This book is designed as an excellent resource text for students and professionals, providing an in-depth overview of the theory and applications of downhole microseismic monitoring of hydraulic fracturing. The readers will benefit greatly from the detailed explanation on the processes and workflows involved in the acquisition design modeling, processing and interpretation of microseismic data.
Source characterization is a fundamental task of passive seismic monitoring. Spatial-temporal evolution of both, point sources and finite-fault source, provides essential information for timely seismic hazard management and advanced analysis of the seismicity in the monitored areas. In the last few decades, the rise of dense seismic arrays, increase of high-performance computing resources, and development of advanced array-based techniques lead to studies using recorded wavefields in great detail. Full waveform inversion can invert passive seismic source parameters with an iterative framework, which connects the delay-and-sum imaging technique and kernel-based inversion strategy. Moreover, emerging technologies like distributed acoustic sensing and machine learning also have great potential in advancing passive seismic imaging and source characterization. Besides, non-earthquake sources and ambient noise, as unconventional and passive sources, are also undergoing rapid development in infrastructure monitoring and subsurface imaging, due to the emergence of sensitive sensors and modern techniques like seismic interferometry.
Microseismic Imaging of Hydraulic Fracturing: Improved Engineering of Unconventional Shale Reservoirs (SEG Distinguished Instructor Series No. 17) covers the use of microseismic data to enhance engineering design of hydraulic fracturing and well completion. The book, which accompanies the 2014 SEG Distinguished Instructor Short Course, describes the design, acquisition, processing, and interpretation of an effective microseismic project. The text includes a tutorial of the basics of hydraulic fracturing, including the geologic and geomechanical factors that control fracture growth. In addition to practical issues associated with collecting and interpreting microseismic data, potential pitfalls and quality-control steps are discussed. Actual case studies are used to demonstrate engineering benefits and improved production through the use of microseismic monitoring. Providing a practical user guide for survey design, quality control, interpretation, and application of microseismic hydraulic fracture monitoring, this book will be of interest to geoscientists and engineers involved in development of unconventional reservoirs.
As the shale revolution continues in North America, unconventional resource markets are emerging on every continent. In the next eight to ten years, more than 100,000 wells and one- to two-million hydraulic fracturing stages could be executed, resulting in close to one trillion dollars in industry spending. This growth has prompted professionals ex
Takes readers on a path of discovery of rarely examined wave phenomena and their possible usage. Chapters begin by formulating a question, followed by explanations of what is exciting about it, where the mystery might lie, and what could be the potential value of answering the question.
In the past several years, some energy technologies that inject or extract fluid from the Earth, such as oil and gas development and geothermal energy development, have been found or suspected to cause seismic events, drawing heightened public attention. Although only a very small fraction of injection and extraction activities among the hundreds of thousands of energy development sites in the United States have induced seismicity at levels noticeable to the public, understanding the potential for inducing felt seismic events and for limiting their occurrence and impacts is desirable for state and federal agencies, industry, and the public at large. To better understand, limit, and respond to induced seismic events, work is needed to build robust prediction models, to assess potential hazards, and to help relevant agencies coordinate to address them. Induced Seismicity Potential in Energy Technologies identifies gaps in knowledge and research needed to advance the understanding of induced seismicity; identify gaps in induced seismic hazard assessment methodologies and the research to close those gaps; and assess options for steps toward best practices with regard to energy development and induced seismicity potential.
Issues in Fossil Fuel Energy Technologies / 2013 Edition is a ScholarlyEditions™ book that delivers timely, authoritative, and comprehensive information about Oil and Gas Research. The editors have built Issues in Fossil Fuel Energy Technologies: 2013 Edition on the vast information databases of ScholarlyNews.™ You can expect the information about Oil and Gas Research in this book to be deeper than what you can access anywhere else, as well as consistently reliable, authoritative, informed, and relevant. The content of Issues in Fossil Fuel Energy Technologies: 2013 Edition has been produced by the world’s leading scientists, engineers, analysts, research institutions, and companies. All of the content is from peer-reviewed sources, and all of it is written, assembled, and edited by the editors at ScholarlyEditions™ and available exclusively from us. You now have a source you can cite with authority, confidence, and credibility. More information is available at
The superior goal of the gebo research association was making important contributions for the future reliable drilling under the existing “hot-hard-rock” conditions in Niedersachsen and their development to the geothermal drillings with sustainable geological subsurface heat exchangers. This goal should be achieved due to the solid research and innovative technology approaches in their combination within one concept for pioneering methods in deep geothermal drillings in hard rock, to be more exact - in interdisciplinary cooperation on engineers and scientists - in cooperation between industry and University, researchers and users Gebo research association comprised scientists and technicians of different research institutions and universities who are working in 33 projects. The individual projects were assigned to one of the 4 main research fields or focus areas. Gebo research association started its activities with 7 project partners participating: - Technische Universität Braunschweig (TUBS) - Technische Universität Clausthal (TUC) - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH) - Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (UGOE) - Leibniz-Institut für Angewandte Geophysik (LIAG) - Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) - Energie-Forschungszentrum Niedersachsen (EFZN) Baker Hughes, an industrial partner, participated in the association and supplies it with its experience and additional funds.