Working on cars has always been a great hobby. A combination of horsepower and sleek performance, tuner cars are a thrill to drive. Kids will learn how tuner car owners tweak the engine, body, and accessories of their vehicles to make for one cool ride.
Popular Mechanics inspires, instructs and influences readers to help them master the modern world. Whether it’s practical DIY home-improvement tips, gadgets and digital technology, information on the newest cars or the latest breakthroughs in science -- PM is the ultimate guide to our high-tech lifestyle.
Tuning engines can be a mysterious art, all engines need a precise balance of fuel, air, and timing in order to reach their true performance potential. Engine Management: Advanced Tuning takes engine-tuning techniques to the next level, explaining how the EFI system determines engine operation and how the calibrator can change the controlling parameters to optimize actual engine performance. It is the most advanced book on the market, a must-have for tuners and calibrators and a valuable resource for anyone who wants to make horsepower with a fuel-injected, electronically controlled engine.
Street Cred explores the changing fashion trends in customized cars, from oversized tires and shiny rims to stereo systems loud enough to shatter windows!
People customize their cars to look cool, go fast or both. To their owners, custom cars are more than just vehicles. They are a hobby, a passion, even a way of life. From high-powered hot rods and street rods, to fast and colorful tuner cars, each type of custom has a unique culture and community surrounding it. That's because car lovers like nothing better than to hang out together and share their love of cars. In this book, you will learn about everything from cool classic customs to the hottest new custom machines, the names of some of the most famous car customizers, and where car lovers gather to show off their machines. Photographs by Chuck Vranas.