We absorb energies from our families, our previous incarnations as well as from the culture in which we live. These energies often mask who we truly are and may block us from developing our true potential. Ways to recognize and work with these imprints are at the heart of the book. The Energetic Dimension offers a new paradigm for the West as to how we function as humans. It is a paradigm that is intuitively known by us but has not to date been articulated as it has in this book. This book explores the energetic web in which we are encased, ways to cultivate its strengths, and heal and remove the negative aspects of unwanted energies. The goal is to be able to shed the layers that block us from truly experiencing our core essence and who we truly are.
"This book by Lisa Tauxe and others is a marvelous tool for education and research in Paleomagnetism. Many students in the U.S. and around the world will welcome this publication, which was previously only available via the Internet. Professor Tauxe has performed a service for teaching and research that is utterly unique."—Neil D. Opdyke, University of Florida
Hand reflexology is now an essential part of reflexology practitioner courses. This book takes the student through the whole treatment, from taking details to follow-up homework for the client.
In a crucial shift within posthumanistic media studies, Bernhard Siegert dissolves the concept of media into a network of operations that reproduce, displace, process, and reflect the distinctions fundamental for a given culture. Cultural Techniques aims to forget our traditional understanding of media so as to redefine the concept through something more fundamental than the empiricist study of a medium’s individual or collective uses or of its cultural semantics or aesthetics. Rather, Siegert seeks to relocate media and culture on a level where the distinctions between object and performance, matter and form, human and nonhuman, sign and channel, the symbolic and the real are still in the process of becoming. The result is to turn ontology into a domain of all that is meant in German by the word Kultur. Cultural techniques comprise not only self-referential symbolic practices like reading, writing, counting, or image-making. The analysis of artifacts as cultural techniques emphasizes their ontological status as “in-betweens,” shifting from firstorder to second-order techniques, from the technical to the artistic, from object to sign, from the natural to the cultural, from the operational to the representational. Cultural Techniques ranges from seafaring, drafting, and eating to the production of the sign-signaldistinction in old and new media, to the reproduction of anthropological difference, to the study of trompe-l’oeils, grids, registers, and doors. Throughout, Siegert addresses fundamental questions of how ontological distinctions can be replaced by chains of operations that process those alleged ontological distinctions within the ontic. Grounding posthumanist theory both historically and technically, this book opens up a crucial dialogue between new German media theory and American postcybernetic discourses.
Metamorphic rocks are one of the three classes of rocks. Seen on a global scale they constitute the dominant material of the Earth. The understanding of the petrogenesis and significance of metamorphic of geological education. rocks is, therefore, a fundamental topic There are, of course, many different possible ways to lecture on this theme. This book addresses rock metamorphism from a relatively pragmatic view point. It has been written for the senior undergrad uate or graduate student who needs practical knowledge of how to interpret various groups of minerals found in metamorphic rocks. The book is also of interest for the non-specialist and non-petrolo gist professional who is interested in learning more about the geolo gical messages that metamorphic mineral assemblages are sending, as well as pressure and temperature conditions of formation. The book is organized into two parts. The first part introduces the different types of metamorphism, defines some names, terms and graphs used to describe metamorphic rocks, and discusses principal aspects of metamorphic processes. Part I introduces the causes of metamorphism on various scales in time and space, and some principles of chemical reactions in rocks that accompany metamorphism, but without treating these principles in detail, and presenting the thermodynamic basis for quantitative analysis of reactions and their equilibria in metamorphism. Part I also presents concepts of metamorphic grade or intensity of metamorphism, such as the metamorphic-facies concept.
Shamanic Reiki introduces techniques that healers and Reiki practitioners can draw on to tap ancient healing wisdom. Shamanism and Reiki are, by themselves, powerful ways to heal. Together, their power multiplies, and healing methods become available that aren’t accessible if used separately. The purpose of Shamanic Reiki is to introduce you to concepts in both and provide you with detailed proven methods to enhance your own healing practices.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For a combined, one-semester, junior/senior-level course in Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology. Also useful for programs that teach Igneous Petrology and Metamorphic Petrology. Typical texts on igneous and metamorphic petrology are geared to either advanced or novice petrology students. This unique text offers comprehensive, up-to-date coverage of both igneous and metamorphic petrology in a single volume–and provides the quantitative and technical background required to critically evaluate igneous and metamorphic phenomena in a way that students at all levels can understand. The goal throughout is for students to be able to apply the techniques–and enjoy the insights of the results–rather than tinker with theory and develop everything from first principles.