Offers sudoku in a new shape. Instead of squares, this work offers these puzzles in triangles, all colour-coded to indicate special spaces where numbers can't repeat and where new rules of play come into action.
The Gathering 4 Gardner is a biannual conference founded—and for many years organized—by Tom Rodgers to celebrate the spirit of Martin Gardner. While primarily concerned with recreational mathematics, most of Gardner's intellectual interests are featured, including magic, literature, philosophy, puzzles, art, and rationality. Gardner's writing inspired several generations of mathematicians by introducing us to the joy of discovery and exploration, and the Gathering's aim is to continue that tradition of inspiration. This volume, a tribute to Rodgers and Gardner, consists of papers originally presented at the Gathering 4 Gardner meetings. Recreational mathematics is strongly prominent with contributions from Neil Sloane, Richard Guy, Solomon Golomb, Barry Cipra, Erik Demaine, and many others. There are games and puzzles, including new Nim-like games, chess puzzles, coin weighings, coin flippings, and contributions that combine art and puzzles or magic and puzzles. Two historical articles present the stories of combinatorial game theory and the search for God's number for Rubik's Cube. Anyone who finds pleasure in clever and intriguing intellectual puzzles will find much to enjoy in Barrycades and Septoku.
Historical novel, written in Esperanto, about the culture, daily life, diplomacy, and wars of the Huns during the 3rd century B.C.E. -- Dua duono de la 3-a jarcento aK.: Imperiestro Qin Shi Huangdi, regho de Qin, lanchas siajn armeojn kontrau' la najbaraj reghlandoj. En 256 la reghlando Zhou estas okupita; en 230 la reghlando Han; en 228, la Zhao; en 225 venis la vico de Wei. La maljuna regho de Wei devigas sian filon Chan, la chef-komandanton de la armeoj de Wei, al akcepto de senespera fronta batalo. Post la malvenko, la princo Chan fughas kun sia huna kavalerio en Chu-landon. Post malvenko en Chu, en 223, la kavalerio de la Princo dau'rigas la rezistadon en Yan, kiu falas post unujara batalado. Du jarojn poste la tuta Chinio apartenas al la Qin. La princo Chan sin kashas, dum sep jaroj, en taoisma monakejo meze de neatingeblaj montaroj. Sed farighi taoisma saghulo ne estis lia destino; li ne kapablas submetighi al la malamata Qin. Li decidas forlasi la chinan teron kaj komenci novan vivon che la hunoj. "La Princo che la hunoj" estas la rakonto pri la hunigho de china aristokrato, pri malfacila adaptigho de talenta individuo al alia civilizo, al aliaj homoj, moroj, gustoj kaj odoroj.